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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 01.16.00
    5fb8d2f2 · updated the release notes ·
    Feature tag 01.16.00
    - DeviceAccess 01.00.04
      -- New exception scheme
         IMPORTANT: Backend developers *must* neccessarily update their code! No backend must throw its own exceptions. Only the two new exceptions may be thrown!
      -- Introduce the ChimeraTK device descriptor, which replaces the SDM URI (e.g. in the dmap files)
      -- Changed project name into ChimeraTK-DeviceAccess (with compatibility layer)
      -- Fully changed mtca4u namespace into ChimeraTK (with compatibility layer)
      -- Integrated the TimeStamp into the VersionNumber object
      -- Improved detection of broken backend plugins
      -- Logical name mapper backend supports arrays and single bits in registers
      -- Deprecated parts of the API. C++ compiler warnings have been added. The deprecates
         parts will be removed soon.
    - ControlSystemAdapter 01.00.00
      -- TimeStamp has been integrated into the VersionNumber of DeviceAccess. TimeStampSource etc. has therefore been removed.
    - Application Core 01.00.00
      -- Include descriptions of the owning Module in the descriptions of each process variable
      -- Make data decimation configurable in MicroDAQ module
      -- Add module for creating a server based history
      -- Add message buffer for early messages in logging module
         (all changes from 00.15.00 while 01.00.00 is adapting to changes in DeviceAccess 01.00 only)
    - Updates due to the API deprecations and change of the project name in DeviceAccess without
      new features in the dependent project:
      -- QtHardMon 01.01.00
      -- MotorDriverCard 01.07.00
      -- CommandLineTools 00.13.00
      -- DeviceAccess-PythonBindings 01.02.00
      -- VirtualLab 00.07
         NOTE: This release is slightly incompatible and might require you to update your code! See VirtualLab release notes!
  • 01.15.01
    Bugfix tag 01.15.01
    - Added cppext 01.01.00 which was missing (needed for DeviceAccess etc.)
  • 01.15.00
    New tag 01.15.00
    - General
      -- Compiler flags changed to latest supported by compiler (C++14 or C++17).
         You might have to adapt your (C)Make files.
      -- Core libraries (DeviceAccess, ApplicatonCore, ControlSystemAdapter) should
         work on MacOS. Not tested in Jenkins yet, might break. Let is know if you have problems.
    - DeviceAccess 00.33.00
      -- Major bug fixes and changes in the internal and external interface (incl. namespace change) sice DeviceAccess 00.28.00.
         See release logs for Deviceaccess for details.
    - QtHardMon 01.00.02
      -- Completely re-worked to conceptually work with non-numerically addressed
         backends and other new backend types like SubDeviceBackend
    - MotorDriverCard 01.04.00
    - ControlSystemAdapter 00.14.00
      -- Adapted to the changes in DeviceAccess
      -- Many bug fixes
      -- Imporoved tests
    - ControlSystemAdapter-OPC-UA-Adapter 01.05.01
      -- add new processVariable type "string", available as scalar (no array support yet)
    - ApplicationCore 00.14.00
      -- Added tag "MicroDAQ.CONFIG" to all configuration variables, to make it easier to publish only them into the control system
      -- Necessary update for latest release of DeviceAccess (readAsync)
      -- Üroperly specify the AccessModeFlag for control system variables (wait_for_new_data for push-type variables)
      -- add DataLossCounter ApplicationModule to detect and observe internal data loss (e.g. due to CPU overloading)
      -- add Logging ApplicationModule for realising an application log
      -- several bug fixes
  • 01.14.00
    5a293a4a · updated the release notes ·
    New tag 01.14.00
    - DeviceAccess 00.28.00
      Most important changes since 00.20.00
      -- Changed name and signature of the backend identifier function to plain C
      -- Fixed point converter knows the variable name (interface change in constructor)
      -- Changed the return value of the pure virtual TransferElement::write() to bool
      -- Added readLatest() function to the accessors
      -- Several changes in the internal backend interface which break compatibility for backends which are
         not based on the NumericalAddressedBackend
    - MotorDriverCard 01.02.01
      Major version increased: New Interface
      -- Non-blocking interface with internal state machine
      -- Current position and target positon not reset when instantiation a class,
         but read back from hardware (also for the old interface)
      -- Full step mode: Move in microsteps, but always end on a full step
      -- Disable always moves to a full step, calibration is kept
      -- New translateXX functions which also change the sw/hw limits (in contrast to
          setCurrentPosition) to keep the calibration
      -- Old interface still intact, library backward compatible
    - mtca4uPy 01.01.01
      -- Api supports register paths
    - VirtualLab 00.06.00
    New packages in this tag:
    - ControlSystemAdapter 00.10.00
    - OPC-UA-Adapter 01.04.01
    - ApplicationCore 00.10.00
  • 01.13.00
    New tag 01.13.00
    - DeviceAccess 00.20.00
      -- Basically a bug fix for 00.19.01:
         Removed leftover debug output in the ReboT backed which would fill up server logs.
         A variable was removed and it is not tested if this is binray compatible. Hence the minor version has been increased.
  • 01.12.00
    65a7bfdc · prepared version 01.12.00 ·
    New tag 01.12.00
    - DeviceAccess 00.19.00
      -- Backends can be loaded via dmap file.
         !!! The signature of the backend plugin mechanism has changed! Existing backends have to be adapted.
      -- RebotBackeds sends heartbeat so the server does not hang up idle connections.
      -- Experimental feature: readAny()
      -- New mechanism for experimental features. Have to be activated in the using code.
         Experimental features are work in progress, the signature subject to change.
    - MotorDriverCard 00.14.00
      -- Introduced retry of spi communication after timeout to work around a firmware bug.
      -- Improved handling of soft limits (in 00.13.00)
      -- Internally all calculations are done in steps, which makes behaviour more consistent (in 00.13.00)
      -- Interface extended to also get/set the position in steps, not only in converted values (in 00.13.00)
    - VirtualLab 00.05.00
      -- Inherited new plugin registration syntax from DeviceAccess.
         Change in interface, but no new functionality in VirtualLab itself.
    Adapted to DeviceAccess 00.19.00:
    - mtca4uPy_VERSION 00.09.01
  • 01.11.00
    New tag 01.11.00
    - MotorDriverCard-PythonBindings 00.03.02
      -- NEW SUB-PACKAGE: Python bindings for the stepper motor library
    - DeviceAccess 00.18.00
      -- Extended TransferElement to have the functionality required for
         the ControlSystem adapter
      -- Backend factory remenbers all created backends and gives out
         the same instance. Backends now have to be thread safe.
    Bug Fixes: Compilation and packaging issues. No changes to the behaviour.
    - QtHardMon 00.18.01
    - CommandLineTools 00.12.00
    - mtca4uPy 00.09.00
    - VirtualLab 00.04.01
  • 01.10.00
    New tag 01.10.00
    - DeviceAccess 00.17.01
      -- Added isOpenend() function to Device
      -- Allow 0 significant bits (for features disabled in firmware)
      -- Allow partial access to 2D registers
      -- Fixed merging of transfers of adjecent registera in a TransferGroup
      -- Deleted default= operators of the DummyRegisterAccessors which may be confusing
      -- Multi word write support for Rebot backend
    - QtHardMon 00.18.00
    - MotorDriverCard 00.12.03
      -- Improved the default value for the chopperControlData
    - VirtualLab 00.04.00
      -- renamed the project from mtca4uVirtualLab into mtca4u-VirtualLab to comply with
         the convention defined by the other ChimeraTK projects
      -- added experimental feature to interpolate between states (needs to be enabled by
         defining ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES in the depending project)
  • 01.09.03
    cf5d5bed · prepared next tag ·
    Bugfix tag 01.09.03
    - Removed version dependencies for the mtca4u meta packages.
      No changes to the dependent packages.
  • 01.09.02
    31d184d1 · prepared 01.09.02 ·
    Bugfix tag 01.09.02
    - QtHardMon 00.17.07
    -- Fixed linker problem
  • 01.09.01
    d685ead8 · preparing tag 01.09.01 ·
    Bugfix tag 01.09.01
    Fix for debian packaging: Overriding the build type, which is set to 'None'
    - DeviceAccess 00.15.01
    - MotorDriverCard 00.12.01
    - QtHardMon 00.17.06
    - CommandLineTools 00.11.02
    - mtca4uPy 00.08.02
    - mtca4uVirtualLab 00.03.05
  • 01.09.00
    2ce8176b · prepared release 01.09.00 ·
    New tag 01.09.00
    All packages now use "Release" as default build type.
    - DeviceAccess 00.15.00
    -- Performance optimisation in raw mode for accessors:
       Do not invoke FixedPointConverter but swap the data
    - MotorDriverCard 00.12.00
    -- Switched on effc++ and got rid of all warnings this caused.
       It resulted in some minor, but not ABI compatible changes.
    - QtHardMon 00.17.05
    - CommandLineTools 00.11.01
    - mtca4uPy 00.08.01
    - mtca4uVirtualLab 00.03.04
  • 01.08.00
    New tag 01.08.00
    - DeviceAccess 00.13.00
      --Transfer groups can combine accessors on the hardware transport layer
        (for instance adjacent addresses in numerically addressed backends)
        and transfer them together.
  • 01.07.02
    - DeviceAccess 00.12.04
      -- Fixed calculation of number of sequences and offset error in DummyMultiplexedRegisterAccessor
         Resolves bug #2394
  • 01.07.01
    8a1deeb6 · updated release notes ·
    Bugfix tag 01.07.01
    MotorDriverCard 00.11.07
    - Fixed bug in debian packaging script
  • 01.07.00
    New tag "01.07.00"
    - ChimeraTK-installer 01.07.00
      -- Changed to use github instead of the DESY svn server
    - DeviceAccess 00.12.00
      -- Map files can be specified in the SDM URI
      -- FixedPointConverter is throwing device exception instead of std::invalid_argument
      -- CMake variable names Findmtca4u-deviceaccess.cmake have changed. They are now consistent across projects.
    - CommandLineTools 00.11.00
      -- Reading and writing now works using the sdm URI as device name without dmap file
      -- Reading and writing now works without map file for numerically addressed backends (PCI, dummy, ReboT)
      -- Reading 0 elements reads the whole register, which allows to turn on raw/hex mode without knowing the size of the register
    - MotorDriverCard 00.11.06
        - Improved asynchronous interface by introducing StepperMotor::isMoving
        - The project name in CMake has changed from MotorDriverCard to mtca4u-MotorDriverCard for
          consitency with other projects (coming from the project-template). Use the new
          name when searching for the library.
    - VirtualLab  00.03.03
      -- New minor version because the variable names have changed in Findmtca4uVirtualLab.cmake.
         They now follow a consistent scheme across projects thanks to a common template.
         No changes to the library itself.
    - DeviceAccess-PythonBindings 00.08.00
    - QtHardMon 00.17.04
  • 01.06.00
    aa7b1fff · New tag 01.06.00 ·
  • 01.05.00
    33410226 · New tag 01.05.00 ·
  • 01.04.00
    874204a3 · New tag 01.04.00: ·
  • 01.03.00
    b3e35591 · New tag 01.03.00 ·