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New tag 01.14.00

- DeviceAccess 00.28.00
  Most important changes since 00.20.00
  -- Changed name and signature of the backend identifier function to plain C
  -- Fixed point converter knows the variable name (interface change in constructor)
  -- Changed the return value of the pure virtual TransferElement::write() to bool
  -- Added readLatest() function to the accessors
  -- Several changes in the internal backend interface which break compatibility for backends which are
     not based on the NumericalAddressedBackend

- MotorDriverCard 01.02.01
  Major version increased: New Interface
  -- Non-blocking interface with internal state machine
  -- Current position and target positon not reset when instantiation a class,
     but read back from hardware (also for the old interface)
  -- Full step mode: Move in microsteps, but always end on a full step
  -- Disable always moves to a full step, calibration is kept
  -- New translateXX functions which also change the sw/hw limits (in contrast to
      setCurrentPosition) to keep the calibration
  -- Old interface still intact, library backward compatible

- mtca4uPy 01.01.01
  -- Api supports register paths

- VirtualLab 00.06.00

New packages in this tag:
- ControlSystemAdapter 00.10.00
- OPC-UA-Adapter 01.04.01
- ApplicationCore 00.10.00