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New tag 01.10.00

- DeviceAccess 00.17.01
  -- Added isOpenend() function to Device
  -- Allow 0 significant bits (for features disabled in firmware)
  -- Allow partial access to 2D registers
  -- Fixed merging of transfers of adjecent registera in a TransferGroup
  -- Deleted default= operators of the DummyRegisterAccessors which may be confusing
  -- Multi word write support for Rebot backend

- QtHardMon 00.18.00

- MotorDriverCard 00.12.03
  -- Improved the default value for the chopperControlData

- VirtualLab 00.04.00
  -- renamed the project from mtca4uVirtualLab into mtca4u-VirtualLab to comply with
     the convention defined by the other ChimeraTK projects
  -- added experimental feature to interpolate between states (needs to be enabled by
     defining ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES in the depending project)