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New tag 01.12.00

- DeviceAccess 00.19.00
  -- Backends can be loaded via dmap file.
     !!! The signature of the backend plugin mechanism has changed! Existing backends have to be adapted.
  -- RebotBackeds sends heartbeat so the server does not hang up idle connections.
  -- Experimental feature: readAny()
  -- New mechanism for experimental features. Have to be activated in the using code.
     Experimental features are work in progress, the signature subject to change.

- MotorDriverCard 00.14.00
  -- Introduced retry of spi communication after timeout to work around a firmware bug.
  -- Improved handling of soft limits (in 00.13.00)
  -- Internally all calculations are done in steps, which makes behaviour more consistent (in 00.13.00)
  -- Interface extended to also get/set the position in steps, not only in converted values (in 00.13.00)

- VirtualLab 00.05.00
  -- Inherited new plugin registration syntax from DeviceAccess.
     Change in interface, but no new functionality in VirtualLab itself.

Adapted to DeviceAccess 00.19.00:
- mtca4uPy_VERSION 00.09.01