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Feature tag 01.16.00

- DeviceAccess 01.00.04
  -- New exception scheme
     IMPORTANT: Backend developers *must* neccessarily update their code! No backend must throw its own exceptions. Only the two new exceptions may be thrown!
  -- Introduce the ChimeraTK device descriptor, which replaces the SDM URI (e.g. in the dmap files)
  -- Changed project name into ChimeraTK-DeviceAccess (with compatibility layer)
  -- Fully changed mtca4u namespace into ChimeraTK (with compatibility layer)
  -- Integrated the TimeStamp into the VersionNumber object
  -- Improved detection of broken backend plugins
  -- Logical name mapper backend supports arrays and single bits in registers
  -- Deprecated parts of the API. C++ compiler warnings have been added. The deprecates
     parts will be removed soon.

- ControlSystemAdapter 01.00.00
  -- TimeStamp has been integrated into the VersionNumber of DeviceAccess. TimeStampSource etc. has therefore been removed.

- Application Core 01.00.00
  -- Include descriptions of the owning Module in the descriptions of each process variable
  -- Make data decimation configurable in MicroDAQ module
  -- Add module for creating a server based history
  -- Add message buffer for early messages in logging module
     (all changes from 00.15.00 while 01.00.00 is adapting to changes in DeviceAccess 01.00 only)

- Updates due to the API deprecations and change of the project name in DeviceAccess without
  new features in the dependent project:
  -- QtHardMon 01.01.00
  -- MotorDriverCard 01.07.00
  -- CommandLineTools 00.13.00
  -- DeviceAccess-PythonBindings 01.02.00
  -- VirtualLab 00.07
     NOTE: This release is slightly incompatible and might require you to update your code! See VirtualLab release notes!