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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 01.06.02
    93725b2b · inc version ·
    New PATCH release 01.06.02
    Changes since 01.06.01:
    * mp source for image pre-processing module
      to reduce data loss in DoocsAdapter via config
    * move noise calc to BunchDetection module
  • 01.06.01
    New PATCH release 01.06.01
    Changes since 01.06.00:
    * bugfixes in BunchTiming module, was crashing
  • 01.06.00
    7b621803 · update config ·
    New MINOR release 01.06.00
    Changes since 01.05.02:
    * use ExtenededSpectrum
      for standard properties .SAi,.DUD,.ALL
    * feat: filter by bunch pattern, if requested by operator
    * fix: detectionSensitivy when using line subsets
    * remove SPLIT_SAMETIME
      SPLIT should already imply each line pair belongs to same time
    * feat: data loss warning
      via status output.
      CPU overload in image processing (e.g. too many image lines) can cause data loss.
      A warning about it may help identify the cause.
  • 01.05.02
    New PATCH release 01.05.02
    Changes since 01.05.01:
    * fix: noise level calculation
      in case of EVEN/ODD line subset, was taking wrong lines
    * fix: output image line counting
      first output signal was wrong in case subset=EVEN and BUNCHES.start=odd
  • 01.05.01
    New PATCH release 01.05.01
    Changes since 01.05.00:
    * fix: write back setpoint DET.lineFreqMult
      we require that 'restore good timings' returns a consistent state of operation setpoints
    * fix: rearrange noise level outputs
      problem was, in control panel for SELECTED_LINE, we did not get meaningful output for
       deviationOfNoise. Fixed it by introducing new  output property.
    * fix: noise calculation
      if selected line subset=EVEN/ODD/SPLIT, mean was calculated incorrectly
    * fix: output images need to be initialzed to zero first
      since not always completely written
    * fix: recent bug in time calibration
      we cannot assume that input data is sorted
  • 01.05.00
    98e73ec4 · fix HistoryGroup usage ·
    New MINOR release 01.05.00
    Changes since 01.04.00:
      * feat: background as moving avg
      * change SELECTED_LINE meaning
        it is now before duplication of detector freq
      * rename config to default name
      * add prop: beam region selection for MEAN
      * feat: image splitting into EVEN,ODD
        this comes with some new properties for signal 2
      * feat: set Kalypso line frequency from eod_server
        for double detector freq
      * feat: aggregated global status
      * improve stability of timing drift feedback
        we must ensure spuriously detected bunches from pure noise signal do not lead to applied timing corrections
      * improve: moving average calculation
        track time axis and use linear interpolation, since time axis can change for various reasons
      * improve: only allow laser delay change if RF locked
         this is a limitation of the laser_lock_server.
         We must check state in order not to corrupt consistency of our setpoints
      * improve calibration procedure: sort out values not in time range
      * improve calibaration procedure
        apply fit function to laserDelay=f(bunch center pixel coord) instead of
        laserDelay=f(measured bunch center time).
        The previous approach had the problem that a bad calibration that was in
        effect, could not always be corrected by re-calibration
  • 01.04.00
    3a6d761b · minor renamings ·
    New MINOR release 01.04.00
    Changes since 01.03.07:
    * improvement: apply calib should not discard visible scan data
       like that quality of applied calibration function becomes transparent to operators
    * fix: debug messages for data loss
    * feat: timing drift feedback
  • 01.03.07
    New PATCH release 01.03.07
    Changes since 01.03.06:
    * fix: array sizes in BunchTiming
    * feat: x2timer sync with bunchesStartTimeIndex
      in order to conveniently select odd bunches
  • 01.03.06
    b2be43e4 · fix: R^2 calculation ·
    New PATCH release 01.03.06
    Changes since 01.03.05:
    * fix: R^2 calculation
  • 01.03.05
    New PATCH release 01.03.05
    Changes since 01.03.04:
    * feat in EodScan: user given range cut
      for time axis fit
      This is needed because currently server cannot decide whether bunch
      peaks are from actual bunches or from wake fields
  • 01.03.04
    83e8f2db · fixup ·
    New PATCH release 01.03.04
    Changes since 01.03.03:
  • 01.03.03
    4377c0e9 · reduce linter warnings ·
    New PATCH release 01.03.03
    Changes since 01.03.02:
    x2timer settings: avoid adding up of rounding errors
  • 01.03.02
    New PATCH release 01.03.02
    Changes since 01.03.01:
    * add less important bunch metrics in time domain
    * improve: EodScan should disard invalid data
    * improve BunchDetection output
      set 'bunchPeakDetected' true only if we actually detected peak of non-zero width
  • 01.03.01
    New PATCH release 01.03.01
    Changes since 01.03.00:
    * fix: avoid crash due to empty or constant time axis segment
  • 01.03.00
    New MINOR release 01.03.00
    Changes since 01.02.01:
    EOD scan
    * improve: let EodScan explicity check that image present
    * feat: auto fine scan
      allows automatic redution of step size if EO signal was detected
    * fix: exclude forbidden x2timer delay range
    Bunch detection
    * improve: if EO signal not detected, do not output bunch metrics
    * improvement: evaluate R^2 of fit
      sometimes fit does not match at all, e.g. when we try to fit bunch
      shape at edge and need to make assumption about unchanged bunch width.
      Bad fit model can be detected by R^2 < 0. Make use of this check and do
      not output fit line then, in order not to confuse.
    * fix: skewSimple metric was covered by numerical noise
    * feat: allow setting expected peak sign
    Bunch timing
    * fix: flash destination filtering
    * fix: allow correlation with 'odd' timing samples
      startTimeIndex user input should allow capturing odd-time bunches,
      if x2timer triggers configured for that
  • 01.02.01
    New PATCH release 01.02.01
    Changes since 01.02.00:
    * calculate tFirstLineUs automatically
         - before tFirstLineUs was setpoint
         - now, we assume BUNCHES.start + offset is set to point on first electron bunch
         - usually, offset=0, but can set by user
    * EodScan: optimize setLaserTime
         first update x2timer setpoints first,
         then laser_lock setpoints,
         then wait at least once, on next macro pulse, until settings accepted
         this scheme is more predictable and faster than previous one.
    * fix: noise level in BunchDetection
  • 01.02.00
    New MINOR release 01.02.00
    * new feature: EodScan
  • 01.01.04
    6366e9cb · fixup ·
    New PATCH release 01.01.04
  • 01.01.03
    New PATCH release 01.01.03
    *  do not mask bad pixels in raw data
       was decided in order to let operator see reason/correctness
    * more consistent handling of bad pixel values
      should improve statistics outputs which currently suffer from NaN values
  • 01.01.02
    38423ad5 · update patch ·
    New PATCH release 01.01.02
    * feat: allow disabling of bunch signal processing via config
    * minor improvement for bad values
      avoid NaN; instead use 0 in running statistics.
      Contrary to NaN, it does not destroy the series but it's a compromise as well.
    * enable/disable for advanced EO features
         currently this is
          - EOD timing scan and readback of timing settings
          - communication with laser lock and motor sps for EO system supervision
         This should be disabled if server should only read out Kalypso images.
    * fix : moving average reset button
    * feat: moving average for selected line
    * feat: fit also bunch profiles when bunch is at line edge
       assuming bunch width is same as previous fit.
    * feat: turn off FFT if fBandStopWidth=0
    * fix: use clamp to correct frequency range to allowed
    * redefine debugLevel -> logLevel