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New MINOR release 01.03.00

Changes since 01.02.01:
EOD scan
* improve: let EodScan explicity check that image present
* feat: auto fine scan
  allows automatic redution of step size if EO signal was detected
* fix: exclude forbidden x2timer delay range

Bunch detection
* improve: if EO signal not detected, do not output bunch metrics
* improvement: evaluate R^2 of fit
  sometimes fit does not match at all, e.g. when we try to fit bunch
  shape at edge and need to make assumption about unchanged bunch width.
  Bad fit model can be detected by R^2 < 0. Make use of this check and do
  not output fit line then, in order not to confuse.
* fix: skewSimple metric was covered by numerical noise
* feat: allow setting expected peak sign

Bunch timing
* fix: flash destination filtering
* fix: allow correlation with 'odd' timing samples
  startTimeIndex user input should allow capturing odd-time bunches,
  if x2timer triggers configured for that