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New PATCH release 01.01.02
* feat: allow disabling of bunch signal processing via config
* minor improvement for bad values
  avoid NaN; instead use 0 in running statistics.
  Contrary to NaN, it does not destroy the series but it's a compromise as well.
* enable/disable for advanced EO features
     currently this is
      - EOD timing scan and readback of timing settings
      - communication with laser lock and motor sps for EO system supervision

     This should be disabled if server should only read out Kalypso images.
* fix : moving average reset button
* feat: moving average for selected line
* feat: fit also bunch profiles when bunch is at line edge
   assuming bunch width is same as previous fit.
* feat: turn off FFT if fBandStopWidth=0
* fix: use clamp to correct frequency range to allowed
* redefine debugLevel -> logLevel