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  • 02.05.01
    New PATCH release 02.05.01
    Changes since 02.05.00:
    - fixed no longer linking against the OPC-UA-Adapter library if chosen
  • 02.05.00
    New MINOR release 02.05.00
    Changes since 02.04.08:
    - Updated for the latest ApplicationCore changes
    - Updated dummy map file to match the latest firmware
    - added support for the firmware interlock latching feature
    - added error message for incorrect table settings as a control system variable
    - update status while ramping to new setpoint
    - CommonCalibration now only affects Forward and Probe channels
    - unified the automation states a bit:
      - ABORT and SWITCH_OFF requests unified (just calld SWITCH_OFF now)
      - RAMP_NEW_SETPOINT and RAMP_NEW_PHASE states unified (called RAMPING now)
    Bug fixes:
    - changed the sign of the sine table from -1 to +1, since in our last tests at HZDR (26.06.2017) we found out that all phases rotate in the wrong direction
    - fixed a module name not following the naming conventions (should start with a capital letter)
    Not yet working features:
    - added initialisation for DS8VM1 - but it is not yet working (work in progress)
    Build environment:
    - do not link against the doocs backend, instead load it in the dmap file
    - do not link the server library against the control system adapter implementation but the server main executable
  • 02.04.08
    76a7916f · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 02.04.08
    Changes since 02.04.07:
    - fixed issues with the RPATH resulting in an executable which did not find the server library
  • 02.04.07
    New PATCH release 02.04.07
    Changes since 02.04.06:
    - added the install directory of the library to the RPATH to make sure the installed executable finds it
    - fixed configuration for CMTBSINCAV
    - renamed the library into ${PROJECT_NAME}lib to avoid the double "liblib" at the beginning of the file name
  • 02.04.06
    New PATCH release 02.04.06
    Changes since 02.04.05:
    - added missing register required by the dummy
  • 02.04.05
    New PATCH release 02.04.05
    Changes since 02.04.04:
    - renamed the map file as required by the CMakeList.txt
  • 02.04.04
    New PATCH release 02.04.04
    Changes since 02.04.03:
    - revert removing installation of RPC_LIBNO file in case of installation into standard DOOCS directory structure
    - added config files needed for CMTB sincav
    - fixed copy&paste error for CMTB-sincav
  • 02.04.03
    New PATCH release 02.04.03
    Changes since 02.04.02:
    - added missing installation of library
  • 02.04.02
    04bf7780 · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 02.04.02
    Changes since 02.04.01:
    - do not use LD_PRELOAD to load the dummy backend to the Python initialisation script, instead use the entry in the DMAP file
    - renamed the project into just llrfserver
    - improved structure for different versions of the server (hzdr and cmtb-sincav)
  • 02.04.01
    New PATCH release 02.04.01
    Changes since 02.04.00:
    - necessary changes for latest versions of some dependencies (project names changed to include the ChimeraTK prefix)
  • 02.04.00
    097ebb22 · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 02.04.00
    Changes since 02.03.00:
    - execute initHardware python script upon server start
    - added length scale for power computation
    - improved the MicroDAQ system and connected again the Controller information
    - introduced directory structure to separate different server types and added configuration for CMTB single cavity test stand
    - added Python tool to view MicroDAQ files
  • 02.03.00
    New MINOR release 02.03.00
    Changes since 02.02.00:
    - Updated to work with new firmware
    - Added Python script for initialisation of the board
    - Allow changing the decimation factor used by the firmware when filling data into the DAQ buffers, to allow displaying a longer time trace
    - Improved power calibration by using Qloaded and shuntImpedance
    - Automation: introduced a separate value for the target error amplitude of the rampup OVC
    - Added averaged values to ADC channel information, added standard devitations for all averaged values
    - Added setpoint amplitude limit
    - Fixed wrong sign of sine in IQ sine/cosine tables, was breaking the VM offset optimisation
    - Automation: improved VM offset optimisation and fixed some bugs
    - Panels: split panels into sub-panels so they can be openend individually
    - MicroDAQ: fixed writing too many files and allow more flexible configuration
    - Added support for the output limiter
    - Automation: Fixed too fast ramps when changing setpoints in CW auto operation
  • 02.02.00
    89ea695b · fixed tests ·
    New MINOR release 02.02.00
    Changes since 02.01.01:
    - Changed variable naming scheme to follow a more standardised model
    - Added rampup automation and slow ramping between set points
    - Added VM offset calibration algorithm
    - Added interlock detection
    - Added zero phase threshold to suppress random phases at zero amplitude
    - Transformed the bitmask for the channels included in the vector sum into individual boolean variables for each channel
    - Fixed swapped I and Q in some primary dma channels (controller output and error etc.)
    - Apply correction factor for CORDIC algorighm used in firmware to compute the amplitude
    - VirtualLab: Fixed missing factor 2pi in cavity model (attached to the frequency)
    - Some preformance optimisations
    - Minor fixes and code cleaning
  • 02.01.01
    bde9174a · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 02.01.01
    Changes since 02.01.00:
    - fixed the timing for setting attenuators
  • 02.01.00
    414d2146 · fixed tests ·
    New MINOR release 02.01.00
    Changes since 02.00.00-withApplicationCore:
    - many features added, which were not yet implemented in the Appllication-Core version
    - missing features: automation etc.
  • 02.00.00-withApplicationCore
  • 01.05.00
    f4ffb6aa · increased minor version ·
    New release 01.05.00
    Changes since 01.04.02:
    * added algorithm to calibrate the vector modulator offsets with one click
    * rampup automation: added option to switch on the integral controller before ramping up the gradient
    * x-timer: removed no-longer supported direct hardware access
    * improved some error messages
    * imroved the panels
    * improved virtual timing initialisation which is used for the tests (still fails sometimes)
  • 01.04.02
    Patch release 01.04.02:
    - Additional fixes required for the latest doocs-server-test-helper library
    - Some fixes in the build environment for creating debian packages etc.
    - Added template config file (from recent test run with 1.3 GHz buncher)
  • 01.04.01
    Bugfix release 01.04.01:
    - Prevent server crashes when HDF5 exceptions are thrown
    - Fixed an error on the panel
    - Adapted name changes of VirtualLab and doocsllerfwrapper packages
    - Allow installation into /export/doocs/server/llrfctrlhzdr
  • 01.04.00
    Minor release 01.04.00:
    - Added MicroDAQ system to store almost all server information into a ringbuffer on disk (still with some hardcoded configuration which needs improvement)
    - Added an option to enter CW mode in manual operation
    - Small fixes to the build environment etc.