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  • 07.07.00
    New MINOR release 07.07.00
    Changes since 07.06.01:
    - move check for firmware matching map file to configuration (init script)
    - provide peak power values per RF region (#2901)
    - Allow to force reinitialisation of AdcBoard (#8379)
  • 07.06.01
    6a7d4f73 · increase patch level ·
    New PATCH release 07.06.01
    Changes since 07.06.00:
    - fix outputs being stuck at DataValidity::faulty in some cases
  • 07.06.00
    New MINOR release 07.06.00
    Changes since 07.05.00:
    - [#7144] OVC: add automatic FF ratio adjustment
    - [#7677] OVC: remove DELTA limits
    - [#5365] OVC: make averaging window definition more flexible
    - [#5319] aggregate various status values into overall LLRF status
    - improve error message if Controller has PCIe error (reading -1)
    - remove SynchroniseTiming script launcher (already unused for a while)
    - [#7424] Cleanup/refactor to follow modern ApplicationCore style
    - allow to connect extra devices through configuration (x2timer, peer in master/slave setup)
    - instantiate InvalidityTracer module
    - several fixes about initial value and data validity propagation
    - use new MicroDAQ envelope class to simplify its instantiation
    - fix VirtualLab dummy setup
  • 07.05.00
    New MINOR release 07.05.00
    Changes since 07.04.02:
    - AmplitudePhaseError module (for FSM): fix wrong counter logic (negative overflow)
    - AmplitudePhaseError module (for FSM): fix issues at 180 degrees
    - fix not persisting actual MIMO/SMITH parameters (see #7429)
    - fix ReferencePhaseMonitor writing permanent invalid data in multi-flattop environment
    - use MicroDAQ from separate package
    - Some code cleanup (part of #7424)
    - remove legacy and dysfunctional scripts
    - remove MicroDAQviewer in favour of ApplicationCore-MicroDAQ-Tools
  • 07.04.02
    e0a49c2b · increase patch level ·
    New PATCH release 07.04.02
    Changes since 07.04.01:
    - fix not persisting actual MIMO/SMITH parameters (see #7429)
  • 07.04.01
    New PATCH release 07.04.01
    Changes since 07.04.00:
    - fix slave controller initialisation
  • 07.04.00
    ebabd813 · increase minor version ·
    New MINOR release 07.04.00
    Changes since 07.03.04:
    - fix too fast RAW ADC DAQ sampling (#7358)
    - fix spamming log files if device init fails, publish init output to CS
  • 07.03.04
    6f0726f5 · increase patch level ·
    New PATCH release 07.03.04
    Changes since 07.03.03:
    - fix not propagating some initial values properly
  • 07.03.03
    b45d7073 · increase patch level ·
    New PATCH release 07.03.03
    Changes since 07.03.02:
    - use device initialisation handlers to initialise boards
  • 07.03.02
    fbd4ab35 · increase patch level ·
    New PATCH release 07.03.02
    Changes since 07.03.01:
    - add FastProtection module (optional)
    - filter out null-changes of flattop start times from x2timer
  • 07.03.01
    New PATCH release 07.03.01
    Changes since 07.03.00:
    - fix not catching a daqDecimation of 0 properly
  • 07.03.00
    7ffe9f51 · increase minor version ·
    New MINOR release 07.03.00
    Changes since 07.02.05:
    - Add power setpoint (#6506)
    - Fix OVC staying disabled if store reference has been set to non-zero value
    - Fix taking phase sample if amplitude+phase is not computed
    - Fix using SamplesFlattop1 instead of SamplesFlattop in case nMaxFlattops == 1
    - Several fixes for the new ChimeraTK ApplicationCore version 02.00
  • 07.02.05
    51614556 · increase patch level ·
    New PATCH release 07.02.05
    Changes since 07.02.04:
    Necessary update after ApplicationCore changes;
    - fix after recent change in ApplicationCore: writeAll() by default excludes return channels now.
    - fix tests, default values now need to be set differently
    - remove test which always fails now
  • 07.02.04
    13a41b1e · increase patch level ·
    New PATCH release 07.02.04
    Changes since 07.02.03:
    Make check for available time for flattop transitions optional.
  • 07.02.03
    a85acd05 · increment patch level ·
    New PATCH release 07.02.03
    Changes since 07.02.02:
    Compatibility note: previous installations of the server might require to manually apply the MIMO/Smith coefficients once after the server update.
    - Use control system persistence layer for ControllerCoefficients
    - add test for ControllerCoefficients module
  • 07.02.02
    02af90da · increase minor version ·
    New PATCH release 07.02.02
    Changes since 07.02.01:
    - change double to float for big arrays to improve performance
  • 07.02.01
    f535e36e · increase patch level ·
    New PATCH release 07.02.01
    Changes since 07.02.00:
    fix FirmwareSEUDetection module not being present on slave systems
  • 07.02.00
    714c7221 · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 07.02.00
    Changes since 07.01.00:
    - fixed wrong type of controller status register, needs to be unsigned since bit 31 is now also used
    - added module for SEU detection in FPGA
  • 07.01.00
    f3049082 · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 07.01.00
    Changes since 07.00.10:
    - Write pulse and beam start/stop registers, as required for BLC (see #5967).
    - Fix setpoint slopes allowing to exceed setpoint limit (#5221)
    - Protect OVC window against out-of-range values (#4247)
    - Fix not obeying the bitmaskForInhibitAlgos (#5668)
    - Added reference phase monitor (#4922)
    - Added trigger interval monitor (#5281)
    - Check phase modulation time constant to be positive (#4669)
    - Range check for phase modulation stop time (#4196)
    - Fix regression: server was not working with table lengthes other than 16384 (as e.g. at REGAE)
    - Changed format of base config by adding a module "Configuration" as a first layer
    - Added DOOCS backend to linked libraries for the XML generator, so the XML generator can run if the dmap file contains a reference to a doocs device
    - Elmininated some warnings (was using deprecated API)
    - Add new required dependency: math-util
  • 07.00.10
    New PATCH release 07.00.10
    Changes since 07.00.09:
    - fixed wrong computation for bounds checking in table generation
    - write indended pulse length to firmware, required for WORD_PULSE_LENGTH computation in firmware