// File for Belle2 slow control access with PCIe40
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
returns -1 in case of error
\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int pcie40_readfee8( int dev , int adr) {
// PCIe40
if ( ( adr <=0 ) || ( adr >= 0x7F ) ) return -1 ;
// Reset the FIFO
unsigned ret = 0 ;
ret = ecs_write( dev , SLC_BAR , SLC_WFIFO_RESET_ADD , 1 << SLC_WFIFO_RESET_BIT ) ;
if ( ret != 0 ) return -1 ;
// Fill the FIFO with the requested information
uint_64 data_word =
( 0x73 ) | ( 0x07 << 8 ) | ( adr << 16 ) | ( 0x0c << 32 ) | ( 0x08 << 40 ) ;
// (temporary : 32 bits only)
ret = ecs_write( dev , SLC_BAR , SLC_WFIFO_ADD , (int) ( data_word & 0xFFFFFFFF ) ) ;
if ( ret != 0 ) return -1 ;
// Wait for the result to come back
int i ;
for ( i=0 ; i<10 ; i++ ) {
usleep( 10 ) ; //10 ms
ret = ecs_read( dev , SLC_BAR , SLC_RFIFO_STATUS ) ;
if ( ret == 0x11 ) break;
if (i == 10) return -ETIME;
// Read the value
ret = ecs_read( dev , SLC_BAR , SLC_RFIFO_ADD );
return ret;