- Mar 04, 2020
Cedric CAFFY authored
- Mar 02, 2020
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Corrected helgrind errors by adding mutexes for multithread access to RecallReportPacker attributes.
Cedric CAFFY authored
If the disk threads are not finished after the TapeReadSingleThread finished, the status of the drive will be "DrainingToDisk" This removed a RecallReportPacker exception when trying to release disk space reservation for backpressure
Cedric CAFFY authored
In DriveState::addDiskSpaceReservation and substractDiskSpaceReservation, use a reference to the mutable_disk_space_reservations item
- Feb 26, 2020
Julien Leduc authored
upgrading to eos 4.7.0-20200221155245git994c2f1 that adds eosreports for failed transfers and fix xrootd query prepare on_tape bug
- Feb 21, 2020
- Feb 19, 2020
Julien Leduc authored
Julien Leduc authored
Julien Leduc authored
- Feb 18, 2020
Cedric CAFFY authored
Added UNIQUE constraint on STORAGE_CLASS_NAME and removed the the UNIQUE constraint on DISK_INSTANCE_NAME and STORAGE_CLASS_NAME
- Feb 13, 2020
Julien Leduc authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Michael Davis authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Tape session finished message now tells if the tape has been mounted or not via the boolean wasTapeMounted
Cedric CAFFY authored
If the RecallTaskInjector had to do RAO query that takes too much time, the TapeReadSingleThread could start its infinite loop with no Recall task in it, this would cause the stopping of the RecallTaskInjector. Thus, even if there are Retrieve jobs in the queue, as the RecallTaskInjector is stopped, the TapeReadSingleThread will not be feed with Read tasks and will terminate. The remaining jobs in the queue will trigger a new mount
- Feb 12, 2020
Julien Leduc authored
- Feb 11, 2020
Michael Davis authored
- Feb 10, 2020
Steven Murray authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
cta-catalogue-schema-verify ignores the migration-related tables (ERR$_TAPE_FILE and TEMP_REMOVE_CASTOR_METADATA)
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
Added the enty in the cta.spec.in
Cedric CAFFY authored
Added Statistics Schema + CppSchemaStatementsReader to compare the statistics database against its schema
Cedric CAFFY authored
Adapted SchemaChecker to be compatible with cta-statistics database
Cedric CAFFY authored
Cedric CAFFY authored
The frontend will log an error message in the cta-frontend.log file if the catalogue MAJOR schema version number mismatch and rethrow the exception to the XrdSsiCtaServiceProvider
Cedric CAFFY authored
- Feb 06, 2020
Michael Davis authored
- Jan 30, 2020
Michael Davis authored
cta.archivefile.max_size_gb 1000 Specifies maximum file size that the CTA Frontend will accept to queue for archival. Defaults to 2 TB and can be configured in in increments of 1 GB.
- Jan 29, 2020
Cedric CAFFY authored
Revert "Scheduler getNextMount() does not return an ArchiveForRepack mount on a tape that is being repacked." This reverts commit d6f97e34.
Cedric CAFFY authored
Scheduler getNextMount() does not return an ArchiveForRepack mount on a tape that is being repacked. Scenario: The operator launches a Repack Request in a tape V01001 (full) During the expansion, he sets the full flag to false. The tape could be mounted for Archival. Worse, the tape could repack in itself ! This is not possible anymore.