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Commit b6ba77c6 authored by Jens Georg's avatar Jens Georg Committed by Martin Christoph Hierholzer
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chore: Remove obsolete setup code

parent 5a3f8e59
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......@@ -27,48 +27,14 @@ if [ "$DISTRIB_ID" = "Ubuntu" -o "$DISTRIB_ID" = "Debian" ]; then
apt-get install -y gcc-arm-none-eabi
# for ChimeraTK core libraries:
apt-get install -y libboost-all-dev libxml++2.6-dev
# for DOOCS:
apt-get install -y libldap2-dev libzmq3-dev rpcbind
# for EPICS:
apt-get install -y libreadline-dev
# for QtHardMon:
apt-get install -y libqt4-dev qtbase5-dev
# for Python bindings:
apt-get install -y python2.7-dev python-numpy python3-dev python3-numpy
# for python testing
apt-get install -y python-pytest
# for converting pytest results to xUnit
apt-get install -y xsltproc
# for Matlab:
apt-get install -y libxmu6 csh libxrandr2
# for the FirmwareProgrammer
apt-get install -y libncurses5-dev
# for projects which use dot graphs in doxygen
apt-get install -y graphviz
# clang
apt-get install -y clang clang-tools clang-format-6.0
# for llrfctrl
apt-get install -y libhdf5-dev liblua5.2-dev
# NFS for the shared workspace
apt-get install -y nfs-common
# Python Sphinx for documentation of python bindings
apt-get install -y python-sphinx python3-sphinx
# for doocs-bam-server:
apt-get install -y libgsl-dev
# for the doocs-psm-ctrl-server
apt-get install -y libssl-dev
# for the amtfdbaccess library
apt-get install -y libpqxx-dev
# for the amtf_piezoacscan server
apt-get install -y libfftw3-dev
# NTP demon to prevent clock drifts
apt-get install -y openntpd ntpdate
# subversion e.g. for the llrfCtrl_config script (checking out the backup)
apt-get install -y subversion
# PIP for cw_llrf_scripts_utils
apt-get install -y python3-pip
# for config generator
apt-get install -y python3-mako
# linux kernel headers on Debian
if [ "$DISTRIB_ID" = "Debian" ]; then
apt-get install -y linux-headers-amd64
......@@ -81,139 +47,6 @@ if [ "$DISTRIB_ID" = "Ubuntu" -o "$DISTRIB_ID" = "Debian" ]; then
# clean up old packages
apt-get autoremove -y
elif [ "$DISTRIB_ID" = "openSUSE project" -o "$DISTRIB_ID" = "openSUSE Leap" -o "$DISTRIB_ID" = "openSUSE Tumbleweed" -o "$DISTRIB_ID" = "openSUSE" ]; then
# This has been tested with openSUSE leap 42.2 and Tumbleweed
zypper refresh
zypper up -y
zypper dup -y --force-resolution
# generic build tools
zypper install -y gcc-c++ cmake valgrind cppcheck lcov doxygen procmail make git gdb
zypper install -y chrpath
# for ChimeraTK core libraries:
zypper install -y libboost_*-devel
zypper install -y libxml++26-devel
# for QtHardMon:
zypper install -y libqt4-devel libqt5-qtbase-devel
# for Python bindings:
zypper install -y python-devel python-numpy-devel python-numpy python3-devel python3-numpy-devel
# for the FirmwareProgrammer
zypper install -y ncurses-devel
# clang
zypper install -y clang clang-checker llvm-clang
# Python Sphinx for documentation of python bindings
zypper install -y python-Sphinx
# java for Jenkins CLI
zypper install -y java-1_8_0-openjdk
# NTP demon to prevent clock drifts
zypper install -y ntp
# for projects which use dot graphs in doxygen
zypper install -y graphviz
# For building kernel modules (mtcadummy)
zypper install -y kernel-devel
# For ApplicationCore
zypper install -y hdf5-devel
# execute /etc/rc.local at boot time
touch /etc/rc.local
chmod +x /etc/rc.local
if [ -z "`grep rc.local /etc/crontab`" ]; then
echo "@reboot root /bin/bash -c /etc/rc.local" >> /etc/crontab
elif [ "$DISTRIB_ID" = "Fedora" ]; then
# This has been tested with Fedora 28
dnf -y update
# generic build tools
dnf install -y gcc-c++ cmake valgrind cppcheck lcov doxygen procmail make git gdb
# for ChimeraTK core libraries:
dnf install -y libboost_*-devel
dnf install -y libxml++26-devel
# for QtHardMon:
dnf install -y libqt4-devel libqt5-qtbase-devel
# for Python bindings:
dnf install -y python-devel python-numpy-devel python-numpy python3-devel python3-numpy-devel
# for the FirmwareProgrammer
dnf install -y ncurses-devel
# clang
dnf install -y clang clang-checker llvm-clang
# Python Sphinx for documentation of python bindings
dnf install -y python-Sphinx
# java for Jenkins CLI
dnf install -y java-1_8_0-openjdk
# NTP demon to prevent clock drifts
dnf install -y ntp
# for projects which use dot graphs in doxygen
dnf install -y graphviz
# For building kernel modules (mtcadummy)
dnf install -y kernel-devel
# For ApplicationCore
dnf install -y hdf5-devel
# execute /etc/rc.local at boot time
touch /etc/rc.local
chmod +x /etc/rc.local
if [ -z "`grep rc.local /etc/crontab`" ]; then
echo "@reboot root /bin/bash -c /etc/rc.local" >> /etc/crontab
elif [ "$DISTRIB_ID" = "Sabayon" ]; then
# accept all licenses known to the system (to avoid questions)
# update entropy package manager
equo up
equo u
# small bash function: only install package if not yet installed
function equo_install {
while [ -n "$1" ]; do
equo query installed "$1" > /dev/null || equo install "$1"
# update portage
equo_install sys-apps/portage
emerge --sync
# some required system tools
equo_install sys-process/cronie app-admin/syslog-ng sys-kernel/linux-sabayon sys-apps/mlocate
systemctl enable cronie
systemctl start cronie
systemctl enable syslog-ng
systemctl start syslog-ng
# generic build tools
equo_install sys-devel/gcc dev-util/cmake dev-util/valgrind dev-util/cppcheck app-doc/doxygen mail-filter/procmail sys-devel/make dev-vcs/git
. /etc/profile
# for ChimeraTK core libraries
equo_install dev-libs/boost dev-cpp/libxmlpp
# for QtHardMon:
equo_install dev-qt/qtcore-4
# for Python bindings
equo_install dev-python/numpy dev-python/sphinx
# for the FirmwareProgrammer
equo_install sys-libs/ncurses
# java for Jenkins CLI
equo_install virtual/jre
# NTP demon to prevent clock drifts
equo_install net-misc/ntp
# For building kernel modules (mtcadummy)
equo_install sys-kernel/sabayon-sources
# install/update latest gcc and clang. We also need to re-install libc, libcxx, glib and libxml++ due to changed C++11 ABI in gcc-5 and 6 w.r.t gcc-4
GCC_VERSION=`gcc --version | head -n1 | sed -e 's|^.* ||' -e 's|\..*$||'`
if [ "${GCC_VERSION}" != 6 ]; then
sed -i -e 's|^ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=.*$|ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~amd64 **"|' /etc/portage/make.conf
emerge --autounmask-write -v \>=sys-devel/gcc-6 dev-libs/glib =dev-cpp/libxmlpp-2.40.1 sys-libs/glibc sys-libs/libcxx sys-devel/clang
emerge -vu --autounmask-write gcc dev-libs/glib =dev-cpp/libxmlpp-2.40.1 sys-libs/glibc sys-libs/libcxx sys-devel/clang
# switch to latest gcc
gcc-config -l
GCC_CONFIG_NUMBER=`gcc-config -l | wc -l`
gcc-config ${GCC_CONFIG_NUMBER}
gcc-config -l
. /etc/profile
# execute /etc/rc.local at boot time
if [ -z "`grep rc.local /etc/crontab`" ]; then
echo "@reboot root /bin/bash -c /etc/rc.local" >> /etc/crontab
echo "Unknown distribution, cannot proceed!"
exit 1
echo "Setup quirks for DOOCS..."
......@@ -256,10 +89,10 @@ fi
set -e
echo "Install mtcadummy driver..."
pushd .
FOLDER=$(mktmp -d -p /tmp/)
FOLDER=$(mktemp -d -p /tmp/)
cd "$FOLDER"
git clone
cd pciedummuy-driver
cd pciedummy-driver
make install
modprobe mtcadummy
......@@ -298,12 +131,6 @@ if [ ! -f /home/msk_jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa.pem ]; then
cat /home/msk_jenkins/.ssh/ >> /home/msk_jenkins/.ssh/authorized_keys
if [ -z "`grep /home/msk_jenkins/workspace/mtca4u_systemlike_installation/${Jenkins_buildhosts}/Release/bin /etc/environment`" ]; then
echo "Add /home/msk_jenkins/workspace/mtca4u_systemlike_installation/${Jenkins_buildhosts}/Release/bin to the PATH of msk_jenkins user..."
# this must be in /etc/environment, because Matlab's ssh does not use /etc/profile???
sed -i /etc/environment -e 's#\(PATH=".*\)"#\1:/home/msk_jenkins/workspace/mtca4u_systemlike_installation/'${Jenkins_buildhosts}'/Release/bin"#'
echo "Mount /common at boot and run this script..."
cat <<EOF > /etc/rc.local
#!/bin/sh -e
......@@ -316,11 +143,6 @@ mount /common /common -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L
exit 0
echo "Allow realtime priority for all users (used for performance tests)..."
if [ -z "`grep '* - rtprio 99' /etc/security/limits.conf`" ]; then
echo "* - rtprio 99" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "Run this script every day via cron..."
cat <<EOF > /etc/cron.daily/
#!/bin/bash -e
0% Loading or .
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