-`figures`: result figures that are used in the overleaf description of what has been done
-`notebooks`: analysis notebooks
-`notebooks`: analysis notebooks (eventually, in top level dir for now)
# Scripts for generating aeff tuples and plots
In the top level directory, there are several files which hold the information to generate radio sensitivities.
## `.yaml` files
For radio arrays, `.yaml` files are used, which contain all the details (i.e. which transfer matrix, Veff file, angular/energy resolution, analysis efficiencies, backgrounds etc are to be applied) for a specific detector setup. Four detector arrays had been simulated:
## `TDRproduction_*.ipynb` files
Sensitivity result plots are currently still produced in jupyter-notebooks. Some cleanup and moving to plotting scripts is still due.
## `radio_foms.py`
Inspired by the figures-of-merit script from `toise`, this script was generated taking into account the radio muon background, allowing some on the fly background scaling (work for RNO-G with Ilse), and relevant GZK fluxes.
## `generate_factory_aeffs.py`
Probably the most important script. Contains functions to generate the `toise` tuples for a range of different setups/result plots by switching on/off analysis efficiencies, backgrounds, etc.