Jan Kotanski authoredJan Kotanski authored
User interface: subcommand: configuration
The configuration subcommand shows the internal configuration
of the punx
program. It shows a table with the available
NXDL file sets.
console> punx configuration
Locally-available versions of NeXus definitions (NXDL files)
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NXDL file set type cache date & time commit path
============= ======= ====== =================== ======= ==========================================
a4fd52d commit source 2016-11-19 01:07:45 a4fd52d C:\source_path\punx\cache\a4fd52d
v2018.5 release source 2018-05-15 16:34:19 a3045fd C:\source_path\punx\src\punx\cache\v2018.5
v3.3 release source 2017-07-12 17:41:13 9285af9 C:\source_path\punx\src\punx\cache\v3.3
9eab commit user 2016-10-19 17:58:51 9eab281 C:\user_path\AppData\Roaming\punx\9eab
master branch user 2018-05-16 02:07:48 2dc081e C:\user_path\AppData\Roaming\punx\master
============= ======= ====== =================== ======= ==========================================
default NXDL file set: master
An NXDL file set is the complete set of NXDL (XML) files that provide a version of the NeXus standard, including the XML Schema files that provide all the default and basic structures of the NXDL files.
Above, the user cache has a version of the GitHub master branch ( the master branch contains the latest revisions by the developers on that date).
An NXDL file set is referenced by one of the GitHub identifiers:
[1] |
commit (hash): A commit is a snapshot of the GitHub repository. A SHA-1 hash code is the unique identifier of a commit. It is a 40-character sequence of hexadecimals. It may be shortened to just the first characters which identify it uniquely in the repository. Three or four characters may be unique (1:16^3 or 1:16^4) while seven characters are almost certain (1:16^7) to be a unique reference. For example. the commit 9eab may also be identified as 9eab281, or by its full SHA-1 has 9eab2816e19440f8601fdf81ee972e330319c28f (https://github.com/nexusformat/definitions/commit/9eab281). All point to the same commit on 2016-10-19 17:58:51. |
[2] | branch: https://help.github.com/articles/about-branches/ |
[3] | tag: a user-provided text name for a commit |
[4] | release: https://help.github.com/articles/about-releases/ |
When a ref (a reference to a specific NXDL file set identifier) is not provided, the default NXDL file set will be chosen as the one with the most recent date & time. That date & time is provided by GitHub as the time the changes were to committed to the repository.
NXDL file sets may be found in the source cache (as distributed
with the program) or in the user cache as maintained by the punx
:ref:`update` subcommand. The full path to the file set is provided.