Python Robust Speckle Tracking (pyrost) is a library for wavefront metrology and sample imaging based on ptychographic speckle tracking algorithm. This project takes over Andrew Morgan's speckle_tracking project as an improved version aiming to add robustness to the optimisation algorithm in the case of the high noise present in the measured data.
The library is written in Python 3 and uses a C++ back endwritten in Cython. The library is capable to perform the Speckle Tracking algorithm, which yields an unabberated profile of the sample and the wavefront of the lens. Also it contains a set of auxiliary data processing routines, such as bad pixel masking, defocus sweep scan, wavefront reconstruction, phase model fitting, etc. All of them are listed in :class:`pyrost.STData`.
The library also contains the Speckle Tracking Simulation (st_sim) package. st_sim is capable to simulate one-dimensional speckle tracking scans based on the Fresnel Diffraction theory.
Python Reference
Indices and tables
- :ref:`genindex`
- :ref:`modindex`
- :ref:`search`