Nikolay Ivanov authoredNikolay Ivanov authored
pyrost has the following mandatory runtime dependencies:
- Python 3.7 or later (Python 2.x is not supported).
- GNU Scientific Library 2.4 or later, which is used for numerical integration and pseudo-random number generation.
- LLVM's OpenMP library 10.0.0 or later, which is used for parallelization.
- h5py 2.10.0 or later, which is used to work with CXI files.
- NumPy 1.19.0 or later.
- SciPy 1.5.2 or later.
- pyFFTW 0.12.0 or later, which is used for the Fourier Transform wavefront reconstruction (:func:`pyrost.bin.ct_integrate`).
pyrost packages are available through pypi on OS X as for now.
pyrost is available on OS X via the pip package installer. Installation is pretty straightforward:
$ pip install pyrost
If you want to install pyrost for a single user instead of system-wide, you can do:
$ pip install --user pyrost
Installation from source
In order to install pyrost from source you will need:
- a C++ compiler (gcc or clang will do).
- Python 3.7 or later (Python 2.x is not supported).
- GNU Scientific Library 2.4 or later, which is used for numerical integration and pseudo-random number generation.
- LLVM's OpenMP library 10.0.0 or later, which is used for parallelization.
- Cython 0.29 or later.
- CythonGSL 0.2.2 or later.
- NumPy 1.19.0 or later.
After installing the dependencies, you can download the the source code from
the GitHub pyrost repository page.
Or you can download the last version of pyrost repository with git
$ git clone https://github.com/simply-nicky/pyrost.git
After downloading the pyrost's source code, cd
into the repository root folder
and build the C++ libraries using setuputils
$ cd pyrost
$ python setup.py install
$ pip install -r requirements.txt -e . -v
Getting help
If you run into troubles installing pyrost, please do not hesitate to contact me either through my mail or by opening an issue report on github.