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  • 03.00.06
    ad1f863c · Bump patch version ·
    New PATCH release 03.00.06
    Changes since 03.00.05:
        - Fix bit masks for CAR_{LO,REF,CAL} and TEC_CONTROL
        - Merge project template
  • 03.00.05
    New PATCH release 03.00.05
    Changes since 03.00.04:
        * Fix bit masks for CAR_DIST_*
        * Make the thermistor curve constant
  • 03.00.04
    New PATCH release 03.00.04
    Changes since 03.00.03:
        * Fix config version variable
  • 03.00.03
    47402023 · Bump patch version ·
    New PATCH release 03.00.03
    Changes since 03.00.02:
        * Fix temperature calculation for CH8
  • 03.00.02
    e4370cd9 · bump patch version ·
    New PATCH release 03.00.02
    Changes since 03.00.01:
        * Fix compatibility with previous server
  • 03.00.01
    86342c2a · Bump patch version ·
    New PATCH release 03.00.01
     * ulog: Fix power sums not updating
  • 03.00.00
    New MAJOR release 03.00.00
    Changes since 02.01.03:
     *  Update for uLog server 03.00
  • 02.01.04
    000fabe9 · Bump patch version ·
    New PATCH release 02.01.04
    Changes since 02.01.03:
        Use correct location name for ASL
        Fix generation of non-standard timer locations
  • 02.01.03
    a402f2cb · Bump patch version ·
    New PATCH release 02.01.03
    Changes since 02.01.02:
        asl: Use correct timer location
  • 02.01.02
    New PATCH release 02.01.02
    Changes since 02.01.01:
        Add missing settings for ASL host
  • 02.01.01
    61a875bb · Bump minor version ·
    New PATCH release 02.01.01
    Changes since 02.01.00:
        Add mskcpuasl
  • 02.00.06
    a0f69954 · Bump patch version ·
    New PATCH release 02.00.06
    Changes since 02.00.05:
        Revert "removed now unused FULL_STATION_NAME (cf. #6430)"
        Fix Timer location generation
  • 02.01.00
    New MINOR release 02.01.00
    Changes since 02.00.05:
         Fix Timer location generation
         Add proper licenses for LGPLv3+
  • 02.00.05
    3224e526 · Bump patch version ·
    New PATCH release 02.00.05
    Changes since 02.00.04:
         Add secondary server for USB on TS9U
         removed now unused FULL_STATION_NAME (cf. #6430)
  • 02.00.04
    464b1939 · Bump patch version ·
    New PATCH release 02.00.04
    Changes since 02.00.03:
        Set device, fixes watchdog registration
  • 02.00.03
    2ce24ab5 · Bump patch version ·
    New PATCH release 02.00.03
    Changes since 02.00.02:
     - Set facility for teststand to TEST.LAB
     - dmap: Make timer location configurable
  • 02.00.02
    f1acfc6e · Bump patch release ·
    New PATCH release 02.00.02
    Changes since 02.00.01:
     - Add TS9U
  • 02.00.01
    d55ff2e9 · Bump patch release ·
    New PATCH release 02.00.01
    Changes since 02.00.00:
     - Add mskcpuulogts2u
  • 02.00.00
    d5a643ed · Make all of XFEL BM ·
    New MAJOR release 02.00.00
    Changes since initial commit:
    * commit d5a643edc3308779656887d1e9903f7153fc8d72
    |     Make all of XFEL BM
    |     That should also include HS
    * commit 062b5ea699cdcc570cf072c1109af5d0a103da39
    |     Fix quoting error in doocs config
    * commit 42ed61ec33053f791a73c6ac572fd8c2295b72d2
    |     a6m is BM via PCIE as well
    *   commit b08092cd5129d917b68a7c921e50635277f564b2
    |\  Merge: ac05586 299474e
    | |
    | |     Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/wip-jgeorg-issue6348-ulog-improvement'
    | |
    | * commit 299474ee57ed994379aa9914eb24df8dedae09be
    |       Cleanup settings files and templates
    * commit ac05586e41cce9f7040d10cd60fc5375ed834b9b
    |     changed host list format (issue #6282)
    *   commit b7828da941d508b5a61e6a93e2f3b98f86b66d5d
    |\  Merge: c51e342 e0842df
    | |
    | |     Merge branch 'wip-jgeorg-issue6321-convert-ulog-to-mako'
    | |
    | * commit e0842df3eac2d60821e653127a14cf5f3c20d9b1
    |       ulog: Convert to Mako
    |       Fixes #6321
    * commit c51e342fe73ccec091d41c1ce538d88a3b305b7f
    |     Move ulog over
    * commit 6a8e41d5580843795fa973157db38264647bc74f
    |     Add servertype skeleton
    * commit 4ebd73c89f5cd56ea60e601192e2e18b962c3527
    |     change installation directory
    * commit 7c1605178c589f86f7aa93c999fd9fad3963418c
    |     correct version of config generator base script
    * commit 0bb1737930204960461fabc06abac9fb1fc991b1
    |     added cmake include for config-generator-based projects
    * commit 7d5a768d0efd5efd5ae468a240259e8e106eeb1c
    |     added find script for the config generator
    * commit e464f223cd4f7a3d54b062a54a654acba90f5acb
    |     move FindMako.cmake into the right directory
    *   commit ef3807a39dc8eb48ed9be1b294d29b64f3af991c
    |\  Merge: 9b7c955 a69c809
    | |
    | |     Merge branch 'master' of
    | |
    | * commit a69c8099632ec1380848eee1df8b380b357111aa
    | |
    | |     project_template: FindDoocs can now also find
    | |
    | *   commit f6b1e2977e14325bae5195d98b6a7832a19ba3ed
    | |\  Merge: c2027f8 d348df3
    | | |
    | | |     Merge pull request #11 from zenker/patch-1
    | | |
    | | |     add two more ignores related to eclipse projects.
    | | |
    | | * commit d348df3a3ff8d02682bda84274622fd0e1381b09
    | |
    | |       add two more ignores related to eclipse projects.
    | |
    * | commit 9b7c9552077077e175ec212cbb98a5578aa92ead
    |       added FindMako (to find the python mako module)
    * commit c2027f8ff6a4e280f9c4f4a07d40f7d184faa162
    |     Resolve cmake targets in the config scripts
    |     THis is necessary for newer Boost (1.71) which puts the exported targets
    |     in Boost_LIBRARIES. If we export that verbatim it causes link issues on
    |     projects using the config scripts from Make
    * commit 49570d5af56707d1b282e6c0ce5d8828e88fca65
    |     Added module to select ControlSystemAdapter for ApplicationCore servers
    * commit feb860868ff7302a9011c793acd695f57c965aef
    |     Revert "Use find_dependency instead of find_package"
    |     This reverts commit e7294d817add18a3b83c2054eb34ce27c4dac3e0.
    |     This does not exist on xenial yet
    * commit e7294d817add18a3b83c2054eb34ce27c4dac3e0
    |     Use find_dependency instead of find_package
    |     find_package is for use inside the *Config.cmake files
    * commit b9b32d0ec9175fd60fbf40d07d6018337e885e59
    |     Add public dependencies to Config.cmake
    |     To add public dependencies to the generated config, use e.g.
    |     list(APPEND ${PROJECT_NAME}_PUBLIC_DEPENDENCIES "Boost COMPONENTS system thread chrono")
    * commit 16e78c412fb5378584dc80d16dba3a12f8ef0f90
    |     set also C flags
    * commit d55cfe6a1c16573867fe08a29a45c093a2d5cff8
    |     fixed set_default_flags.cmake macro
    * commit b985e7a568817ecab4d6bc4bf8c36b747fa70b74
    |     changed default build type to RelWithDebugInfo
    * commit 83c4619ca9c608a35978fd5592a851d6df08bc59
    |     added set_default_flags.cmake makro
    *   commit 6e30de2a7e5c7882420a1753e3876721aa2f8e11
    |\  Merge: 78bd96c 4683927
    | |
    | |     Merge branch 'master' of
    | |
    | * commit 4683927e8f950527c7e9182f43340194df627ae1
    | |
    | |     added daqreader in FindDOOCS.cmake
    | |
    | * commit 5c00a0dd1d93b621cc61d7dda8ae120ed3e4d5bd
    | |
    | |     FindDoocs: Make sure readelf output is english
    | |
    * | commit 78bd96c9a541c5bfc0e65a8fd7e745242c49a72a
    |       removed enable_cxx11_support.cmake, as we must not use it any more
    *   commit 89ad532ca1d0093c8e0afbb0ffb7c01ec106a492
    |\  Merge: 9d4df21 3522d07
    | |
    | |     Merge pull request #7 from vargheseg/master
    | |
    | |     - Make doxygen pick up markdown.
    | |     - introduced: set_default_build_to_release.cmake
    | |
    | * commit 3522d078d0204afd70603a69bef38ecb447bd495
    | |
    | |     rename:
    | |
    | |     set_default_build_type_to_release.cmake -> set_default_build_to_release.cmake
    | |
    | * commit 688a2bbcc129bf36a74a7df34d1517848ba44a8b
    | |
    | |     introduced: set_default_build_type_to_release.cmake
    | |
    | * commit 1a5e4c6b8d3a7db35e8405ab954fe080978f1cb1
    | |
    | |     Make doxygen pick up markdown.
    | |
    | |     '*.md' files put into the projects doc directory will be picked as part of
    | |     the documentation. '*.md' files in other locations of the source tree will
    | |     be ignored.
    | |
    * | commit 9d4df21ddb1ff7a9c4829770ca9322f16b63e828
    |       removed wrong example path
    * commit 1772a2af59d5b5099465fc4887943ad3c55eaaa7
    |     project-template: exclude tests from Doxygen documentation
    * commit 9dd6e9526bd1e8b476d35210871ebcda203ef8c7
    |     project-template: improved Doxygen template
    * commit bd0bfc3aef9938f5c9ab9134d97ef0725ec90ee3
    |     Bugfix:
    |     enclose CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE in quotes; this transforms it into an wmpty
    |     string and the string command wont complain that its missing an argument
    |     when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is not set.
    * commit efd3d21b49b31fc3cd79c0cd160a235275ad929c
    |     Support case insensitive CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
    |     Cmake treats CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE string as case insensitve. Make the check
    |     for enabling coverage reflect this to make usage less restrictive.
    * commit b1db59e552930ac095e47109185084c45d519f7f
    |     DOOCS needs libgul now, so link against it
    * commit 134a381685160ecd58f45d3ca527d5fa9bee51fd
    |     fix issue that a double "-l" can appear in the Makefile config shell scripts for libraries which already contain the -l
    * commit 4ea0c0cda1d1dc1fbb4ed942200ee2bb66cffcfe
    |     Add files via upload
    * commit 13568613f09b04a47df1b240231d7bcc99a28705
    |     register_tests now takes working directory.
    |     usage:
    |     register_tests(SOURCES
    |                      ${list_of_source_files}
    |                      ""
    |                      ${concatenated_string_of_source_files}
    |                    NAMESPACE
    |                      "test_namespace"
    |                    LINK_LIBRARIES
    |                      ${list_of_targets}
    |                    INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES
    |                      ${list_of_include_directories}
    |                    COMPILE_OPTIONS
    |                      ${list_of_compile_options}
    |                    WORKING_DIRECTORY
    |                      ${ctest_working_directory})
    * commit 4a74f6f45e4935e69df2d88b78c8b9fb6275e4e4
    |     fixed adding the new option to the wrong line in the last commit
    * commit 1cf11f00f33aaa1e9fecbac72b65418dcfb1a0c0
    |     do not fail if gcov crashes, since this is basically out of our control
    *   commit 4bc4a0f0e6941b2bb1d87c92fd2c7c017e1ace9f
    |\  Merge: 5009755 af46ca2
    | |
    | |     Merge pull request #4 from vargheseg/master
    | |
    | |     Introduced cmake module registerTests:
    | |
    | * commit af46ca244e2e51964e1e1d9f4e4fa01763653f80
    | |
    | |     revised option names:
    | |
    | |     new scheme:
    | |     register_tests(SOURCES
    | |                      ${list_of_source_files}
    | |                      ""
    | |                      ${concatenated_string_of_source_files}
    | |                    NAMESPACE
    | |                      "test_namespace"
    | |                    LINK_LIBRARIES
    | |                      ${list_of_targets}
    | |                    INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES
    | |                      ${list_of_include_directories}
    | |                    COMPILE_OPTIONS
    | |                      ${list_of_compile_options})
    | |
    | * commit c50b5abbb792af948e066d4dec28fa949d458e76
    |       Introduced cmake module registerTests:
    |       usage:
    |       register_tests(SOURCES
    |                        ${list_of_source_files}
    |                        ""
    |                        ${concatenated_string_of_source_files}
    |                      NAMESPACE
    |                        "test_namespace"
    |                      DEPENDS
    |                        ${list_of_targets}
    |                      INCLUDES
    |                        ${list_of_include_directories}
    |                      COMPILE_OPTIONS
    |                        ${list_of_compile_options})
    |       Function registers tests defined as a list of souce files.  Test defined
    |       by file in the SOURCES list is registered under the name
    |         test_namespace.source_name
    |       Provided list of dependent targets and include directories are used for
    |       test executables as PRIVATE dependencies during compilation.
    |       Function implicitly adds a dependency on the boost unit test framework
    |       to each generated test executable.
    * commit 5009755e6edc0606b3f174c7e4414a0eb3977263
    |     removed last occurance of mtca4u in an example text
    * commit da30315018b5d03ded5b1491a67898b1de98e33b
    |     Revert "project-template: use GNUInstallDirs to determin install destionations"
    |     This reverts commit 7eace484c0ffcc9c9041a58190bd9f7a184b1321.
    |     GNUInstallDirs doesn't really deliver the intended directories. CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR e.g. points to lib/x86_64-linux-gnu on Ubuntu 16.04
    * commit 7eace484c0ffcc9c9041a58190bd9f7a184b1321
    |     project-template: use GNUInstallDirs to determin install destionations
    * commit 173bb9aeaf460580325e183f0c0d5c9f5c3e9bae
    |     added missing <PROJECT_NAME>ConfigVersion.cmake in create_cmake_config_files macro
    * commit 34a054b550dfd7abb53245d24501d65e5988ba5d
    |     fixed installation of cmake find_package script / configuration file
    * commit 5e46c305dbf6ffe269a0f2efc0de89ae8ea9a0bc
    |     Add
    * commit 44a3fde5eee342053b59eac83d27e4649f31b97f
    |     Add easier steps to use the template
    |     Not adding the repository as a remote simply makes it impossible to push
    |     to it. Also this makes it mandatory to always fetch the changes from the
    |     remote anyway since it is not locally mirrored.
    * commit 08760225be0b1639a7cc4158816fe753d32ae042
    |     added FindFFTW to project template. Needed by several middle layer servers
    * commit b484c44d4a1eab74a35bf023e66d365ec9b0ba6e
    |     updated HowTo file and formatted it properly with markdown
    * commit db66171e7cbe106f9b614dbf80fd7bbe76d37ffb
    |     fixed not setting anything newer than c++11
    * commit cb7c654a56a6401dbd65c8d12de2d08cffd2abf8
    |     add enable_latest_cxx_support.cmake and added a comment to enable_cxx11_support.cmake to no longer use is.
    * commit 71689aeeba977c4025df81afd87dcf6892590a54
    |     added CMakeLists.txt.user to gitignore (project file for Qt Creator)
    * commit 8531c686c91f962e5ba54f9ab7c8a55d266bfdf0
    |     also export the PREFIX variable
    * commit 79979fbae50034eb494359481ea9301acf1a63c1
    |     added ChimeraTK logo
    * commit e8246719e3c5e29bde680d413090dd486a5916fe
    |     updated the DESY logo
    *   commit f27d79d71e18cdc81053e2d1306d70d2f76d8732
    |\  Merge: 3f9e835 e78f16e
    | |
    | |     Merge pull request #2 from smarsching/gitignore-vscode
    | |
    | |     Ignore configuration files for Visual Studio Code.
    | |
    | * commit e78f16e112b7422edf817163a57e6b1e2f7db0eb
    |       Ignore configuration files for Visual Studio Code.
    * commit 3f9e8352382634774f55e8c2afc0bef28f88b4f4
    |     fixed wrong case (just a cosmetic change)
    * commit 019594b7b6cd211ce5d5c31d8a71ac2b2e741b40
    |     added cmake module to search for readline
    * commit 193ff10898f16e7811a1a66394aecd80fffff10b
    |     added ddaq as component to FindDOOCS.cmake
    * commit c4af66ff473d88f51b2dde6bd1011936119948f7
    |     Added instructions how to use the project template.
    * commit 01c48f88add28c82fd3829c447b2fb5681ba49a5
    |     added missing exports to parent scope in add_dependency macro
    * commit ffdf0123293190351d7ad4f7bd655d7ff2cb6bde
    |     added include script to generate doxygen documentation from cmake/
    * commit 5122ae36258697b41a708e22b24525c1c492d71c
    |     also export the LIBRARY_DIRS variable to the calling CMakeLists.txt (needed to publish it to further downstream dependencies)
    * commit 67de5b8f93a55248848e97b8d452919f7086e972
    |     added ignore pattern for KDevelop 4 project files
    * commit 873d1a80b4e1c547536f4dc2f8efedd32075722c
    |     fixed wrong quotes when setting the TINE_EXPORT C preprocessor symbol to a space
    * commit 92aaf568d5db5756e24fa6ac311b36e2d40eb655
    |     use readelf instead of readlink to detect the DOOCS version (imported change from doocsllrfwrapper)
    * commit 31e13ec946e62db8fab80d911be0ad1728a16adb
    |     Fixed the confusing and inconsistently used names *_LINK_FLAGS and *_LINKER_FLAGS by always setting and getting both variables
    * commit fae30af7304d5c74a42dee798fa9c49aec843171
    |     export FOUND flag to the calling CMakeLists.txt
    * commit aff8c03136a5bfa0943b63b5279763fad13eee8a
    |     also set CXX_FLAGS from the dependency
    * commit c4f979b821ef91d81b74f709c44b781436cbc757
    |     Just defining TINE_EXPORT was not enough, so we set it to a space instead
    * commit 96fcab1f77c3c95d06779ebbe319f681f253f657
    |     added TINE_EXPORT C macro/constant to the compiler flags, which seens to be required for the latest DOOCS version
    * commit c8bd3e541524d42e5b9860f3622e3ecf02aa808d
    |     added script to enable coverage report
    *   commit 25cd04643e5a7effec83bceb746a694d26921838
    |\  Merge: 56373d9 bd3688c
    | |
    | |     Merge pull request #1 from fmakowski/master
    | |
    | |     Added new `dapi` component in FindDOOCS.cmake module.
    | |
    | * commit bd3688c721d54798b9f12e7c530f22ff0754eabe
    |       Added new `dapi` component in FindDOOCS.cmake module.
    * commit 56373d9ab7c139630177cc362079e03c6aaf38e5
    |     look for the other DOOCS components in the same directory as the client
    * commit 1ca73180efb1a432e4e4a6d7fcd89d3c376903cf
    |     need to find DOOCS_DIR first, since this is the variable which might be specified at the cmake command line
    * commit aae2a1dd95c777e06ad12e526de04719f97f6cca
    |     changed order of libraries so that the dependencies come after the dependents.
    * commit 0604fe67ece7679b0360e7c16adfdbf435461002
    |     added script to enable the C++ 11 support
    * commit 8206728c737e2ccda6f04fd753b6ce0a1234c3df
    |     fixed that the script did not fail when one of the components was not found
    * commit e88d10c0fd572bad444166016e8d3ae307ad0e3d
    |     fixed CXX_FLAGS etc. not properly set after last commit
    * commit d061bd4d124643520f053d363ea46d4bf896c129
    |     fixed multiple components not properly being passed on to find_package
    * commit 5fd95c63473fc31bc70217443f9ece515e5b1d7f
    |     added option to include the zqm library (to be tested)
    * commit 15d5aa3da4b15287e05915982ebf230588bf9b2c
    |     made the script a bit more generic to potentially also work with non-project-template dependencies
    *   commit c7078f253db4022b5a587983a03ce48818a4a7a8
    |\  Merge: 34d4786 64b0f87
    | |
    | |     Merge branch 'master' of
    | |
    | * commit 64b0f87170f4827d44431cd639e14f44e6c85a33
    | |
    | |     removed already deprecated prepare_debian_package.cmake, which has just been added and will unnecessarily cause conflicts in the anyway deprecated way to create debian packages
    | |
    | * commit bfdbcdf7b2bb499d065966d7e1b06010ba0d77eb
    | |
    | |     use readelf instead of readlink to extract the DOOCS version and do not strip the system-dependent part of the version (e.g. -xenial1), since it is needed to identify the version correctly.
    | |
    | * commit 9c3449c1bf510aab395280eb0da5e248a77f5e30
    | |
    | |     undid the changes to use pbuilder in This conceptualluy does not work and will completely be changed in future.
    | |
    * | commit 34d4786222e8a7072d9c242cd0409c18a375dfe6
    |       removed stuff for debian packaging, since this is now handled by external scripts
    * commit 63f959f4e8a17bd6167f9ac7dd264a1ccc18fc2c
    |     added commands to maintain the pbuilder environment more easily
    * commit de39b4c29dd61618576d33a881beaa27e0c343d0
    |     added an option to build using pbuilder
    * commit 9fcc9d9fd439a683809d175f573fe1db6ce3b844
    |     added some documentation
    * commit 63b2f50b78b2d4165219feaf28596f77da170fee
    |     added prepare_debian_package.cmake (currently just a copy of the version in the DOOCSwrappers library)
    |     Warning: this commit will create conflicts, but it is anyway needed to adapt the projects using this templates due to the last commits.
    * commit 9f8e1295e2cf351e009a2e5fc480b32fa9d3e007
    |     fixed that the configuration for loop for replacing the DEBVERSION and SOVERSION in the debian_from_template was running on the wrong (non-existing) directory
    * commit 33ad0dac9be8910faca3416f3eef57ffae6872dc
    |     replaced an old variable name with the new version
    * commit 5dd2a86a41170adfda7a583d0a4ac1ec169641a6
    |     also replace #SOVERSION# since it also depends on the build version
    * commit d4691e97b229dfec8df58f45187edd6cf427820d
    |     - replace #DEBVERSION# in files ending on .template in the debian_from_template directory
    |     - replace DEBVERSION in file names in the debian_from_template directory
    |     This is needed, since the debian version is not yet known in cmake.
    * commit e7d88b8d81ad9c274c130acc3e3cc5fa2759bde1
    |     removed the patch level from the build directory name, as expected by Debian
    * commit 86f11fc9b1fe74f669fc8db3ad0ee183d51e89b9
    |     fixed wrong order of commands... need to obtain versions first
    * commit d10cb0b929da58391d39b88666075794e8f50f8f
    |     fixed a typo
    * commit 092fdcc0a24daa75243bc63d5f264904f3b19df6
    |     fixed wrong directory name
    * commit cb89524b41159193afd1a2dc5716fdece49f9877
    |     added add_dependency macro
    * commit 69ed1262d61365b7624d7b804c1f4e4c3033604e
    |     properly pass the build version to the cmake building the library inside the Debian packaging tools
    * commit 99a9f1c0309ed5145442bef7adba7b300db1aca0
    |     added cmake script to set the version number cmake variables as needed by other scripts of the project-template
    * commit 0d5c990e82fa3095e57563b72034b9169974161a
    |     fixed not using getDebianBuildVersion correctly
    * commit 42273f00142cd868ed08bd533e2dce25fbcf11ff
    |     fixed wrong quotes
    * commit 6e53661b7446166aa3c1f33e681d9a1bd4c442d6
    |     fixed taking getDebianBuildVersion from the wrong directory
    * commit 180534e58317515e2fbf423331456bd470fc490e
    |     Added the new getDebianBuildVersion script and use it inside to obtain the version
    |     IMPORTANT: Projects importing this commit must edit the (newly created) DebianPackaging.config file!
    * commit 2fb926a14dd098ce4c9f4411f43dcb6c8b6960ad
    |     clone from source directory when creating a debian package
    * commit a9c83edb61f7f3b804e15066b647bde5fcf8f008
    |     added and deprecated
    * commit 98dee98ba37b52ea2a3d88cba041ebbbad6a8b5d
    |     added an ignore pattern for vi
    * commit 35d0e255235cf018085960c5f0f0edb604817c07
    |     Fixes in create_cmake_config_files script:
    |     - Quotes around input variables when doing string replace avoid existing semicolons from being deleted.
    |     - The project target library itself was missing in the linker flags.
    * commit 6da7e545bf8273be172117b1a503bf754b3d1551
    |     Added sections to the .gitignore file.
    * commit a422f243f85dcce881e51dc2c41cdf8fd51ed75c
    |     added file to indicate that a project is using the project-template
    * commit 55552b4485b15a8be2e1b4e41490c33e1e9c782d
    |     fixed spaces in the PROJECT_NAME-config template
    * commit 2b2d934c1a31a496d9146c806d1ae8261a82c4b4
    |     fixed generation of @PROJECT_NAME@_found for CMake < 2.8.11
    * commit 04bcdeebccb92742810dee1899b598d6a1b9cb90
    |     fixed typo in debian packaging script
    * commit 7f45aa2c1ba50d6b9d6be36db561c1cd03f3a050
    |     added non-modification warning to the new script
    * commit 81f4fcc3e8463a81a212f9ecd06b7ba6394dbcf5
    |     Added make_debian_package script to the project template
    * commit 2d7274d0089220925a60d11aa8d7630169e09917
    |     added exclution of the build directory to the coverage makefile
    * commit 34060d3da24bb78a09a6819867a7b8022b51da6c
    |     Revert "Capture only coverage data for the current project in the first place, instead of extracting it from all coverage data in a second step. This seems to be needed as extraction spuriously might fail in some cases."
    |     This reverts commit ce14dcd0f185a67e818242e58f1229aa2c703713.
    |     Reason for the revert: The change did not work on Ubuntu 12.04 due to an old version of lcov.
    * commit ce14dcd0f185a67e818242e58f1229aa2c703713
    |     Capture only coverage data for the current project in the first place, instead of extracting it from all coverage data in a second step. This seems to be needed as extraction spuriously might fail in some cases.
    * commit 5d5cc20043aea8c3a64c967c4e3ef7edf162aafa
    |     added workaround for cmake versions older than 2.8.11 (as used on Ubuntu 12.04)
    * commit e8d5db70123563d056ba4d8d4413aaf2e018cff0
    |     fixed wrong FOUND_VAR (was by default <UPPERCASED_NAME>_FOUND)
    * commit 1f18ae642b8df822388bbe5e60d0ba3ea7cf8796
    |     updated documentation, especially added a warning not to modify these files inside a project
    * commit 5b03518c998a044708218e4125a8cd212d5fba22
    |     fix for depending Makefile projects: do not add -l option to full-path library names
    * commit 895db14fed69cfb266e63dde592010a5b04f7f2d
    |     added a variable @PROJECT_NAME@_PREFIX and use it as the required variable to make a nicer output when depending projects find this package
    * commit 9b32e88b54987fc15550008962e3fb10ed9174fe
    |     updated the usage description
    * commit 558966cbe91fd6cfc464c39499e2314d3fb8b057
    |     removed @PROJECT_NAME@_LIBRARIES from the required variables since the package might not provide a library
    * commit 2434f0241ef3799eeae6625a6de6fadbc89647e1
    |     Use FindLibrary() cmake command to properly locate the library, even if the directory is already known. This is needed to get the proper full path reference to the library.
    * commit 9c2ac57211a5dc5447867355efab0119407797bb
    |     removed some unneeded lines
    * commit ee8e7c9f54507dcc801c7c6e1af5c6348894c9ab
    |     imported FindDOOCS script
    * commit bf679dd1a1d18f33610f472e3a8ee370a24c61d3
    |     fixed issue with compiler/linker flags being interpreted as lists and thus having semicolons in between
    * commit d4ddd918a5ce016bdbc56e29c9ce5c0a56505b00
    |     added @ONLY to configure_file again, since it destroys some code otherwise
    * commit 2e2be5cb4b8c6e032257196758659373c1ae672d
    |     fixed using the wrong variable names
    * commit 61e0dec5e93a02edce30c843f2ffee93cc292eb5
    |     added support for the --mexflags option. needs still testing
    * commit 06cf7a115511a3e47bd51cf6ececc4fbc12b0158
    |     added .project to the gitignore list
    * commit 2a10931230c1802d0ba273297f02f455d760c5fb
    |     renamed some variables exported to depending projects, to be more cmake-like
    |     also make sure that the exported lists are consistently space-separated (sometimes they might be semicolon separated or mixed)
    * commit 81523d89c37090336f652c59f6be6849f7d5dc75
    |     removed check if required input variables are set, since it does not work (and never did)
    * commit 38203f8f4c153d2bdf8304ddc2712aaab1166a2d
    reduce to template