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Commit ba31e7d3 authored by Michael Pawelzik's avatar Michael Pawelzik
Browse files

removing code doubling with use of measurment plot

function for determing PK2PK values of phase and magnitude
function for changing annotation test in first subplot
parent 3e0e769c
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1 merge request!3feat: introduce external sensors
...@@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ Created on Tue Mar 7 10:15:55 2023 ...@@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ Created on Tue Mar 7 10:15:55 2023
""" """
import pandas as pd import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys import sys
from pathlib import Path from pathlib import Path
import os import os
import numpy as np import MeasurementPlot
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import time
# after measurement has finished from stored csv-data a post plot of all temperature steps is plotted and store in # after measurement has finished from stored csv-data a post plot of all temperature steps is plotted and store in
...@@ -24,6 +23,13 @@ class PostPlot: ...@@ -24,6 +23,13 @@ class PostPlot:
if 'ipykernel' in sys.modules: if 'ipykernel' in sys.modules:
from IPython import get_ipython from IPython import get_ipython
get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'qt') get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'qt')
self.postplot_obj = MeasurementPlot.MeasurementPlot(legend_loc = 'upper left', \
legend_bbox_to_anchor = (1.09, 1))
# set parameter figure of class to object parameter figure
self.fig = self.postplot_obj.fig
# read csv-file and import data to data frame # read csv-file and import data to data frame
def import_csv(self, csv_file): def import_csv(self, csv_file):
...@@ -33,258 +39,68 @@ class PostPlot: ...@@ -33,258 +39,68 @@ class PostPlot:
return data_frame return data_frame
# plot function for data frame data, Michael # plot function for data frame data, Michael
# labels for legend of external sensor is given in Parameterlist , Michael def plot_frame_data(self, data_frame, title ='', time_unit ='min'):
# optinal calculation of regression, a plot of the fitted function and the calculation of correlation
# between DUT sensor Temperature and phase can be activated by parameterlist of function, michael
def plot_frame_data(self, data_frame, title ='', legend_sensor0 = ['Temperature Sensor0', 'Humidity Sensor0'], \
legend_sensor1 = ['Temperature Sensor1','Humidity Sensor1', 'Air Pressure Sensor1'], \
time_unit ='min', regression_state = False, plot_regression = False, plot_corr_coeff = False):
# set label of plots with legend entries in parameter list of plot frame data method
label_temp_sensor0 = legend_sensor0[0]
label_hum_sensor0 = legend_sensor0[1]
label_temp_sensor1 = legend_sensor1[0]
label_hum_sensor1 = legend_sensor1[1]
label_air_press_sensor1 = legend_sensor1[2]
data_frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
# fetch plot data from data frame given in parameter list of function
timestamps = data_frame.TIMESTAMP
phases = data_frame.S21_PHASE
eq_indicator = data_frame.EQUILIBRIUM_INDICATOR
magnitudes = data_frame.S21_MAGNITUDE
temperatures = data_frame.READBACK_TEMPERATURE
humidities = data_frame.READBACK_HUMIDITY
temp_sensor0 = data_frame.TEMP_SENSOR0
temp_sensor1 = data_frame.TEMP_SENSOR1
hum_sensor0 = data_frame.HUM_SENSOR0
hum_sensor1 = data_frame.HUM_SENSOR1
air_press = data_frame.AIR_PRESSURE
temp_heater = data_frame.TEMP_HEATER
hum_heater = data_frame.HUM_HEATER
# set title of plot
# time stamp of list entry zero is the start point of time axis, Michael
# substract all other timestamps with list entry of zero to scale time axis, Michael
time_sec = timestamps - timestamps[0]
# set scaling of time axis depending on the time unit given in parameter list, Michael
# default unit are minutes, Michael
time = self.scaling_time_axes(time_sec, time_unit)
# calulate correlation betwenn trace of temp sensor 0 (DUT temeprature) and trace of the phase which is measured
# by VNA, Michael
corr_coeff_phase= np.corrcoef(phases, temp_sensor0)[0][1]
# plot window with 5 subplots
self.fig, self.ax1 = plt.subplots(5, figsize=(25, 20))
self.fig.suptitle("Measurement "+title, color="red") self.fig.suptitle("Measurement "+title, color="red")
# scale subplots to fit into space of figure so that axes labels and legends easily can be read, Michael
self.fig.subplots_adjust(bottom= 0.1, right=0.8, hspace = 0.4)
minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(time)
self.ax1[0].set_xlim(minimum, maximum)
self.ax1[1].set_xlim(minimum, maximum)
# set x-axes limits for addinal plot equal to the plot for magnitude and phase of DUT, Michael
self.ax1[2].set_xlim(minimum, maximum)
self.ax1[3].set_xlim(minimum, maximum)
self.ax1[4].set_xlim(minimum, maximum)
# First plot: Phase and magnitude of DUT # reset index of data frame
self.path_collection_phase = self.ax1[0].scatter(time, phases, c='red', marker='<', label='DUT Phase') data_frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(phases)
self.ax1[0].set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
self.magnitude_axis = self.ax1[0].twinx() # self.postplot_obj = MeasurementPlot.MeasurementPlot(legend_loc = 'upper left', \
self.path_collection_mag = self.magnitude_axis.scatter(time, magnitudes, c='#3120E0', marker='4', label='DUT Magnitude') # legend_bbox_to_anchor = (1.09, 1))
minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(magnitudes)
self.magnitude_axis.set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
self.equi_axis0 = self.ax1[0].twinx() # set y-Achlabel in all subplots to Time an in square brackets the selected time unit
# fix range to 0..31 with some extra margin for plotting for element in self.postplot_obj.ax1:
self.equi_axis0.set_ylim(-1, 32) element.set_xlabel("Time [%s]" %time_unit)
# increase outward position of axes for equilibrium indicator , Michael
self.equi_axis0.spines['right'].set_position(('outward', 75))
self.path_collection_equi0 = self.equi_axis0.scatter(time, eq_indicator, c='black', marker=".", label='Equilibrium_Indicator')
if regression_state == True:
self.phase_t0 = phases[0]
self.K_phases = np.median(phases)
func, popt = self.choose_fit( time, phases)
annotate_string_fit = self.plot_fitted_func_param(func, *popt, time_unit = time_unit)
self.ax1[0].annotate(annotate_string_fit,xy=(0,min(phases)), xycoords='data', xytext=(-0.16,0),textcoords='axes fraction',fontsize = 16, horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='bottom')
if plot_regression == True:
fit_phaeses = func(time, *popt)
min_phases, max_phases = self.get_extended_min_max(phases)
min_fit_phases, max_fit_phases = self.get_extended_min_max(fit_phaeses)
minimum = min(min_phases, min_fit_phases)
maximum = max(max_phases, max_fit_phases)
self.ax1[0].set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
self.path_collection_curvefit = self.ax1[0].scatter(time, func(time, *popt), c='green', s = 1, marker = "." , label = 'fitted with\n' + func.__name__)
all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_phase, self.path_collection_mag, self.path_collection_equi0, self.path_collection_curvefit]
all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_phase, self.path_collection_mag, self.path_collection_equi0]
all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_phase, self.path_collection_mag, self.path_collection_equi0]
delta_phase = max(phases) - min(phases)
delta_magnitude = max(magnitudes) - min(magnitudes)
# plot delta values for phase and magnitude at left position outside the plot, Michael # make a copy of data_frame in parameterlist without changing original during modification
annotate_string = "$\Delta\phi$($S_{21PkPk}$): %.3f °\n$\Delta$|$S_{21PkPk}$|: %.3f dB" % (delta_phase, delta_magnitude) postplot_data_frame = data_frame.copy()
if plot_corr_coeff == True:
annotate_string +="\n"
annotate_string += "$R_{\phi(S_{21}),Temp_{DUT}}$ = %.3f" % corr_coeff_phase
self.ax1[0].annotate(annotate_string ,xy=(0,min(phases)), xycoords='data', xytext=(-0.16,1),textcoords='axes fraction',fontsize = 16, horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='bottom')
# units added to the y-axes labels, Michael # time stamp of index = 0 is the start point of time axis, Michael
self.ax1[0].set_xlabel("TIME [%s]" %time_unit) # substract all other timestamps with time stamp of index zero to get time scale in
self.ax1[0].set_ylabel("PHASE [°]", color='red') # seconds, Michael
self.magnitude_axis.set_ylabel("MAGNITUDE [dB]", color='#3120E0') time_sec = postplot_data_frame.TIMESTAMP - postplot_data_frame.TIMESTAMP[0]
# label of y-axis for equilibrium indicator is changed to Indiccator Value because it's shorter, Michael
self.equi_axis0.set_ylabel("INDICATOR VALUE", color='black')
self.ax1[0].grid(True, linestyle=":")
labels = [pc.get_label() for pc in all_path_collections]
# set legend at rigth upper position outside subplot for phase and magnitude, Michael # set scaling of time axis depending on the time unit given in parameter list, Michael
self.ax1[0].legend(all_path_collections, labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.09, 1)) # default unit is minutes, Michael
time = self.scaling_time_axes(time_sec, time_unit)
# Second plot: Humidity and temperature of climate chamber requested from internal sensors of climate chamber
self.path_collection_temp = self.ax1[1].scatter(time, temperatures, c='blue', marker='p', label="Chamber Temperature")
minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(temperatures)
self.ax1[1].set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
self.humidity_axis = self.ax1[1].twinx() # update Timestamps with calculated time values
self.path_collection_hum = self.humidity_axis.scatter(time, humidities , c='green', marker="*", label="Chamber Humidity") postplot_data_frame.update(time)
minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(humidities)
self.humidity_axis.set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
self.equi_axis1 = self.ax1[1].twinx() # refresh subflots with data in data frame
self.postplot_obj.draw(postplot_data_frame, pdf_name = '')
# increase outward position of axes for equilibrium indicator , Michael # cal PK2PK values of magnitude and phase
self.equi_axis1.spines['right'].set_position(('outward', 75)) PK2PK = self.calc_mag_phase_pkpk_values(data_frame)
self.path_collection_equi1 = self.equi_axis1.scatter(time, eq_indicator, c='black', marker=".", label="Equilibrium_Indicator")
self.equi_axis1.set_ylim(-1, 32)
# units added to the y-axes labels, Michael
self.ax1[1].set_xlabel("TIME [%s]" %time_unit)
self.ax1[1].set_ylabel("TEMPERATURE [°C] ", color='blue')
self.humidity_axis.set_ylabel("HUMIDITY [%RH]", color='green')
# label of y-axis for equilibrium indicator ist changed to Indiccator Value because it's shorter, Michael
self.equi_axis1.set_ylabel("INDICATOR VALUE", color='black')
self.edit_annotation_in_plot(annotate_string = PK2PK)
self.ax1[1].grid(True, linestyle=":")
all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_temp, self.path_collection_hum, self.path_collection_equi1]
labels = [pc.get_label() for pc in all_path_collections]
# set legend at rigth upper position outside subplot for temperature and humidity from internal sensors of
# climate chamber, Michael
self.ax1[1].legend(all_path_collections, labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.09, 1))
# Third plot: temperatur external sensor0, humidity external sensors0, Michael
# sensor 0 is the sensor at port 0 of ahlborn and used for the DUT temperature, DUT humidity, Michael def edit_annotation_in_plot(self, annotate_string ='', anno_fontsize = 16):
# label for temeprature and humidity of sensor 0 can be configure by ext_sens_data.json, Michael
self.path_collection_temp_sensor0 = self.ax1[2].scatter(time,temp_sensor0, c='red', marker='p', label=label_temp_sensor0) # update text of annotation in first subplot
minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(temp_sensor0) self.postplot_obj.annotation.set_text(annotate_string)
self.ax1[2].set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
# second y-axis on the right for humidity of external sensor0 # edit annotation fontsize in first subplot
self.ext_sens_hum_axis = self.ax1[2].twinx() self.postplot_obj.annotation.set_fontsize(anno_fontsize)
minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(hum_sensor0)
self.ext_sens_hum_axis.set_ylim(minimum, maximum) def calc_mag_phase_pkpk_values(self, data_frame):
self.path_collection_hum_sensor0 = self.ext_sens_hum_axis.scatter(time, hum_sensor0, c='purple', marker='*', label=label_hum_sensor0)
# units added to the y-axes labels, Michael # calc PK2PK values of magnitude and phase
self.ax1[2].set_xlabel("TIME [%s]" %time_unit) delta_phase = max(data_frame.S21_PHASE) - min(data_frame.S21_PHASE)
self.ax1[2].set_ylabel("TEMPERATURE [°C]", color='red') delta_magnitude = max(data_frame.S21_MAGNITUDE) - min(data_frame.S21_MAGNITUDE)
self.ext_sens_hum_axis.set_ylabel("HUMIDITY [%RH]", color = 'purple')
self.ax1[2].grid(True, linestyle=":")
all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_temp_sensor0, self.path_collection_hum_sensor0]
labels = [pc.get_label() for pc in all_path_collections]
# set legend at rigth upper position outside subplot for temperature and humidity from external sensor 0, Michael # generate text for annoation in first subplot
self.ax1[2].legend(all_path_collections, labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.09, 1)) delta_vals_string = "$\Delta\phi$($S_{21PkPk}$): %.3f °\n$\Delta$|$S_{21PkPk}$|: %.3f dB" \
% (delta_phase, delta_magnitude)
# Forth plot: temperatur external sensor1, humidity external sensors1, air pressure external sensor1, Michael return delta_vals_string
# sensor 1 is the sensor at port 1 of ahlborn and used for the room temperature, the room humidity
# and the air pressure in the room, Michael
# label for temeprature and humidity of sensor0 can be configure by ext_sens_data.json, Michael
self.path_collection_temp_sensor1 = self.ax1[3].scatter(time,temp_sensor1, c='green', marker='*', label=label_temp_sensor1)
minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(temp_sensor1)
self.ax1[3].set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
# second y-axis on the right for humidity
self.sec_ext_hum_sens_axis = self.ax1[3].twinx()
minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(hum_sensor1)
self.sec_ext_hum_sens_axis.set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
self.path_collection_hum_sensor1 = self.sec_ext_hum_sens_axis.scatter(time,hum_sensor1, c='orange', marker='>', label=label_hum_sensor1)
# third y-axis on the right for air pressure
self.press_axis = self.ax1[3].twinx()
self.press_axis.spines['right'].set_position(('outward', 60))
minimum, maximum = self.get_extended_min_max(air_press)
self.press_axis.set_ylim(minimum, maximum)
self.path_collection_press = self.press_axis.scatter(time,air_press, c='grey', marker='4', label=label_air_press_sensor1)
# units added to the y-axes labels, Michael
self.ax1[3].set_xlabel("TIME [%s]" %time_unit)
self.ax1[3].set_ylabel("TEMPERATURE [°C]", color='green')
self.sec_ext_hum_sens_axis.set_ylabel("HUMIDITY [%RH]", color = 'orange')
self.press_axis.set_ylabel("AIR PRESSURE [mb]", color ='grey')
self.ax1[3].grid(True, linestyle=":")
all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_temp_sensor1, self.path_collection_hum_sensor1, \
labels = [pc.get_label() for pc in all_path_collections]
# set legend at rigth upper position outside subplot for temperature and humidity from external sensor 1, Michael
self.ax1[3].legend(all_path_collections, labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.09, 1))
# Fifth plot: heater activity of temeprature heater and humidity heater
# values for activity are requested from climate chamber, Michael
self.path_collection_temp_heater = self.ax1[4].scatter(time,temp_heater, c='black', marker='<', label='Temp Heater')
self.path_collection_hum_heater = self.ax1[4].scatter(time, hum_heater, c='brown', marker='o', label='Hum Heater')
# get min max values for temperature heater and humdity heater, Michael
# select the lowest minimum and the highest maximum for limit of the y-axis, Michael
min_temp_heater, max_temp_heater = self.get_extended_min_max(temp_heater)
min_hum_heater, max_hum_heater = self.get_extended_min_max(hum_heater)
minimum = min(min_temp_heater, min_hum_heater)
maximum = max(max_temp_heater, max_hum_heater)
distance = maximum - minimum
self.ax1[4].set_ylim(minimum-0.05*distance, maximum+0.05*(distance))
# units added to the y-axes labels, Michael
self.ax1[4].set_xlabel("TIME [%s]" %time_unit)
self.ax1[4].set_ylabel("HEATER PERCENTAGE [%]", color='black')
self.ax1[4].grid(True, linestyle=":")
all_path_collections = [self.path_collection_temp_heater, \
labels = [pc.get_label() for pc in all_path_collections]
# set legend at rigth upper position outside subplot for temperature heater and humidity heater, Michael
self.ax1[4].legend(all_path_collections, labels, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.08, 1))
# sclae fontsize of all plot window elements to size 14, Michael
# add 5 % of the distance between min and max to the range
def get_extended_min_max(array):
distance = array.max() - array.min()
if distance == 0.:
distance = 1
return array.min()-0.05*distance, array.max()+0.05*distance
# save figure under the given storepath in parameterlist with the given filename in parameter list, Michael # save figure under the given storepath in parameterlist with the given filename in parameter list, Michael
# file extension is part of filename, Michael # file extension is part of filename, Michael
def save_fig(self, storepath, filename): def save_fig(self, storepath, filename):
...@@ -309,102 +125,16 @@ class PostPlot: ...@@ -309,102 +125,16 @@ class PostPlot:
return time return time
# step response of PT1 with initial behavior , Michael
def PT1(self, x, K, T1):
return K * (1 - np.exp(-x/T1)) + self.phase_t0 * np.exp(-x/T1)
# step response of PT2 (D > 1) with initial behavior
def aperiodicPT2(self, x, K, T1, T2,):
return K + self.phase_t0* np.exp(-x/T1)/(T2-T1) - K *T1* np.exp(-x/T1)/(T2-T1) \
- self.phase_t0 * np.exp(-x/T2)/(T2-T1) + K* T2* np.exp(-x/T2)/(T2-T1)
# step response of PT2 (D = 1) with initial behavior, Michael
def aperiodic_borderPT2(self, x, K, T):
return K + self.phase_t0*np.exp(-x/T) - K * np.exp(-x/T) + self.phase_t0*np.exp(-x/T)*x/T + \
- K * np.exp(-x/T) * x/T
# step response of PT2 (0 < D < 1) with initial behavior, Michael
def periodicPT2(self, x, D, T):
return self.K_phases + (self.phase_t0 -self.K_phases)*np.exp(-D*x/T)*np.cos(np.sqrt(1-np.square(D))*x/T) + \
(self.phase_t0 - self.K_phases) * D * np.exp(-D*x/T)*np.sin(np.sqrt(1-np.square(D))*x/T)/np.sqrt(1-np.square(D))
# step response series of PT2 ( D = 1) and PT1 with initial behavior, Michael
def aperiodic_borderPT2_PT1(self, x, a, b, c, d, T1, T2):
return a + b*np.exp(-x/T1)+c*x*np.exp(-x/T1) + d*np.exp(-x/T2)
# method for cuvefit, Michael
# two different algorithms for curvefit are use depending on used step response for fit, Michael
def curvefit(self, func, time, phases):
if func.__name__ == 'periodicPT2':
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, time, phases, method = 'trf', bounds = ([0.001, 0.001], [0.99, np.inf]))
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, time, phases, method = 'lm')
return popt, pcov
# method adds the parameter of the fit with the lowest error to annotation string, Michael
# contens of annotation string is plotted on the left side of subplot 1 if regression state is activated, Michael
def plot_fitted_func_param(self, func, *popt, time_unit):
if func.__name__ == 'PT1':
K = popt[0]
T1 = popt[1]
annotate_string = "K: %.2f\n$T_1$: %.3f %s" %(K, T1, time_unit)
elif func.__name__ == 'aperiodicPT2':
K = popt[0]
T1 = popt[1]
T2 = popt[2]
annotate_string = "K: %.2f\n$T_1$: %.3f %s\n$T_2$: %.3f %s" % (K, T1, time_unit, T2, time_unit)
elif func.__name__ == 'aperiodic_borderPT2':
K = popt[0]
T = popt[1]
annotate_string = "K: %.2f\nT: %.3f %s" %(K, T, time_unit)
elif func.__name__ == 'periodicPT2':
K = self.K_phases
D = popt[0]
T = popt[1]
T_2perc = 4*T/D
annotate_string = "K: %.2f\nD: %.3f\nT: %.3f %s\n$T_E$(2%%): %.2f %s" %(K, D, T, time_unit, T_2perc, time_unit)
elif func.__name__ == 'aperiodic_borderPT2_PT1':
T1 = popt[4]
T2 = popt[5]
annotate_string = "T_1$: %.3f %s\n$T_2$: %.3f %s" % (T1, time_unit, T2, time_unit)
# default value
annotate_string =''
return annotate_string
# calculates the fit for all step responses and calulates the lowest error, Michael
# parameter of the plot with the lowest error is returned by this function, Michael
# if curve fit fails for one stept response it takes the next one and plots in comman window the functions
# which failes, Michael
def choose_fit(self, time, phases):
popt = []
perr = []
used_functions = []
functions = [self.PT1, self.aperiodic_borderPT2, self.aperiodicPT2, self.periodicPT2, \
for func in functions:
# call curvefit method and put the fitted parameter for step response function to a list, Michael
popt.append(self.curvefit(func, time, phases)[0])
# calculation of fitting error
perr.append(np.sqrt(np.square(np.subtract(phases, func(time, *popt[-1]))).mean()))
except RuntimeError:
print('curvefit of %s fails' %func.__name__)
# get position of parameters in list which has the lowest calculated error, Michael
pos = perr.index(min(perr))
# return function name and parameter with the lowest calculated error during curvefit, Michael
return used_functions[pos], popt[pos]
# for manually redo post plot after measurement has finished, Michael # for manually redo post plot after measurement has finished, Michael
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
# set result path for post plot # set result path for post plot
Results_Path = r'C:\Users\pawelzik\Desktop\Results\THRU_27032023' Results_Path = r'C:\Users\pawelzik\Desktop\Results\THRU_27032023Copy'
# activate/deactivate calculation of regression with PT1 - PT3 elements, Michael
regression_state = False
# set time unit for post post plot # set time unit for post post plot
# default is minutes if entry in parameterlist left empty # default is minutes if entry in parameterlist left empty
...@@ -417,13 +147,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': ...@@ -417,13 +147,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# search all csv files in results folder # search all csv files in results folder
csv_file_list = list(Path(Results_Path).glob("**/*.csv")) csv_file_list = list(Path(Results_Path).glob("**/*.csv"))
# set entires for the external sensors of ahlborn in legend of plot windows
legend_sensor0=['TEMP-Sensor DUT', 'HUM-Sensor DUT']
legend_sensor1 = ['Room Temperature','Room Humidity', 'Air Pressure Room']
# create postplot object, Michael # create postplot object, Michael
plot_obj = PostPlot() plot_obj = PostPlot()
# empty data frame for concat the data frames from csv import to plot full transistion
concat_data_frame = pd.DataFrame()
# plot results for each csv-file # plot results for each csv-file
for index, csv_file in enumerate(csv_file_list): for index, csv_file in enumerate(csv_file_list):
...@@ -433,38 +163,27 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': ...@@ -433,38 +163,27 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# determine title of plot from csv-filename, Michael # determine title of plot from csv-filename, Michael
title = title =
if index < 1: # concate datesframe for plotting full transistion data
concat_data_frame = pd.concat([concat_data_frame,data_frame],ignore_index=True, sort = False)
# set concate data frame to first dataframe in list, Michael
concate_data_frame = data_frame
# call post plot method, Michael
plot_obj.plot_frame_data(data_frame, title,legend_sensor0, legend_sensor1, time_unit, \ plot_obj.plot_frame_data(data_frame, title, time_unit)
regression_state = False, plot_regression = True, plot_corr_coeff = False)
concate_data_frame = concate_data_frame.append(data_frame)
plot_obj.plot_frame_data(data_frame, title,legend_sensor0, legend_sensor1, time_unit, \
regression_state, plot_regression = True)
# set filename of post plot, Michael # set filename of post plot, Michael
filename = str(csv_file.stem) + '.svg' filename = str(csv_file.stem) + '.pdf'
# store post plot under the path taht is set in storepath with the earlier defined filename, Michael # store post plot under the path taht is set in storepath with the earlier defined filename
plot_obj.save_fig(storepath, filename) plot_obj.save_fig(storepath, filename)
# plot of all steps of a sweep is plotted in one diagram, Michael # plot of all steps of a sweep is plotted in one diagram, Michael
# title of this plot will be always full transistion, Michel # title of this plot will be always full transistion, Michel
# legend for external sensors is steh to the pre defined values of lgend_snesor0 and legend_sensor1, Michael plot_obj.plot_frame_data(concat_data_frame, 'Full Transistion', time_unit)
plot_obj.plot_frame_data(concate_data_frame, 'Full Transistion', legend_sensor0, legend_sensor1, time_unit)
# filename of plot that contains all steps of sweep is set to FullTransistion, Michael # filename of plot that contains all steps of sweep is set to FullTransistion, Michael
filename = 'Full_Transistion' + '.svg' filename = 'Full_Transistion' + '.pdf'
# plot with the results of all steps is store under the predefined storpath with the earlier defined filename, Michael # plot with the results of all steps is store under the predefined storpath with the earlier defined filename, Michael
plot_obj.save_fig(storepath, filename) plot_obj.save_fig(storepath, filename)
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