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Commit 8655d6aa authored by Michael Pawelzik's avatar Michael Pawelzik
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python class for data logger 'ALMEMO710' for connected sensors to measure...

python class for data logger 'ALMEMO710' for connected sensors to measure temperature, humidity and air pressure
replaces old data logger in test stand software
play script for evaluation of data logger
parent 52357438
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1 merge request!3feat: introduce external sensors
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jan 2 11:08:12 2023
@author: michael pawelzik
Some parts have been copied from uros mavric and then they have been modified for compatibility.
#### SYNTAX FOR CALLING CLASS OBJECTS ########################################
Look into module
# import pythod modules
import time
from telnetlib import Telnet
import re
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import socket
import traceback
class almemo710:
# constructor of class
def __init__(self, ip = '', timeout = 10):
# set class variabel with ip adress given in parameter list of constructor
self.ip_adress = ip
# set class variable with timeout value given in parameter list of constructor
self.timeout = timeout
# error handling if device is not acessable on network
# raise Keyboard Interrupt if connecting fails
# open telenet connection to ALMEMO 710 = Telnet(self.ip_adress, 10001, timeout)
except socket.time:
print("Exception occurred accessing ALMEMO 710 via Telnet\n")
raise KeyboardInterrupt
# create data frame for measurment buffer to store parameter and measured
# properties of connected sensors to ALMEMO 710
self.meas_buffer = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['meas_date','meas_time', 'sens_port', \
'sens_channel', 'meas_val', 'channel_unit', \
# write function to send commands to ALMEMO 710 that do not send a
# response
def write(self, cmd_str, wait_time = 0.5):
# send command to ALMEMO 710, encoding = 'utf8') + b'\r')
# wait
# query function to send a command to almemo 710 and
# return the response to the command
def query(self, cmd_str, wait_time = 0.5):
# send request to ALMEMO 710 encode UTF8 with CR, encoding = 'utf8') + b'\r')
# wait
# read_buffer =
# read buffer until END OF TEXT character has been reach or timeout has occured
read_buffer ='\x03',self.timeout)
# decode receivved data with CP437 format
decoded_read_buffer = read_buffer.decode('cp437')
# return received data
return decoded_read_buffer
# method to set date of ALMEMO 710
def set_date(self):
# request date from operating system
# convert requested date to string
# date format: ddmmyy (d: day, m: month, y: year, last 2 digits )
date = datetime.strftime(,"%d%m%y")
# cmd string for setting date of device
cmd_str = 'd' + date
# send command for setting date to device
# method to set time of ALMEMO 710
def set_time(self):
# request date from operating system
#convert requested time to strinf
# time format: hhmmss (h:hour, m: minute, s: second)
time = datetime.strftime(, "%H%M%S")
# cmd string for setting time of device
cmd_str = 'U' + time
# send command for setting date to device
# method to get actual date from ALMEMO 710
def get_date(self):
# request date from ALMEMO 710
read_buffer = self.query('P13')
# search date string in reply to command P13
# date alway has the following format: xx.xx.xx where x is within [0-9]
# get time out of read buffer and strip white space characters
date ='([0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2})', read_buffer).group(1)
return date
# method to get actual actual time from ALMEMO 710
def get_time(self):
# request time from ALMEMO 710
read_buffer = self.query('P10')
# search time string in reply to command P10
# time alway has the following format: xx:xx:xx where x cis within [0-9]
# get time out of read buffer and strip white space characters
time ='([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})', read_buffer).group(1)
return time
# method to set channel name of selected channel at ALMEMO 710
# channel name can be at max 10 characters
# not allowed characters in name are white space charcters and semicolon
# channel numbers <= 9: string, format 'x.x' where x has to be within [0-9]
# channel numbers > 9: string, format 'x.xx' where x has to be within [0-9]
def set_channel_name(self, channel, channel_name):
# select channel for modification
self.query('M' + channel)
# send first part of command for changing channel name
# send second part of command for changing channel name + channel name + CR
self.query('$' + channel_name + '\r')
# call method for requisting channel name from ALMEMO 710
read_buffer = self.get_channel_name(channel)
# compare requested channel name an channel name from parameter list
# if non equal print error message
if read_buffer.strip() != channel_name:
print('setting of channel name has failed')
# method to get channel name from selected channel at ALMEMO 710
# channel numbers <= 9: string, format 'x.x' where x has to be within [0-9]
# channel numbers > 9: string, format 'x.xx' where x has to be within [0-9]
def get_channel_name(self, channel):
# select channel for request of channel name
self.query('M' + channel)
# send command for requesting channel name to ALMEMO 710
read_buffer = self.query('P00')
# search channel name in reply to cammand P00
# name follows after 2$\ in read_buffer
# get name out of read buffer
channel_name ='(2\$\\[^;]+)', read_buffer).group(1)
# strip white space characters
return channel_name.strip(r'(2\$\\)')
# method to request the list of all active measurement channels of all sensors
# that are connected to ALMEMO 710
# several parameters (channel number, meas_port, channel_unit, channel_name) are
# collected during request an stored in the meas buffer data frame of python class
def request_sens_channel_list(self):
# send command for requesting the list of all active meas channels of all sensors
# that are connected to ALMEMO 710
read_buffer = self.query('P15')
# find channel entries in read buffer and add them to a list
# a channel entry starts with M\ and ends with CR
channel_entries = re.findall(r'(M\\.+\r)', read_buffer)
# to get fixed parameter (channel number, measurment name, measurment unit),
# of a channel entry out of the read buffer search patterns are needed to identify them
# pattern for sens_channel: M\x.x or M\x.xx where x within [0-9]
# pattern for channel_unit: 1$\xx where x can be every character
# pattern for channel_name: 2$\xx where x can be every character without semicolon
search_patterns = {'sens_channel': r'(M\\[0-9]+\.{1}[0-9]+)', \
'channel_unit': r'(1\$\\.{2})', 'channel_name': r'(2\$\\[^;]*)'}
# the search pattern contains identification string for the search in front of the
# measurment parameter of interest and has to be removed -> strip pattern
strip_patterns = {'sens_channel': r'(M\\)', 'channel_unit': r'(1\$\\)', \
'channel_name': r'(2\$\\)'}
# dictonary where parameter of a channel are temporary store before they are added
# to the measurement buffer of the class
channel_params = {'sens_channel': '', 'channel_unit': '', 'channel_name': '', 'sens_port': ''}
for element in channel_entries:
for key in search_patterns:
# for an channel entry in read buffer parameter is searched in the string,
# and the stip pattern is removed
# result of search and strip is stored in dictonary channel params
channel_params.update({key:[key] ,element).group(1)})
channel_params.update({key: channel_params[key].strip(strip_patterns[key])})
# if search of a parameter fails, default value is set
# default value: 'N/A'
# an error message is printed that contains relevant data
# loop will be continued
except AttributeError as attr_err:
channel_params.update({key: 'N/A'})
print('An error occured during parameter search.' \
'Parameter is set to default (N/A)\n')
# with the information of sens_channel the sensor port is determined
# sens_port = 'M' + numbers in front of the point of the measurment channel
# example: sens_channel = 0.1 -> sens_port = M0
sens_port, _ = channel_params['sens_channel'].split('.')
channel_params.update({'sens_port': 'M' + sens_port})
# add a row in measurement buffer an fill colums in measurement buffer with
# collected parameter
self.meas_buffer = self.meas_buffer.append(channel_params, ignore_index= True)
# method to request all measument values for all measurement channels of all sensors
# that are connected to ALMEMO 710
# if request fails meas_buffer of class is not updated
def request_meas_vals_all_channels(self, wait_time = 0.5):
# request measured value from all measurment channels of all connected sensor
# to ALMEMO 710
read_buffer = self.query('S1', wait_time)
# search for line in measurment buffer that starts with digit and ends with digit
meas_vals_string ='([0-9].+[0-9])',read_buffer).group(1)
# change decimal designator to point if not default
mod_meas_vals_string = meas_vals_string.replace(',','.')
# ALMEMO 710 returns date, time and the measured values for all
# sensor channels of all connceted sensors.
# parameters are separated by semicolon, splitted and stored in list format
meas_param_list = mod_meas_vals_string.split(';')
# extraction of date from meas_param_list
date = meas_param_list.pop(0)
# extraction of time from meas_param_list
time = meas_param_list.pop(0)
# check if extracted date and time have correct format
datetime.strptime(date, '%d.%m.%y')
datetime.strptime(time, '%H:%M:%S')
# store date and time of measurement in meas_buffer of class
self.meas_buffer.loc[:, 'meas_date'] = date
self.meas_buffer.loc[:, 'meas_time'] = time
# after exctraction of date and time meas_vals_list does only contain
# the measured mavules for all sensor channels
# convert the measured values now to float
meas_vals_list = np.array(meas_param_list, dtype = 'float')
# sore measured values for all sensor channels in measurment buffer of class
self.meas_buffer.loc[:, 'meas_val'] = meas_vals_list
# if no line with measured values is found and error message is
# printed that contains relevant data
except AttributeError as att_err:
print('An error occured during search of meas_vals_string.\n')
# if list of measured values is empty an error message is
# printed that contains relevant data
except IndexError as ind_err:
print('List of measured values is empty. Date/time could not' \
'be extracted.\n')
except ValueError as val_err:
# determine source code which has caused error
val_err_initiator = traceback.extract_tb(val_err.__traceback__, limit=None)[0].line
# check for date format error
if 'date' in val_err_initiator:
print('String does not contain correct format for date\n')
# check for time format error and print error message that time format is incorrect
elif 'time' in val_err_initiator:
print('String does not contain correct format for time\n')
# print error message that mesured values contain parameter that can not
# be converted to float
print('List with measured values contain parameter that could ' \
'not be converted to float\n')
# print error message with relevant error data
# method to set the ouput format for the measured data
# default option and the only one at ALMEMO 710 is
# output in table format separated by semicolon
# S1 for request replies the following format:
# date;time;meas value channel 1;meas vale channel 2; ...;meas value channel N
def set_meas_output_format(self, output_format = 'N2'):
# send command to set the output format the measured data
self.query (output_format)
# method to the the conversion rate (Measurements per Second)
def set_conversion_rate(self, rate = 10):
# create as dictonary with the possible conversion rates and the
# scan time in seconds for the conversion rate
scan_time_dict = dict({10: 0.9, 50: 0.18, 100: 0.09})
# send command for setting conversion rate to ALMEMO 710
# fetch scan time for selected conversion rate out of dictonary
scan_time = scan_time_dict.get(int(rate))
return scan_time
# method to fetch parameter for selected channel from measrement buffer of class
# selection possible by channel number of sensor channel or channel name
# if more than one row of channel buffer fits entry can be selected by optional parameter item
def fetch_channel_param_from_meas_buffer(self, pattern = '0.0', index = 0):
# filter rows of data frame that match to selection
# results will be a dataframe that contains all matches
sel_channel_data = self.meas_buffer[self.meas_buffer.isin([pattern]).any(axis=1)]
# if no entry for selection of sensor channel is found in meas buffer of class,
# sensor channel '0.0' will be selected as default parameter
if sel_channel_data.empty == True:
sel_channel_data = self.meas_buffer[self.meas_buffer.isin(['0.0']).any(axis=1)]
# info message is printed that no channel matches to selection
print('value is not in data_frame. Default value (channel 0.0) is returned')
# determine number of matches
num_matches = sel_channel_data.shape[0]
# check if selected entry of filtered measured buffer smaller than number of matches
# max index is always number of matches -1
if index < num_matches:
meas_channel_data = sel_channel_data.iloc[index,:]
# determine the maximum value for index
# max index = number of matches -1
max_item_val = num_matches - 1
# return default value which is the fisrt one in the filtered meas_buffer
# print error message that selected index is too high
meas_channel_data = sel_channel_data.iloc[0,:]
print('Value for index too large. Set Value to Default (index = 0)\n')
print('max index: %d' % max_item_val)
# data series with selected channel is returned containing all parameter of sensor channel
# if more entires match to selection data series that should be returned can be selected
# by optinal parameter item. By default item is set to 0
# second parameter that is returned by the method is the number of matches
# that fit to selection criteria
return meas_channel_data, num_matches
# close telenet connection
def close(self):
# destructor of class
def __del__(self):
\ No newline at end of file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jan 2 16:55:57 2023
@author: michael pawelzik
# import module with python class for ahlborn
import almemo710
# variables for selection in used methods
sel_channel_no = '0.0'
sel_channel_name = 'T,t'
item = 0
# create object for python class of almemo710
almemo710_obj = almemo710.almemo710(ip='')
# request date from almemo 710
date = almemo710_obj.get_date()
# request time from almemo 710
time = almemo710_obj.get_time()
# set name of measurment channel 0.1 from almemo 710
# request name of measurement channel from almemo 710
channel_name = almemo710_obj.get_channel_name(sel_channel_no)
# set output format for measured data
# parameter should be N2 or left empty
# output format is ste to table
almemo710_obj. set_meas_output_format()
# request list of all sensors channels that are currently active
# store this data in data frame of class_object
# trigger single measurement an request the measured values for all measurment channels
# of almemo 710
# store measured values in data frame of python class
# get measuerement buffer of class object
meas_buffer = almemo710_obj.meas_buffer
# fetch parameter of selected measurement channel from meas_buffer of class object
# input of channel name or channel number is possible
# numbmer format: 'x.x' or x.xx when number > 10 where is has to be [0-9]
meas_channel_data, num_matches = almemo710_obj. \
fetch_channel_param_from_meas_buffer(pattern = sel_channel_name, index = item)
# get measurement date from selected measurement channel
meas_date = meas_channel_data.meas_date
# get measurement time from selected measurement channel
meas_time = meas_channel_data.meas_time
# get measurement value from selected measurement channel
meas_value = meas_channel_data.meas_val
# get sensor unit from selected measurement channel
channel_unit = meas_channel_data.channel_unit
# get channel name from selected measurement channel
channel_name = meas_channel_data.channel_name
# get channel number from selected measurement channel
sens_channel = meas_channel_data.sens_channel
# close telnet connection
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