slot class examples values structured_pattern unit symbol abstract alias aliases apply_to asymmetric broad mappings categories children_are_mutually_disjoint class_uri close mappings comments conforms_to contributors created_by created_on defining_slots definition_uri deprecated deprecated element has exact replacement deprecated element has possible replacement description designates_type disjoint_with domain domain_of equals_expression equals_number equals_string equals_string_in exact mappings from_schema id_prefixes identifier ifabsent implements implicit_prefix imported_from in_language in_subset inherited inlined inlined_as_list instantiates inverse irreflexive is_a is_class_field is_grouping_slot is_usage_slot key keywords last_updated_on list_elements_ordered list_elements_unique locally_reflexive mappings maximum_cardinality maximum_value minimum_cardinality minimum_value mixin mixins modified_by multivalued name narrow mappings notes owner pattern range rank readonly recommended reflexive reflexive_transitive_form_of related mappings relational_role represents_relationship required role see_also shared singular_name slot_conditions slot_group slot_names_unique slot_uri source status string_serialization subclass_of subproperty_of symmetric title todos transitive transitive_form_of tree_root union_of usage_slot_name value_presence values_from
>slot class examples structured_pattern unit abstract alias aliases apply_to asymmetric broad_mappings categories children_are_mutually_disjoint class_uri close_mappings comments conforms_to contributors created_by created_on defining_slots definition_uri deprecated deprecated_element_has_exact_replacement deprecated_element_has_possible_replacement description designates_type disjoint_with domain domain_of equals_expression equals_number equals_string equals_string_in exact_mappings from_schema id_prefixes identifier ifabsent implements implicit_prefix imported_from in_language in_subset inherited inlined inlined_as_list instantiates inverse irreflexive is_a is_class_field is_grouping_slot is_usage_slot key keywords last_updated_on list_elements_ordered list_elements_unique locally_reflexive mappings maximum_cardinality maximum_value minimum_cardinality minimum_value mixin mixins modified_by multivalued name narrow_mappings notes owner pattern range rank readonly recommended reflexive reflexive_transitive_form_of related_mappings relational_role represents_relationship required role see_also shared singular_name slot_conditions slot_group slot_names_unique slot_uri source status string_serialization subclass_of subproperty_of symmetric title todos transitive transitive_form_of tree_root union_of usage_slot_name value_presence values_from
> "inner_key: ""value""" "inner_key: ""syntax""" "inner_key: ""symbol"""
> "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|""" "internal_separator: ""|"""
owner Owner or custodian of the dataset, usually first name + last name. The string may contain a list of persons, which should then be seperated by semicolons. owner true
ownerEmail Email of the owner or custodian of the dataset. The string may contain a list of emails, which should then be seperated by semicolons. ownerEmail
orcidOfOwner ORCID of the owner or custodian. The string may contain a list of ORCIDs, which should then be separated by semicolons. orcidOfOwner
contactEmail Email of the contact person for this dataset. The string may contain a list of emails, which should then be seperated by semicolons. contactEmail
sourceFolder Absolute file path on file server containing the files of this dataset, e.g. /some/path/to/sourcefolder. In case of a single file dataset, e.g. HDF5 data, it contains the path up to, but excluding the filename. Trailing slashes are removed. sourceFolder
size Total size of all source files contained in source folder on disk when unpacked. size float
dataQualityMetrics Data Quality Metrics is a number given by the user to rate the dataset. dataQualityMetrics float
creationTime Time when dataset became fully available on disk, i.e. all containing files have been written. Format according to chapter 5.6 internet date/time format in RFC 3339. Local times without timezone/offset info are automatically transformed to UTC using the timezone of the API server. creationTime
type Characterize type of dataset, either 'raw' or 'derived'. Autofilled when choosing the proper inherited models. type type_options true
keywords true keywords
description Free text explanation of contents of dataset. description
datasetName A name for the dataset, given by the creator to carry some semantic meaning. Useful for display purposes e.g. instead of displaying the pid. Will be autofilled if missing using info from sourceFolder. datasetName
license Name of the license under which the data can be used. license
scientificMetadata true JSON object containing the scientific metadata. scientificMetadata
principalInvestigator First name and last name of principal investigator(s). If multiple PIs are present, use a semicolon separated list. This field is required if the dataset is a Raw dataset. principalInvestigator true
endTime End time of data acquisition for this dataset, format according to chapter 5.6 internet date/time format in RFC 3339. Local times without timezone/offset info are automatically transformed to UTC using the timezone of the API server. endTime
creationLocation Unique location identifier where data was taken, usually in the form /Site-name/facility-name/instrumentOrBeamline-name. This field is required if the dataset is a Raw dataset. creationLocation
dataFormat Defines the format of the data files in this dataset, e.g Nexus Version x.y. dataFormat
proposalId The ID of the proposal to which the dataset belongs. proposalId
instrumentId ID of the instrument where the data was created. instrumentId
ScicatDataset true ScicatDataset