feat: implement more software access properties
Software side effects implemented. This adds support for the following field properties:
- woclr
- woset
- rclr
- rset
- singlepulse
- onread
- rclr All the bits of the field are cleared on read (field = 0).
- rset All the bits of the field are set on read (field = all 1’s).
- onwrite
- woset Bitwise write one to set (field = field | write_data).
- woclr Bitwise write one to clear (field = field & ~write_data).
- wot Bitwise write one to toggle (field = field ^ write_data).
- wzs Bitwise write zero to set (field = field | ~write_data).
- wzc Bitwise write zero to clear (field = field & write_data).
- wzt Bitwise write zero to toggle (field = field ~^ write_data).
- wclr All bits of the field are cleared on write (field = 0).
- wset All bits of the field are set on write (field = all 1’s).
Reference: SystemRDL 2.0 documentation, 9.6 Software access properties
Edited by Lukasz Butkowski