feat: add t_iq type for In-phase and Quadrature signals
This MR adds the math_iq type and t_iq package. t_iq holds two signed signals. In math_iq various functions are defined to use this type.
- Initialize an IQ vector
- Modify either the I or Q components of the vector
- Resize vector components
- Shift components
- Extract the I and Q components
- Check for equality/inequality of two vectors
- Sum/difference/multiplications of two vectors
- Shift left/right of the components of a vector
- Swap components
- Conjugate (I, -Q)
- Cross product
- Dot product
- Complex product
Example usage:
prs_test_iq : process
constant C_COMP_LENGTH : natural := 18 -- IQ component length
variable var_a : t_iq(C_COMP_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
variable var_a_ex : t_iq(C_COMP_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
variable var_b : t_iq(C_COMP_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
variable var_sum : t_iq(C_COMP_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
variable var_prod : t_iq(C_COMP_LENGTH*2-1 downto 0);
variable var_sumq : signed(C_COMP_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
variable var_prod_matrix : t_prod_matrix(C_COMP_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
variable var_dot_prod : signed(C_COMP_LENGTH-1 downto 0);
var_a := f_new(-4, 9, C_COMP_LENGTH); -- initialize with (I, Q) = (-4, 9)
var_b := f_new(to_signed(5, C_COMP_LENGTH), to_signed(-1, C_COMP_LENGTH)); -- initialize with (I, Q) = (5, -1)
var_sum := var_a + var_b; -- (I, Q) = (-4+5, 9-1 ) = (1, 8)
var_prod := var_a * var_b; -- (I, Q) = (-4*5, 9*- 1) = (-20, -9)
var_a_ex := f_set_i(var_a, 6); -- new I, (I, Q) = (6, 9)
var_sumq := f_get_q(var_a); -- extract Q. var_sumq = 9
var_prod_matrix := f_prod_matrix(var_a, var_b); -- product matrix
var_dot_prod := f_dot_prod(var_prod_matrix); -- dot product
Documentation: https://gitlab.msktools.desy.de/fpgafw/lib/desy_vhdl/-/blob/math_iq/doc/modules/ROOT/pages/math/math.adoc#user-content-package-math_iq
Edited by Lukasz Butkowski