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data_config_asapo.json 2.29 KiB
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Michael Reuscher's avatar
Michael Reuscher committed
Michael Reuscher's avatar
Michael Reuscher committed
    "-n": "50",
Michael Reuscher's avatar
Michael Reuscher committed
    "-i": "0.1s",
Michael Reuscher's avatar
Michael Reuscher committed
    "-N": "1",
    "--outputHandler": "asapo",
    "--beamTime": "asapo_test",
    "--token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjk1NzE3MTAyMTYsImp0aSI6Ind0ZmlzdGhpcyIsInN1YiI6ImJ0X2FzYXBvX3Rlc3QiLCJFeHRyYUNsYWltcyI6eyJBY2Nlc3NUeXBlcyI6WyJ3cml0ZSIsIndyaXRlcmF3IiwicmVhZCJdfX0.cz6R_kVf4yh7IJD6bJjDdgTaxPN3txudZx9DE6WaTtk",
    "--endpoint": "localhost:8400"},
Michael Reuscher's avatar
Michael Reuscher committed
    "-s": "1024",
    "-n": "100",
    "-i": "0.1s",
Michael Reuscher's avatar
Michael Reuscher committed
    "-N": "1",
    "--outputHandler": "asapo",
    "--beamTime": "asapo_test",
    "--token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjk1NzE3MTAyMTYsImp0aSI6Ind0ZmlzdGhpcyIsInN1YiI6ImJ0X2FzYXBvX3Rlc3QiLCJFeHRyYUNsYWltcyI6eyJBY2Nlc3NUeXBlcyI6WyJ3cml0ZSIsIndyaXRlcmF3IiwicmVhZCJdfX0.cz6R_kVf4yh7IJD6bJjDdgTaxPN3txudZx9DE6WaTtk",
    "--endpoint": "localhost:8400"},
Michael Reuscher's avatar
Michael Reuscher committed
    "note":                  "this is only a help an it is never used by the simrunner programm",
    "--burstInterval":       "event interval in a burst default: 1000000",
    "--burstLength":         "number of events in a burst default: 0",
    "--dataGenerator":       "name of the data generator default: random",
    "--debugOptions":        "give debug output to option parsing default: false",
    "-h, --help":            "give this help default: false",
    "-i, --interval":        "event interval default: 1000000000",
    "-n, --nEvents":         "number of events to create per thread default: 1",
    "--noCfgFileRecursion":  "do not read config files recursively, must be set before use default: false",
    "--noCfgFiles":          "do not read the default config files, must be FIRST option default: false",
    "--nodeId":              "nodeId for object indentification default:",
    "--prefixData":      "data prepended to output lines default:",
    "-s, --size":            "block size (only needed by long)",
    "--skew":                "timing skew between threads, fracton of interval default: 0",
    "--startTime":           "time point to start generating data default: -9223372036.854776",
    "-t, --timingGenerator": "name of the timing generator default: regular",
    "-V, --version":         "print version and exit sucessfully default: false",
    "--writeCfgFile":        "write a config file default:"}