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  • Tigran Mkrtchyan's avatar
    libs: switch to oncrpc4j-2.5.0 · 4184959c
    Tigran Mkrtchyan authored
    new feature release with small API changes
    Changelog for oncrpc4j-2.4.0..oncrpc4j-2.5.0
        * [a065943] preparing for next major release: updated version in master
        * [a5f3109] docs: point to latest stable release in README
        * [e6b3a82] support generation of async future-returning client methods
        * [09db498] fix bad Future code generated for java primitive return values
        * [6dbd4b0] put a sleep in the add server impl, as intended
        * [f4bd00a] make naven plugin versions deterministic
        * [38a9d62] implement generation of async calls that accept a callback handler
        * [f7c9a14] support for generating oneway client methods
        * [31b4175] make RpcClient AUtoclosable to allow usage in try-with-resources
        * [9f60650] add timeout support. fixes #14 along the way
        * [8fecc14] rpc: override toString when wrapping rpc request with runnable.
        * [57ed55e] make sure that oneway calls do not fail silently if connection was dropped
        * [bcbd0ef] rpcbind: fix regression introduced in f522af90
        * [e1cdba5] rpcbind: do not throw IOException if we fail to start embedded portmap
        * [afb4391] rpcbind: make use of try-with-resource
        * [de19c25] rpcbind: walk through rpcbind versions in reverse order
        * [cee374e] pom: add a runtime dependency on slf4j-simple
        * [8f032f6] rpc: log exceptions thrown by dispatchers
        * [501d22a] add blob store test case
        * [730aac6] upgrade guava to 18.0 to match jpnfs
        * [9915a0b] allow setting service name on OncRpcSvc (affects thread names)
        * [c6b954c] allow specifying rpc credentials per call (default to constructor provided _creds if null)
        * [606da93] add support for generating clients with per-call authentication. done via off-by-default jrpcgen flag
        * [688cae5] allow specifying local (outgoing) port for rpc clients, make clients implement Closeable
        * [310bbd8] allow rpc clients to set grizzly io strategy
        * [815f11a] add missing rpc call signature
        * [9fbf84e] libs: update grizzly to 2.3.23
        * [7b285e0] docs: point to latest stable release in README
        * [b5c0f6e] add test case to demonstrate file/pipe leak on connection refused
        * [5e56446] fix resource leak on connection refused (sort of ...)
        * [884fb01] get rid of getRootCause() in favor of guava
        * [19d2a3d] oncrpc: do not wrap IOException with IOException
        * [b30a57a] oncrpc: remove unnecessary casting
        * [c9755c3] fix test to not sporadically fail - try to connect to a port an outgoing socket will never be assigned
        * [52df6cf] readme: add hotto contribute
        * [489b3c7] rpcsvc: do not catch generic exception during shutdown
        * [8cb91f0] rpcsvc: merge rpc server and client code
        * [f736c16] oncrpcsvc: update builder to configure rpc programs
        * [9493a24] docs: remove example without builder
        * [eed6a68] small fixes to make code and build work on windows
        * [4e20ee0] portmap enhancements
        * [4d171f0] Update RpcLoginService to carry more information
        * [db94c0d] add a test case to demonstrate #31
        * [e14094e] start XDR objects with 1K of buffers initially. addresses #31
        * [a075ec7] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release oncrpc4j-2.5.0
    Acked-by: Pail Millar
    Target: master