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  • Eric Cano's avatar
    CASTOR-4739: tapeserverd should support localfile, rfio, xroot and rados... · edc85cbc
    Eric Cano authored
    CASTOR-4739: tapeserverd should support localfile, rfio, xroot and rados striper access for disk files
    Changed the behaviour in case of non-URL paths(*): if we get Ceph non-URL path, we open
    the path (which always points to localhost) via the castor2fs xroot extension. In this
    case, we add the castor2fs.pool parameter to the path. We also force to port number
    to castor2fs's 1095. This will allow access to ceph via  local xroot translation deamon
    running on the tape server's host.
    The code has been factored out to allow also bare Xroot accesses with full URLs.
    (*) Non-URL path is the current path description exchanged between tape gateway and
    tape server, in the form <server>:<pool>/<object name> for ceph objects and
    <server>:/path/to/the/file for xroot files.