Victor Kotlyar authoredVictor Kotlyar authored
rmc_smcsubr.c 29.75 KiB
* Copyright (C) 1998-2003 by CERN/IT/PDP/DM
* All rights reserved
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "getconfent.h"
#include "rbtsubr_constants.h"
#include "rmc_constants.h"
#include "rmc_logit.h"
#include "rmc_send_scsi_cmd.h"
#include "rmc_sendrep.h"
#include "rmc_smcsubr.h"
#include "rmc_smcsubr2.h"
#include "scsictl.h"
#include "serrno.h"
#include "smc_constants.h"
#define RBT_XTRA_PROC 10
#define PATH_CONF "/etc/cta/cta-smc.conf"
static struct smc_status smc_status;
static const char *smc_msgaddr;
static void save_error(
const int rc,
const int nb_sense,
const char *const sense,
const char *const msgaddr)
smc_msgaddr = msgaddr;
smc_status.rc = rc;
smc_status.skvalid = 0;
smc_status.save_errno = serrno;
if (rc == -4 && nb_sense >= 14) {
smc_status.asc = sense[12];
smc_status.ascq = sense[13];
smc_status.sensekey = sense[2] &0xF;
smc_status.skvalid = 1;
} else {
smc_status.asc = 0;
smc_status.ascq = 0;
smc_status.sensekey = 0;
static int vmatch (const char *const pattern, const char *const vid)
const char *p;
const char *v;
for (p = pattern, v = vid; *p; p++, v++) {
if (*v == 0 && *p != '*')
return (1);
switch (*p) {
case '?': /* match any single character */
case '*':
if (*(++p) == 0)
return (0); /* trailing * matches the rest */
while (vmatch (p, v)) {
if (*(++v) == 0)
return (1);
return (0);
if (*p != *v)
return (1);
return (*v != 0);
static int get_element_size(
const int fd,
const char *const rbtdev,
const int type)
unsigned char buf[128];
unsigned char cdb[12];
const char *msgaddr;
int nb_sense_ret;
int rc;
char sense[MAXSENSE];
int voltag = 0x10;
int pause_mode = 1;
int nretries = 0;
memset (cdb, 0, sizeof(cdb));
cdb[0] = 0xB8; /* read element status */
cdb[1] = voltag + type; /* we request volume tag info and this type */
cdb[5] = 1; /* we only need one element */
cdb[9] = 128; /* limit for the report */
/* IBM library in pause mode */
while (pause_mode && nretries <= 900) {
rc = rmc_send_scsi_cmd (fd, rbtdev, 0, cdb, 12, buf, 128,
sense, 38, SCSI_IN, &nb_sense_ret, &msgaddr);
if (rc < 0) {
if (rc == -4 && nb_sense_ret >= 14 && (sense[12] == 0x04) && (sense[13] == -0X7B )) {
pause_mode = 1;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
if (rc < 0) {
save_error (rc, nb_sense_ret, sense, msgaddr);
return (-1);
return (buf[10] * 256 + buf[11]);
static int get_element_info(
const char opcode,
const int fd,
const char *const rbtdev,
const int type,
const int start,
const int nbelem,
struct smc_element_info element_info[])
int avail_elem;
unsigned char cdb[12];
unsigned char *data;
int edl;
int element_size;
char func[16];
int i;
int len;
const char *msgaddr;
int nb_sense_ret;
unsigned char *p;
unsigned char *page_end, *page_start;
unsigned char *q;
int rc;
char sense[MAXSENSE];
int pause_mode = 1;
int nretries = 0;
int nbReportBytesRemaining = 0;
int nbElementsInReport = 0;
strncpy (func, "get_elem_info", sizeof(func));
func[sizeof(func) - 1] = '\0';
if (type) {
element_size = get_element_size (fd, rbtdev, type);
if (element_size < 0) return (-1);
} else {
element_size = get_element_size (fd, rbtdev, 1); /* transport */
if (element_size < 0) return (-1);
i = get_element_size (fd, rbtdev, 2); /* slot */
if (i < 0) return (-1);
if (i > element_size) element_size = i;
i = get_element_size (fd, rbtdev, 3); /* port */
if (i < 0) return (-1);
if (i > element_size) element_size = i;
i = get_element_size (fd, rbtdev, 4); /* device */
if (i < 0) return (-1);
if (i > element_size) element_size = i;
len = nbelem * element_size + 8;
if (type != 0 || nbelem == 1)
len += 8; /* one element header */
len += 32; /* possibly four element headers */
data = (unsigned char *)malloc (len);
memset (cdb, 0, sizeof(cdb));
cdb[0] = opcode; /* read element status or request volume element address */
cdb[1] = 0x10 + type;
cdb[2] = start >> 8;
cdb[3] = start & 0xFF;
cdb[4] = nbelem >> 8;
cdb[5] = nbelem & 0xFF;
cdb[7] = len >> 16;
cdb[8] = (len >> 8) & 0xFF;
cdb[9] = len & 0xFF;
/* IBM library in pause mode */
while (pause_mode && nretries <= 900) {
rc = rmc_send_scsi_cmd (fd, rbtdev, 0, cdb, 12, data, len,
sense, 38, SCSI_IN, &nb_sense_ret, &msgaddr);
if (rc < 0) {
if (rc == -4 && nb_sense_ret >= 14 && (sense[12] == 0x04) && (sense[13] == -0X7B )) {
pause_mode = 1;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
if (rc < 0) {
save_error (rc, nb_sense_ret, sense, msgaddr);
free (data);
return (-1);
avail_elem = *(data+2) * 256 + *(data+3);
nbReportBytesRemaining = *(data+5) * 256 * 256 + *(data+6) * 256 + *(data+7);
i = 0;
p = data + 8; /* point after data header */
while (i < avail_elem && 0 < nbReportBytesRemaining) {
nbReportBytesRemaining -= 8;
edl = *(p+2) * 256 + *(p+3);
page_start = p + 8; /* point after page header */
page_end = page_start +
(((*(p+5) * 256 + *(p+6)) * 256) + *(p+7));
if (page_end > (data + len)) page_end = data + len;
for (p = page_start; p < page_end && i < avail_elem; p += edl, i++) {
nbReportBytesRemaining -= edl;
element_info[i].element_address = *p * 256 + *(p+1);
element_info[i].element_type = *(page_start-8);
element_info[i].state = *(p+2);
element_info[i].asc = *(p+4);
element_info[i].ascq = *(p+5);
element_info[i].flags = *(p+9);
element_info[i].source_address = *(p+10) * 256 + *(p+11);
if ((*(page_start-7) & 0x80) == 0 ||
(*(p+12) == '\0') || (*(p+12) == ' '))
element_info[i].name[0] = '\0';
else {
q = (unsigned char *) strchr ((char *)p+12, ' ');
if (q) {
strncpy (element_info[i].name, (char *)p+12, q-p-12);
element_info[i].name[q-p-12] = '\0';
} else
strcpy (element_info[i].name, (char *)p+12);
if (strlen (element_info[i].name) > CA_MAXVIDLEN)
element_info[i].name[CA_MAXVIDLEN] = '\0';
free (data);
return (nbElementsInReport);
int smc_get_geometry(
const int fd,
const char *const rbtdev,
struct robot_info *const robot_info)
unsigned char buf[36];
unsigned char cdb[6];
char func[16];
const char *msgaddr;
int nb_sense_ret;
int rc;
char sense[MAXSENSE];
int pause_mode = 1;
int nretries = 0;
strncpy(func, "get_geometry", sizeof(func));
func[sizeof(func) - 1] = '\0';
memset (cdb, 0, sizeof(cdb));
cdb[0] = 0x12; /* inquiry */
cdb[4] = 36;
/* IBM library in pause mode */
while (pause_mode && nretries <= 900) {
rc = rmc_send_scsi_cmd (fd, rbtdev, 0, cdb, 6, buf, 36,
sense, 38, SCSI_IN, &nb_sense_ret, &msgaddr);
if (rc < 0) {
if (rc == -4 && nb_sense_ret >= 14 && (sense[12] == 0x04) && (sense[13] == -0X7B )) {
pause_mode = 1;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
if (rc < 0) {
save_error (rc, nb_sense_ret, sense, msgaddr);
return (-1);
memcpy (robot_info->inquiry, buf+8, 28);
robot_info->inquiry[28] = '\0';
memset (cdb, 0, sizeof(cdb));
cdb[0] = 0x1A; /* mode sense */
cdb[1] = 0x08; /* DBD bit - Disable block descriptors */
cdb[2] = 0x1D; /* element address assignment page */
cdb[4] = 24;
pause_mode = 1;
nretries = 0;
/* IBM library in pause mode */
while (pause_mode && nretries<=900) {
rc = rmc_send_scsi_cmd (fd, rbtdev, 0, cdb, 6, buf, 24,
sense, 38, SCSI_IN, &nb_sense_ret, &msgaddr);
if (rc < 0) {
if (rc == -4 && nb_sense_ret >= 14 && (sense[12] == 0x04) && (sense[13] == -0X7B )) {
pause_mode = 1;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
if (rc < 0) {
save_error (rc, nb_sense_ret, sense, msgaddr);
return (-1);
robot_info->transport_start = buf[6] * 256 + buf[7];
robot_info->transport_count = buf[8] * 256 + buf[9];
robot_info->slot_start = buf[10] * 256 + buf[11];
robot_info->slot_count = buf[12] * 256 + buf[13];
robot_info->port_start = buf[14] * 256 + buf[15];
robot_info->port_count = buf[16] * 256 + buf[17];
robot_info->device_start = buf[18] * 256 + buf[19];
robot_info->device_count = buf[20] * 256 + buf[21];
return (0);
int smc_read_elem_status(
const int fd,
const char *const rbtdev,
const int type,
const int start,
const int nbelem,
struct smc_element_info element_info[])
char func[16];
strncpy(func, "read_elem_statu", sizeof(func));
func[sizeof(func) - 1] = '\0';
return get_element_info (0xB8, fd, rbtdev, type, start, nbelem, element_info);
int smc_find_cartridgeWithoutSendVolumeTag (
const int fd,
const char *const rbtdev,
const char *const find_template,
const int type,
const int start,
const int nbelem,
struct smc_element_info element_info[])
static char err_msgbuf[132];
int nbFound = 0;
char func[16];
int i;
struct smc_element_info *inventory_info;
char *msgaddr;
const int patternMatching = strchr (find_template, '*') || strchr (find_template, '?');
struct robot_info robot_info;
int tot_nbelem = 0;
int nbElementsInReport = 0;
strncpy(func, "findWithoutVT", sizeof(func));
func[sizeof(func) - 1] = '\0';
const int smc_get_geometry_rc = smc_get_geometry (fd, rbtdev, &robot_info);
if(smc_get_geometry_rc) {
return smc_get_geometry_rc;
tot_nbelem = robot_info.transport_count + robot_info.slot_count +
robot_info.port_count + robot_info.device_count;
if ((inventory_info = (struct smc_element_info *)malloc (tot_nbelem * sizeof(struct smc_element_info))) == NULL) {
serrno = errno;
sprintf (err_msgbuf, "malloc error: %s", strerror(errno));
msgaddr = err_msgbuf;
save_error (-1, 0, NULL, msgaddr);
return (-1);
nbElementsInReport = smc_read_elem_status (fd, rbtdev, type, start, tot_nbelem, inventory_info);
if(0 > nbElementsInReport) {
free (inventory_info);
return (nbElementsInReport);
for (i = 0 ; i < nbElementsInReport && nbFound < nbelem; i++) {
if (inventory_info[i].state & 0x1) {
if (patternMatching) {
if (vmatch (find_template, inventory_info[i].name) == 0) {
memcpy (&element_info[nbFound], &inventory_info[i],
sizeof(struct smc_element_info));
} else {
if (strcmp (find_template, inventory_info[i].name) == 0) {
memcpy (element_info, &inventory_info[i],
sizeof(struct smc_element_info));
nbFound = 1;
free (inventory_info);
return (nbFound);
int smc_find_cartridge(
const int fd,
const char *const rbtdev,
const char *const find_template,
const int type,
const int start,
const int nbelem,
struct smc_element_info element_info[])
unsigned char cdb[12];
char func[16];
const char *msgaddr;
int nb_sense_ret;
char plist[40];
int rc;
char sense[MAXSENSE];
int pause_mode = 1;
int nretries = 0;
char *smcLibraryType;
strncpy(func, "findWithVT", sizeof(func));
func[sizeof(func) - 1] = '\0';
/* Skip the 0xB6 cdb command if the tape library is Spectra like */
smcLibraryType = getconfent_fromfile(PATH_CONF,"SMC","LIBRARY_TYPE",0);
if (NULL != smcLibraryType &&
0 == strcasecmp(smcLibraryType,"SPECTRA")) {
rc = smc_find_cartridgeWithoutSendVolumeTag (fd, rbtdev, find_template, type, start, nbelem,
if (rc >= 0)
return (rc);
return (-1);
memset (cdb, 0, sizeof(cdb));
cdb[0] = 0xB6; /* send volume tag */
cdb[1] = type;
cdb[2] = start >> 8;
cdb[3] = start & 0xFF;
cdb[5] = 5;
cdb[9] = 40;
memset (plist, 0, sizeof(plist));
strcpy (plist, find_template);
/* IBM library in pause mode */
while (pause_mode && nretries <= 900) {
rc = rmc_send_scsi_cmd (fd, rbtdev, 0, cdb, 12, (unsigned char*)plist, 40,
sense, 38, SCSI_OUT, &nb_sense_ret, &msgaddr);
if (rc < 0) {
if (rc == -4 && nb_sense_ret >= 14 && (sense[12] == 0x04) && (sense[13] == -0X7B )) {
pause_mode = 1;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
if (rc < 0) {
save_error (rc, nb_sense_ret, sense, msgaddr);
if (rc == -4 && nb_sense_ret >= 14 && (sense[2] & 0xF) == 5) {
rc = smc_find_cartridgeWithoutSendVolumeTag (fd, rbtdev, find_template, type,
start, nbelem, element_info);
if (rc >= 0)
return (rc);
return (-1);
return get_element_info (0xB5, fd, rbtdev, type, start, nbelem, element_info);
/* SCSI 3 additional sense code and additional sense qualifier */
struct scsierr_codact {
unsigned char sensekey;
unsigned char asc;
unsigned char ascq;
short action;
const char *txt;
static struct scsierr_codact scsierr_acttbl[] = {
{0x02, 0x04, 0x00, RBT_FAST_RETRY, "Logical Unit Not Ready, Cause Not Reportable"},
{0x02, 0x04, 0x01, RBT_FAST_RETRY, "Logical Unit Is In Process of Becoming Ready"},
{0x02, 0x04, 0x02, RBT_NORETRY, "Logical Unit Not Ready, initialization required"},
{0x02, 0x04, 0x03, RBT_NORETRY, "Logical Unit Not Ready, Manual Intervention Required"},
{0x0B, 0x08, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Logical Unit Communication Failure"},
{0x0B, 0x08, 0x01, RBT_NORETRY, "Logical Unit Communication Time-out"},
{0x05, 0x1A, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Parameter List Length Error"},
{0x05, 0x20, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Invalid Command Operation Code"},
{0x05, 0x21, 0x01, RBT_NORETRY, "Invalid Element Address"},
{0x05, 0x24, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Invalid field in CDB"},
{0x05, 0x25, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Logical Unit Not Supported"},
{0x05, 0x26, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Invalid field in Parameter List"},
{0x05, 0x26, 0x01, RBT_NORETRY, "Parameter Not Supported"},
{0x05, 0x26, 0x02, RBT_NORETRY, "Parameter Value Invalid"},
{0x06, 0x28, 0x00, RBT_FAST_RETRY, "Not Ready to Ready Transition"},
{0x06, 0x28, 0x01, RBT_FAST_RETRY, "Import or Export Element Accessed"},
{0x06, 0x29, 0x00, RBT_FAST_RETRY, "Power On, Reset, or Bus Device Reset Occurred"},
{0x06, 0x2A, 0x01, RBT_FAST_RETRY, "Mode Parameters Changed"},
{0x05, 0x30, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Incompatible Medium Installed"},
{0x00, 0x30, 0x03, RBT_FAST_RETRY, "Cleaning Cartridge Installed"},
{0x05, 0x39, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Saving Parameters Not Supported"},
{0x05, 0x3A, 0x00, RBT_XTRA_PROC, "Medium Not Present"},
{0x05, 0x3B, 0x0D, RBT_XTRA_PROC, "Medium Destination Element Full"},
{0x05, 0x3B, 0x0E, RBT_XTRA_PROC, "Medium Source Element Empty"},
{0x04, 0x40, 0x01, RBT_NORETRY, "Hardware Error, General"},
{0x04, 0x40, 0x02, RBT_NORETRY, "Hardware Error, Tape Transport"},
{0x04, 0x40, 0x03, RBT_NORETRY, "Hardware Error, CAP"},
{0x0B, 0x43, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Message Error"},
{0x02, 0x44, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Internal Target Failure"},
{0x0B, 0x45, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Select or Reselect Failure"},
{0x0B, 0x47, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "SCSI Parity Error"},
{0x0B, 0x48, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Initiator Detected Error"},
{0x02, 0x4C, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Logical Unit Failed Self-Configuration"},
{0x05, 0x4E, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "Overlapped Commands Attempted"},
{0x05, 0x53, 0x02, RBT_NORETRY, "Medium Removal Prevented"},
{0x06, 0x54, 0x00, RBT_NORETRY, "SCSI To Host System Interface Failure"},
{0x02, 0x5A, 0x01, RBT_NORETRY, "Operator Medium Removal Request"}
static const char* action_to_str(const short action) {
switch(action) {
case RBT_NORETRY : return "RBT_NORETRY";
case RBT_XTRA_PROC : return "RBT_XTRA_PROC";
default : return "UNKNOWN";
int smc_lasterror(
struct smc_status *const smc_stat,
const char **const msgaddr)
unsigned int i;
char func[16];
strncpy (func, "lasterror", sizeof(func));
func[sizeof(func) - 1] = '\0';
rmc_logit(func, "Function entered:"
" asc=%d ascq=%d save_errno=%d rc=%d sensekey=%d skvalid=%d\n",
smc_status.asc, smc_status.ascq, smc_status.save_errno,
smc_status.rc, smc_status.sensekey, smc_status.skvalid);
smc_stat->rc = smc_status.rc;
smc_stat->skvalid = smc_status.skvalid;
*msgaddr = smc_msgaddr;
if ((smc_status.rc == -1 || smc_status.rc == -2) &&
smc_status.save_errno == EBUSY)
return (EBUSY);
if (! smc_status.skvalid)
return (RBT_NORETRY);
smc_stat->sensekey = smc_status.sensekey;
smc_stat->asc = smc_status.asc;
smc_stat->ascq = smc_status.ascq;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(scsierr_acttbl)/sizeof(struct scsierr_codact); i++) {
if (smc_status.asc == scsierr_acttbl[i].asc &&
smc_status.ascq == scsierr_acttbl[i].ascq &&
smc_status.sensekey == scsierr_acttbl[i].sensekey) {
const char *const action_str =
*msgaddr = scsierr_acttbl[i].txt;
rmc_logit(func, "Entry found in scsierr_acttbl:"
" action_str=%s\n", action_str);
return (scsierr_acttbl[i].action);
rmc_logit(func, "No matching entry in scsierr_acttbl\n");
return (RBT_NORETRY);
int smc_move_medium(
const int fd,
const char *const rbtdev,
const int from,
const int to,
const int invert)
unsigned char cdb[12];
char func[16];
const char *msgaddr;
int nb_sense_ret;
int rc;
char sense[MAXSENSE];
int pause_mode = 1;
int nretries = 0;
strncpy(func, "move_medium", sizeof(func));
func[sizeof(func) - 1] = '\0';
memset (cdb, 0, sizeof(cdb));
cdb[0] = 0xA5; /* move medium */
cdb[4] = from >> 8;
cdb[5] = from & 0xFF;
cdb[6] = to >> 8;
cdb[7] = to & 0xFF;
cdb[10] = invert;
while (pause_mode) {
rc = rmc_send_scsi_cmd (fd, rbtdev, 0, cdb, 12, NULL, 0,
sense, 38, SCSI_NONE, &nb_sense_ret, &msgaddr);
if (rc < 0) {
if (rc == -4 && nb_sense_ret >= 14 && (sense[12] == 0x04) && (sense[13] == -0X7B )) {
pause_mode = 1;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
} else {
pause_mode = 0;
if (rc < 0) {
save_error (rc, nb_sense_ret, sense, msgaddr);
return (-1);
return (0);
static int rmc_usrmsg(
const int rpfd,
const char *func,
const char *const msg,
va_list args;
char prtbuf[RMC_PRTBUFSZ];
const int save_errno = errno;
va_start (args, msg);
snprintf (prtbuf, sizeof(prtbuf), "%s: ", func);
prtbuf[sizeof(prtbuf) - 1] = '\0';
const size_t nbBytesUsed = strlen (prtbuf);
/* If there is still space in the print buffer */
if(nbBytesUsed < (sizeof(prtbuf))) {
const size_t nbBytesRemaining = sizeof(prtbuf) -
char *const p = prtbuf + nbBytesUsed;
vsnprintf (p, nbBytesRemaining, msg, args);
prtbuf[sizeof(prtbuf) - 1] = '\0';
rmc_sendrep (rpfd, MSG_ERR, "%s", prtbuf);
va_end (args);
errno = save_errno;
return (0);
int smc_dismount (
const int rpfd,
const int fd,
const char *const loader,
struct robot_info *const robot_info,
const int drvord,
const char *const vid)
const unsigned int max_element_status_reads = 20;
const unsigned int dismount_status_read_delay = 1; /* In seconds */
unsigned int nb_element_status_reads = 0;
int drive_not_unloaded = 1;
struct smc_element_info drive_element_info;
char func[16];
const char *msgaddr = 0;
struct smc_status smc_status;
strncpy (func, "smc_dismount", sizeof(func));
func[sizeof(func) - 1] = '\0';
memset(&smc_status, '\0', sizeof(smc_status));
/* IBM libraries sometimes disagree with the eject of their drives. */
/* Sometimes the access bit of the result of Read Element Status */
/* (XB8) indicates the gripper cannot access the tape even though */
/* the eject was successful. Reading the element status at a later */
/* point in time eventually indicates the tape is accessible. */
while(drive_not_unloaded && nb_element_status_reads < max_element_status_reads) {
if (0 > smc_read_elem_status (fd, loader, 4, robot_info->device_start+drvord,
1, &drive_element_info)) {
const int smc_error = smc_lasterror (&smc_status, &msgaddr);
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR020, "read_elem_status", msgaddr);
return (smc_error);
if (0 == (drive_element_info.state & 0x1)) {
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR018, "demount", vid, drvord, "Medium Not Present");
return (RBT_OK);
drive_not_unloaded = (0 == (drive_element_info.state & 0x8));
if (drive_not_unloaded) {
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, "read_elem_status of %s on drive %d detected Drive Not Unloaded\n", vid, drvord);
if(nb_element_status_reads < max_element_status_reads) {
if(drive_not_unloaded) {
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR018, "demount", vid, drvord, "Drive Not Unloaded");
return (RBT_UNLD_DMNT);
if (*vid && strcmp (drive_element_info.name, vid)) {
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR009, vid, drive_element_info.name);
return (RBT_NORETRY);
if (0 > smc_move_medium (fd, loader, robot_info->device_start+drvord,
drive_element_info.source_address, (drive_element_info.flags & 0x40) ? 1 : 0)) {
const int smc_error = smc_lasterror (&smc_status, &msgaddr);
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR018, "demount", vid, drvord, msgaddr);
return (smc_error);
/* check that the vid is in a slot before returning */
while (1) {
struct smc_element_info vol_element_info;
if (0 > smc_find_cartridge (fd, loader, drive_element_info.name, 0, 0, 1, &vol_element_info)) {
const int smc_error = smc_lasterror (&smc_status, &msgaddr);
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR017, "find_cartridge", drive_element_info.name, msgaddr);
return (smc_error);
/* vid is in a storage slot */
if (vol_element_info.element_type == 2) break;
/* give time for the tape enter the slot */
sleep (2);
return (0);
int smc_export (
const int rpfd,
const int fd,
const char *const loader,
struct robot_info *const robot_info,
const char *const vid)
struct smc_element_info element_info;
char func[16];
int i = 0;
struct smc_element_info *impexp_info;
const char *msgaddr = NULL;
int nbelem = 0;
struct smc_status smc_status;
strncpy (func, "smc_export", sizeof(func));
func[sizeof(func) - 1] = '\0';
const int smc_find_cartridge_rc = smc_find_cartridge (fd, loader, vid, 0, 0, 1, &element_info);
if (0 > smc_find_cartridge_rc) {
const int smc_lasterror_rc = smc_lasterror (&smc_status, &msgaddr);
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR017, "find_cartridge", vid, msgaddr);
return (smc_lasterror_rc);
if (0 == smc_find_cartridge_rc) {
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR017, "export", vid, "volume not in library");
return (RBT_NORETRY);
if (element_info.element_type != 2) {
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR017, "export", vid, "volume in use");
return (RBT_SLOW_RETRY);
/* look for a free export slot */
nbelem = robot_info->port_count;
if ((impexp_info = (struct smc_element_info *)malloc (nbelem * sizeof(struct smc_element_info))) == NULL) {
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR012);
return (RBT_NORETRY);
int foundAFreeExportSlot = 0;
const int nbElementsInReport = smc_read_elem_status (fd, loader, 3, robot_info->port_start,
nbelem, impexp_info);
if (0 > nbElementsInReport) {
const int smc_lasterror_rc = smc_lasterror (&smc_status, &msgaddr);
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR020, "read_elem_status", msgaddr);
free (impexp_info);
return (smc_lasterror_rc);
for (i = 0; i < nbElementsInReport; i++) {
if (((impexp_info+i)->state & 0x1) == 0) {
foundAFreeExportSlot = 1;
if (!foundAFreeExportSlot) {
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR013);
free (impexp_info);
return (RBT_NORETRY);
const int smc_move_medium_rc = smc_move_medium (fd, loader, element_info.element_address,
(impexp_info+i)->element_address, 0);
if (0 > smc_move_medium_rc) {
const int smc_lasterror_rc = smc_lasterror (&smc_status, &msgaddr);
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR017, "export", vid, msgaddr);
free (impexp_info);
return (smc_lasterror_rc);
free (impexp_info);
return (0);
int smc_import (
const int rpfd,
const int fd,
const char *const loader,
struct robot_info *const robot_info,
const char *const vid)
int c;
int device_start;
struct smc_element_info *element_info;
char func[16];
int i, j;
const char *msgaddr;
int nbelem;
int port_start;
int slot_start;
struct smc_status smc_status;
strncpy (func, "smc_import", sizeof(func));
func[sizeof(func) - 1] = '\0';
nbelem = robot_info->transport_count + robot_info->slot_count +
robot_info->port_count + robot_info->device_count;
if ((element_info = (struct smc_element_info *)malloc (nbelem * sizeof(struct smc_element_info))) == NULL) {
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR012);
return (RBT_NORETRY);
/* get inventory */
if ((c = smc_read_elem_status (fd, loader, 0, 0, nbelem, element_info)) < 0) {
c = smc_lasterror (&smc_status, &msgaddr);
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR020, "read_elem_status", msgaddr);
free (element_info);
return (c);
for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
if ((element_info+i)->element_type == 2) break;
slot_start = i;
for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
if ((element_info+i)->element_type == 3) break;
port_start = i;
for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
if ((element_info+i)->element_type == 4) break;
device_start = i;
/* mark home slots of cartridges currently on drives as non free */
for (i = device_start; i < device_start+robot_info->device_count; i++) {
if (((element_info+i)->state & 0x1) == 0) continue;
for (j = slot_start; j < slot_start+robot_info->slot_count; j++)
if ((element_info+i)->source_address ==
(element_info+j)->element_address) break;
(element_info+j)->state |= 1;
/* loop on all import slots */
for (i = port_start; i < port_start+robot_info->port_count; i++) {
if (*vid && strcmp (vid, (element_info+i)->name)) continue;
if (*vid || (*vid == '\0' && ((element_info+i)->state & 2))) {
/* find a free storage slot */
for (j = slot_start; j < slot_start+robot_info->slot_count; j++)
if (((element_info+j)->state & 0x1) == 0) break;
if (j >= slot_start+robot_info->slot_count) {
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR015);
free (element_info);
return (RBT_NORETRY);
if ((c = smc_move_medium (fd, loader, (element_info+i)->element_address,
(element_info+j)->element_address, 0)) < 0) {
c = smc_lasterror (&smc_status, &msgaddr);
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR017, "import",
(element_info+i)->name, msgaddr);
free (element_info);
return (c);
if (*vid || c) break;
(element_info+j)->state |= 1; /* dest slot is now full */
free (element_info);
return (c);
int smc_mount (
const int rpfd,
const int fd,
const char *const loader,
struct robot_info *const robot_info,
const int drvord,
const char *const vid,
const int invert)
int c;
struct smc_element_info element_info;
char func[16];
const char *msgaddr;
struct smc_status smc_status;
strncpy (func, "smc_mount", sizeof(func));
func[sizeof(func) - 1] = '\0';
if ((c = smc_find_cartridge (fd, loader, vid, 0, 0, 1, &element_info)) < 0) {
c = smc_lasterror (&smc_status, &msgaddr);
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR017, "find_cartridge", vid, msgaddr);
return (c);
if (c == 0) {
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR018, "mount", vid, drvord, "volume not in library");
return (RBT_NORETRY);
if (element_info.element_type != 2) {
/* compare requested and replied vid */
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, "Asked for %s, got reply for %s\n",
vid, element_info.name );
/* detail on a tape's current location */
switch (element_info.element_type) {
case 1:
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, "Location: medium transport element (0x%x)\n",
element_info.element_type );
case 2:
/* normal case: in its home slot, not possible inside the if */
case 3:
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, "Location: import/export element (0x%x)\n",
element_info.element_type );
case 4:
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, "Location: data transfer element (0x%x)\n",
element_info.element_type );
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, "Location: unknown (0x%x)\n",
element_info.element_type );
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR018, "mount", vid, drvord, "volume in use");
return (RBT_SLOW_RETRY);
if ((c = smc_move_medium (fd, loader, element_info.element_address,
robot_info->device_start+drvord, invert)) < 0) {
c = smc_lasterror (&smc_status, &msgaddr);
rmc_usrmsg ( rpfd, func, SR018, "mount", vid, drvord, msgaddr);
return (c);
return (0);