Lasse Tjernaes Wardenaer authoredLasse Tjernaes Wardenaer authored
- cta/CTA#16 - Add option for a user config file
- cta/CTA#23 - Change Owner Identifier String and System Code of Creating System values in tape labels
- cta/CTA#41 - Delete verification_status of tape when tape is reclaimed
- cta/CTA#78 - Tool to update the storage class
- cta/CTA#153 - Allow verification status to be cleared with cta-admin
- cta/CTA#173 - Update release notes and small changes to refactoring of operation tools cmd line parsing - Compatible with operations 0.4-95 or later
- cta/CTA#180 - Allow to submit multiple files for verification
- cta/CTA#94 - Remove tape session error codes
- cta/CTA#198 - Add vid existence check and update usage message for cta-verify-file
- cta/CTA#199 - Add static library ctaCmdlineToolsCommon
Continuous Integration
- cta/CTA#118 - Add unit tests for OSM label
- cta/CTA#191 - Block merge until cta_valgrind success
Bug fixes
- cta/CTA#48 - Catch tape server exception and log an error instead
- cta/CTA#80 - Fix tape thread complete success/failure message parameter
- cta/CTA#123 - Change some tape server errors into warnings
- cta/CTA#161 - Fix bug when using temporary tables with PostgreSQL
- cta/CTA#197 - Include order in XrdSsiCtaRequestMessage.cpp
- cta/CTA#144 - frontend-grpc: use provided archiveReportURL AS-IS
- cta/CTA#146 - Refactoring of operation tools cmd line parsing
Continuous Integration
- cta/CTA#157 - Upgrade eos5 to 5.1.1-1
- cta/CTA#158 - Install 'libisa-l_crypto' in 'doublebuildtree-stage2b-scripts/Dockerfile'
- cta/CTA#15 - Configuring CI for public binary RPM distribution
Bug fixes
- cta/CTA#122 - Problem with handling of the non-native formats by the CleanerSession
- cta/CTA#160 - Improve DB access to get all the Tape Drive States
- cta/CTA#164 - Cppcheck job is not failing when there are errors
- cta/CTA#165 - Fix oracle dbunittests
- cta/CTA#169 - Fix misconfigured rules in .gitlab-ci.yml files
- cta/CTA#171 - CI runner randomly crashing in cta-tape-label
Building and Packaging
- cta/CTA#107 - Check latest version of gtest suite
- Note: When using Spectra Logic libraries, this release requires Spectra Logic firmware version >= BlueScale12.8.08.01
- cta/CTA#89 - Create stubs for Enstore tape label format
- cta/CTA#126 - Remove cta-admin schedulinginfo subcommand
Continuous Integration
- cta/CTA#7 - Use same versionlock.list file for xrootd4 and 5
- cta/CTA#18 - CI - Testing of DB schema upgrade script
- cta/CTA#49 - Clean up orchestration test scripts
- cta/CTA#101 - CI should cancel running jobs for a branch after a force pushi
- cta/CTA#130 - Do not fail liquibase-update test when CTA is updated without oracle support
- cta/CTA#112 - Add postgres 10.0 to 11.0 liquibase Schema migration script
- cta/CTA#132 - Support postgres migrations
Building and Packaging
- cta/CTA#92 - Refactor CTA code so that it can be build without Oracle dependencies
- cta/CTA#63 - CTA Frontend protobuf changes to support dCache
Bug fixes
- cta/CTA#30 - Check size of comments before commit them to the Catalogue
- cta/CTA#142 - Save logs in liquibase-update test
- cta/CTA#127 - DataTransferSession keeps busy while waiting for a mount to be required
- cta/CTA#130 - Liquibase-update test fails when CTA is update without oracle support
- cta/CTA#127 - DataTransferSession keeps busy while waiting for a mount to be required
- cta/CTA#125 - Problem with reading OSM tapes using position by block id
- This is a schema upgrade release for catalogue version 12.0.
- For details on how to do the upgrade check: https://eoscta.docs.cern.ch/catalogue/upgrading_the_schema/
Catalogue Schema
- cta/CTA#135 - Added EXPORTED and EXPORTED_PENDING states to catalogue
- cta/CTA#131 - Fix indexes on columns in CTA Catalogue which use LOWER()
- cta/CTA#140 - Added REPACKING_DISABLED state to catalogue
- cta/CTA#137 - Added a new column ENCRYPTION_KEY_NAME in the table TAPE_POOL
This release fixes some packaging issues from v4.7.9-1: when upgrading from v4.7.8-1 to v4.7.9-1 some configuration files were renamed to configurationfile.rpmsave and thefore some services and cta-cli lost their configuration.
See all details and fix in cta/CTA#119
Bug fixes
- cta/CTA#119 [new repo] - Packaging issue with CTA 4.7.8-1/4.7.9-1
Important NOTE:
- This is the first release using the new repo: https://gitlab.cern.ch/cta/CTA
- Some issues were already closed, so they can only be found on the old repo: https://gitlab.cern.ch/cta/CTA-old
To make the distinction clear, [old repo]
and [new repo]
will be used here to distinguish between
issues on both repositories.
Changes to options and default values for cta-taped
This release makes some minor changes to options and default values for cta-taped. All options are detailed in the cta-taped man page and the provided example files. The changes are outlined below:
Options which have been renamed:
- "general FileCatalogConfigFile" was renamed to "taped CatalogueConfigFile" to be consistent with other options.
- "DisableRepackManagement" and "DisableMaintenanceProcess" were renamed to "UseRepackManagement" and "UseMaintenanceProcess" with default changed from "no" to "yes" (default semantics are not changed).
- "FetchEosFreeSpaceScript" renamed to "externalFreeDiskSpaceScript".
Options for which default values have changed:
- LogMask, MountCriteria, BufferCount, TapeLoadTimeout, UseRAO, RAOLTOAlgorithm, RAOLTOAlgorithmOptions.
The following manual pages have been updated:
- cta-admin(1cta)
- cta-catalogue-admin-user-create(1cta)
- cta-catalogue-schema-create(1cta)
- cta-catalogue-schema-drop(1cta)
- cta-catalogue-schema-set-production(1cta)
- cta-catalogue-schema-verify(1cta)
- cta-database-poll(1cta)
- cta-fst-gcd(1cta)
- cta-readtp(1cta)
- cta-restore-deleted-files(1cta)
- cta-rmcd(1cta)
- cta-smc(1cta)
- cta-taped(1cta)
- cta-tape-label(1cta)
- cta/CTA-old#979 [old repo] - Document configuration options of daemons and command-line tools
- cta/CTA-old#1252 [old repo] - Adds Liquibase changelog files for PostgreSQL
- cta/CTA#3 [new repo] - Implement listing of DISABLED libraries
- cta/CTA#64 [new repo] - Adds support for the OSM Tape Label format to the CTA
- cta/CTA-old#1278 [old repo] - Add support for reading multiple tape formats by the ReadtpCmd command
- cta/CTA-old#1278 [old repo] - Support multiple tape formats in ReadtpCmd command
Bug fixes
- cta/CTA-old#947 [old repo] - cta-taped should log the FST being used for a data transfer
- cta/CTA-old#1093 [old repo] - The
manpage showed outdated config options - cta/CTA-old#1106 [old repo] - "cta-admin schedulinginfo ls" returns records larger than SSI buffer size limit
- cta/CTA-old#1269 [old repo] - cta-restore-deleted-files injects wrong diskFileId in CTA Catalogue
- cta/CTA-old#1276 [old repo] - Some configuration files should be renamed from
- cta/CTA#28 [new repo] - Do NOT allow capacity change of a cartridge if there a still files registered on that tape
- cta/CTA#29 [new repo] - cta-taped should log the FST being used for a data transfer
- cta/CTA#108 [new repo] - Fix broken CTA containerised installation
- cta/CTA#109 [new repo] - Move logic to minimize mounts for multi-copy tape pool recalls out of scheduler logic
Continuous Integration
- cta/CTA#88 [new repo] - xrootd 5 pipelines failing in CI
- cta/CTA-old#1187 [old repo] - Run EOS5 CI every night
- cta/CTA-old#1280 [old repo] - Refactor .gitlab-ci.yml using templates
Building and Packaging
- cta/CTA-old#1229 [old repo] - Introduce build of a new taped, using new type of SchedulerDatabase
- cta/CTA#111 [new repo] - Remove daemon/LabelSession
- cta/CTA-old#1143 [old repo] - HTTP REST API transition to CTA
- cta/CTA-old#1224 [old repo] - Remove CASTOR to CTA migration tools RPM
- This is a catalogue schema upgrade release
- For details on how to do the upgrade check: https://eoscta.docs.cern.ch/catalogue/upgrading_the_schema/
Catalogue Schema
- cta/CTA#1213 - New internal states REPACKING_PENDING & BROKEN_PENDING
- cta/CTA#1226 - Remove deprecated catalogue columns
- cta/CTA#1239 - Add support to CTA for multiple tape label formats
- cta/CTA#1257 - Refactor CTA/tapeserver/castor/tape/tapeserver/file/File.cpp
- cta/CTA#1263 - Abstract ReadSession and FileReader
- cta/CTA#1265 - Create base of the dCache OSM label format
Bug fixes
- cta/CTA#1267 - Fix scheduling bug introduced in 4.7.6
Continuous Integration
- cta/CTA#1266 - Fix eos5 currently failing CI schedules
- cta/CTA#1262 - Fix unnecessary log dump in unit-tests
- cta/CTA#1251 - Remove dcache leftovers on the grpc-based frontend
- cta/CTA#1238 - All drive down reasons set by cta-taped should start with [cta-taped]
- cta/CTA#1254 - Remove tape label option from cta-admin
- cta/CTA#1253 - add disk instance to cta-admin vo ls output and fix handling of case sensitive names in cta-admin vo add
- cta/CTA#1159 - All drive statuses must be set only in data transfer session and read/write threads
Bug fixes
- cta/CTA#1255 - Resolve "VID is missing in DriveHandler when session is killed"
- cta/CTA#1256 - Catch and fix EOS regressions in tape specific xrootd API introduced in eos 4.8.79-1 with eos 4.8.87-1
- cta/CTA#1247 - Fix improper initialization of the variable m_lastFseq of type uint64_t with -1 value in the constructor of castor::tape::tapeserver::daemon::TapeWriteSingleThread
Building and Packaging
- cta/CTA#1224 - Remove CASTOR to CTA migration tools RPM
This release introduced an additional gRPC based frontend for storage backends. This is still a work in progress and is not ready for use.
The command cta-verify-file
now requires the options eos.instance
, eos.request.user
and eos.request.group
to be configured in /etc/cta/cta-cli.conf
- cta/CTA#1222 - Add minimal gRPC based frOntend for integration with dCache
- cta/CTA#1241 - make cta-verify-file get instance, request user and group otions from ctacli config file
Bug fixes
- cta/CTA#1225 - Fix bug causing tapeserver to sometimes pop the entire archive queue at the end of the mount
Building and Packaging
- cta/CTA#1224 - Removes CASTOR to CTA migration tools RPM and references to CASTOR repo
- cta/CTA#1205 - Fail pipeline if cppcheck detects errors
- cta/CTA#1206 - Change NULL for nullptr
- cta/CTA#1217 - Schema verification should just issue an warning if there are extra indexes in the db that are not in the catalogue
- cta/CTA#1220 - Improve queued retrieve logging message
- cta/CTA#1152 - Reduce eos free space query load
- cta/CTA#1231 - Add --loadtimeout option to cta-tape-label and increase default value
- cta/CTA#977 - Add --drive option to cta-tape-label
- cta/CTA#1159 - Move
drive status from OStoreDB to DataTransferSession
Bug fixes
- cta/CTA#1120 - Fix negative disk space reservation content
- cta/CTA#1235 - cta-verify-file should return 1 on error
- cta/CTA#1161 - Tape server refactoring, "Decide where m_reportPacker.setTapeDone() should be called"
- cta/CTA#1195 -
should drop the CTA_CATALOGUE table last
Bug fixes
- cta/CTA#950 - Eliminate race condition preventing the drive to go down on failure
- cta/CTA#1160 - Fix DrainingToDisk stale status in case if there is DiskWriteThreadPool thread left
- cta/operations#708 - Fix "Should run cleaner but VID is missing. Putting the drive down"
- cta/CTA#1197 - Return code from
should indicate if the schema is in UPGRADING state
- Deprecated: Replaced by release v4.7.3-1
- cta/CTA#1179 - Use std::optional instead of cta::optional
- cta/CTA#1190 - Use std::make_unique instead of cta::make_unique
- cta/CTA#1198 - Use hardcoded mount policy for verification requests
- Add verification flag to queued retrieve request log message
- propagate labelFormat from TAPE catalog to VolumeInfo
- cta/CTA#1200 - Remove range class
Upgrade Instructions
This CTA release requires a non-backwards compatible database schema upgrade to CTA catalogue schema v10.0. Please consult the database upgrade documentation.
- cta/CTA#1163 - cta-admin now prefixes the drivename with a '!' if the respective logical library is disabled
- cta/CTA#1168 - Add configuration option for scheduler stack size to /etc/cta/cta-frontend-xrootd.conf
- cta/CTA#1151 - Update cta-admin ds add for catalogue schema version 10