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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 01.07.01
    New PATCH release 01.07.01
    Changes since 01.07.00:
    - fix(ui): correct typo (#28)
  • 01.07.00
    6341ff43 · increase minor version ·
    New MINOR release 01.07.00
    Changes since 01.06.00:
    - fix: adapt to changes in DeviceAccess
    - chore: modernise CMake
  • 01.06.00
    New MINOR release 01.06.00
    Changes since 01.05.00:
    - Put DUMMY_INTERRUPT_x_y into the register tree.
    - Added continuous update mode (1 Hz or 100 Hz)
    - Added support for wait_for_new_data
      -- show whether accessor has wait_for_new_data
      -- calculate average update interval for wait_for_new_data
      -- print timestamp of last read
    - Don't call read when selecting a register that is write-only.
    - fix for API changes in DeviceAccess (RegisterCatalogue) (#13)
      See #7425
  • 01.05.00
    New MINOR release 01.05.00
    Changes since 01.04.01:
    New features
    - add find module text field
    - add 'collapse All' and 'expand All' buttons for register tree
  • 01.04.01
    New PATCH release 01.04.01
    Changes since 01.04.00:
    - necessary update since recent DeviceAccess changes
  • 01.04.00
    7a610280 · increase minor version ·
    New MINOR release 01.04.00
    Changes since 01.03.01:
    - Disable busy cursor after populateTree
    - Make Register Path selectable (#10)
  • 01.03.01
    0510d840 · increase patch level ·
    New PATCH release 01.03.01
    Changes since 01.03.00:
    Only update build environment to latest template
  • 01.03.00
    New MINOR release 01.03.00
    Changes since 01.02.01:
    - Set busy cursor before opening the device.
      So when opening a device that takes long to open (SharedMemoryDummy)
      there is some indication that the application is doing something
    - Implement writing to debug registers
      If the register is read-only, try to get the shadow write register and
     use that for writing so it is possible to write to the dummy register for debug purposes
    - Catch logic_error when trying to open dmap. Was stuck in endless loop due to
      catching at the wrong place and re-starting.
      Fixes #5
  • 01.02.01
    New PATCH release 01.02.01
    Changes since 01.02.00:
    - Changes to the build environment
  • 01.02.00
    New MINOR release 01.02.00
    Changes since 01.01.00:
    - Adapted to API changes in DeviceAccess 01.01
    - Fixed crash when clicking on a non-register entry in the tree. Instead now the read and write buttons are properly disabled in this case.
    - Set enabled state of read and write buttons according to the register capabilities (new in DeviceAccess 01.01)
    - Added some keyboard shortcuts
        <Ctrl>Q -> Quit application
        <Ctrl>O -> Open QtHardMon config
        <Ctrl>S -> Save current QtHardMon config
        <Ctrl><Shift>S -> Save current QtHardMon config as
        <Ctrl><Shift>O -> Open DMAP file
  • 01.01.00
    42888145 · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 01.01.00
    Changes since 01.00.02:
    - caching coocked data so exceptions are not thrown during every repaint
  • 01.00.02
    New PATCH release 01.00.02
    Changes since 01.00.01:
    - Optimised the layout to have less dead space and better feeling on small screens.
    -- Device column is hidable
    -- Added splitter which allows resizing the devices/registers/content columns.
    -- Shrinked row height in data table view
    - Catching exception locally if no accessor can be created.
    - Register tree is cleared when changing a device. It stays empty if the device cannot provide new register information (e.g. a doocs server that cannot be reached, or unknown backend).
    - Showing tool tips to cope with too long device identifiers
    - Axes numbers on the plot are scaling with the font size of the application
  • 01.00.01
    eab6623b · incleased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 01.00.01
    Changes since 01.00.00:
    - reduced minimal possible window size
    - showing the host name in the window title
  • 01.00.00
    New MAJOR release 01.00.00
    Completely restructured QtHardMon under the hood:
    - All backends supported by DeviceAccess now work (LogicalNameMappingBackend, SubDeviceBackend, DoocsBackend etc.)
    - All datatypes supported by DeviceAccess now work (string, bool)
    - The register path is displayed as a correct hierarchy
    - Data is listed in the correct type (integers as int32, floating/fixed point as double)
    - Hex columns only displayed where reasonable (integer representations)
    - Changed from Qt4 to Qt5
    - Register sorting is now off by default
    - 2D registers are now displayed as channels inside the register
    -- The AREA_MULTIPLEXED register now correclty shows the raw, multiplexed data as a 1D register
  • 00.18.02
    Bugfix tag 00.18.01
    - Adapted to the new signature of the FixedPointConverter, introduced in DeviceAccess 00.22.00
  • 00.18.01
    Bugfix tag 00.18.01
    - Workaround for the Qt moc problem with BOOST_JOIN on some Ubuntu 16.04 machines
  • 00.18.00
    New tag 00.18.00
    Increased minor version number to overcome a debian package update problem. No changes to the programme, it is identical to 00.17.07.
  • 00.17.07
    Bugfix tag 00.17.07
    - Moved some template implementations from .cpp to header.
      Having the code in the .cpp prevented linking under some unkown circumstances.
  • 00.17.06
    Bugfix tag 00.17.06
    - Fix for debian packaging: Overriding the build type, which is set to 'None'
  • 00.17.05
    Bugfix tag 00.17.05
    - Default CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE now is Release