- Execute this job once after the main job is finished for the first time, to also fill in the project triggers etc. for the analysis job.
# Important
- Tests will be executed concurrently via "ctest -j" etc. inside the same docker environment. It is expected that the
tests are either designed to not interfere with each other or to internally use locks to exclude concurrent access
@@ -32,9 +31,24 @@ analysis()
containers (since all containers run under the same kernel). It is expected that tests using these dummies use
file locks on /var/run/lock/mtcadummy/<devicenode> via flock() to ensure exclusive access. /var/run/lock/mtcadummy
will be a shared directory between all containers sharing the same kernel.
General comments:
# Optional configuration
It is possible to add some per-project exceptions to the configuration. This can be done by setting variables before the call to `buildTestDeploy()` resp. `analysis()` in the pipeline script as explained in the followin.
## Main jobs
- Prevent tests from being run in parallel:
## Analysis jobs
- Exclude tests from being run in valgrind (currently only possible with a single test):
# Background information
- Builds and tests are run inside a Docker container to have different test environments
- We execute all builds/tests twice per test environment - once for Debug and once for Release. Each execution is