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New MINOR release 03.05.00

Changes since 03.04.00:

- lmap: allow using hex integers

- fix double buffering lmap plugin
- fix typos, formatting and linter warnings
- fix lmap type hint plugin test in combination with math plugin
- fix force read only math plugin
- fix potential memory leak in numeric address backend (#9542)

- replace abi::__cxa_demangle by boost::core::demangle

* commit bf5e82c2ae2890dde1c6375a5b341d5db0172b50
|     increase minor version
* commit 13d034e40fba88c9a153544eaa648279238a129d
|     replace abi::__cxa_demangle by boost::core::demangle
* commit 14d6a08fb1a17314ee209350c6b250fad871c216
|     fix typos, formatting and linter warnings
* commit 7960d10aac9a69cdbf74783009f2ca300ba4ff1e
|     extend lmap type hint plugin test for combination with math plugin
|     This is failing right now due to a real bug to be found.
* commit f1d0650977bb373bd0cbcda80f95f3b10a298d9f
|     Wip/9799 double buffer tests ext (#290)
|     * test race condition: slow reader
|     also: deactivate raw access mode
|     * fix testSlowReader and add error testing to testUnified
|     * add failing testConcurrentRead
|     it exposes the race condition currently not handled correctly in DoubleBufferPlugin
|     * fix of concurrent read
|     by simple atomic readerCount
|     the full concept of sharedmem readerCount can later still be added in,
|     by exchanging the counter object created in DoubleBufferPlugin constr
|     * fix for removing AccessMode=raw
|     add setter in DataDescriptor for removing raw type
|     * improve safety and usability of double buffer plugin
|     - make sure control and status registers have length 1
|     - add support for targetdevice="this"
|     - add optional "daqNumber" parameter
|     * add use case of Klaus as test case
|     - access to extracted channels
|     - also check usage of "this"
|     - also check usage of 'daqNumber'
|     * extend tests for 2D extracted channels
|     currently failing
|     * fix for extracted channels with double buffering
|     - also add checks for matching shapes of buffer0, buffer1
|     - fixes for tests
|     - testExtractedChannls1 now succeeding
|     - testExtractedChannels2 still failing
|     * make _readerCount shared between instances of Double buffer plugin
|     since there can be several instances of the plugin pointing to the same double buffered region
|     * refactoring: make DoubleBufferAccessorDecorator and DoubleBufferPlugin
|     friends and keep a reference instead of copying all the state. They are tightly tied anyway
|     * take over the offset and numWords of this double buffered register
|     as defined in logical name mapping, also for second buffer
|     So then <targetStartIndex> and <numberOfElements> should make sense.
|     * ugly prelim fix for wordoffset
|     which is required in decorateAccessor for doubleBuffering
|     * refactor saved state for decorateAccessor
|     changes API for plugins
|     * update documentation
|     * add transfergroup testing
|     (still failing)
|     also, test another xlmap - direct double buffering on lowest level, and for that introduce new DAQ region
|     * fix case when combining TransferGroup and double buffer plugin
|     * remove redirectedChannel + doubleBuffer plugin
|     since it is not helpful and will cause trouble with TransferGroup
|     * add double buffering test on hardware
|     see #10522
|     * some docu for testingDoubleBufferHw
|     * introduce parameter testUSleep
|     for testing double buffering handshake.
|     will probably remove later again, after data corruption problems understood
|     * fix race condition in handshake
|     it could have happened that one reader enables double buffering just while another one is starting to read.
|     this possibility is now excluded by a mutex in ReaderCount.
|     * review items
* commit 4d4151f4269c4c1dca2e724b2a2b0c9368c4efa0
|     Wip/9551 force read only math plugin (#289)
|     * add failing test
|     math plugin and forceReadOnly plugin do not harmonize
|     see issue #9551
|     Reason for failure:
|     - proper register catalogue is only constructed in getRegisterCatalogue().
|     - There plugins are processed in the end
|     - but already before, register info from target register is copied as a basis for the new lmap regInfo
|     - the wrong copy (not having included effects of target Register plugins) is never fixed
|     * bugfix for #9551
|     process plugins also when fetching target_info first time
|     * review items
* commit 8aea0719ea9e43be0a571084c21d5775d3fe335f
|     Wip/9439 lmap parse hex int (#288)
|     * first bugfix implementation
|     - based on std::stol
|     - includes tests
|     * also use better parsing in other places
|     where string values are converted to some value of type T
|     * extend test to check for duplicate register name
|     see issue #9054
|     test already passes with no further modification
|     Co-authored-by: Martin Killenberg <>
* commit 7c913c46f7837a0055b550f7ecdd32a034279034
|     fix include order (was breaking coding style) (#291)
* commit 26442e637f71bd3f8f8136663b8cb1d4e38c2881
|     Wip/9542 numeric address backend shared ploop (#286)
|     * make test sensitive to the issue
|       turn back on check in testVerifyMemoryDeleted that was disabled
|     * new solution: remove whole TransferGroup
|       on unsubscribe, if the _usageCount says that no more accessors of the transfergroup are needed.
|       Then, the accessors' shared pointer to the backend, from the accessors in the transfergroup,
|       are also implicityly removed,  hich breaks the sh-ptr loop.
|     * add concept overview
|     Co-authored-by: Dietrich Rothe <>
* commit 892bdf707411b939323587247f59c1c78d51bc91
| Merge: 64b0c755 c97fcf2d
|     Merge pull request #287 from ChimeraTK/update-project-template
|     set IMAGE_PATH
* commit c97fcf2d54e0495ad4083650f62d6a57b1247022
| Merge: 64b0c755 f70a0bf4
|     Merge remote-tracking branch 'project-template/master' into update-project-template
* commit f70a0bf44a17d8c42340b35e5a0b1629c02cf9ee


in order to allow that documentation includes images