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New MINOR release 02.04.00

Changes since 02.03.01:

- NumericAddressedBackend: Move check for valid bar indices to implementations

- NumericAddressedBackend: change address format to 64 bit (both bar and address)
  Note: Ther is some backwards compatibility, but this change might require updating some backends, e.g. deriving from DummyBackend

- LNMMathPlugin: fix push-type parameters for array targets

- LNMMathPlugin: fix changing to wrong DataDescriptor

- SubdeviceBackend: add timeout to 3reg mode

- fix wrong conversion (u)int8_t <-> string used in multiple places

- fix incorrect nDigits in DataDescriptor for negative fractional bits

- Use up-to-date boost::bind header and placeholders with namespace

- remove long-deprecated and no longer used API from the DeviceBackend