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New MINOR release 01.04.00

Changes since 01.03.00:

- Add data validity flag to TransferElement
- Add writeDestructively() to TransferElement. This is implemented already by the ControlSystemAdapter but can currently not be used, since it is missing in the interface.
- Fixes for the logical name mapping backend:
  - Fixed thread safetly for LNMBackendVariableAccessor
  - Fixed LNMBackendBitAccessor safety. Along side writing them through TransferGroup is also fixed (#48)
  - Fixed parsing map file multiple times - this also has reset the content of variables to its default values from the map file when obtaining a register accessor.
  - Fixed throwing incorrect logic_error when trying to obtain an accessor on a closed device without prior call to getRegisterCatalogue(): the catalogue was not filled in that case.
- Muxed data accessor for NumericAddressedBackends: adjust default FixedPointConverter bit width according to actual register width. This fixes a minor regression introduced in the last release.
- DummyBackend: minor performance optimisation
- Changes to build environment