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New MINOR release 01.01.00

Changes since 01.00.06:

- Support for IEEE754 single precision floating point variables in NumericAddressedBackends
- Introduced raw dummy accessor in Dummy Backend for testing the type converting accessors of the numeric addressed backend
- Added ReadAnyGroup::waitAny()
- Added missing documentation for MULTIPLEXED_SEQUENCE entries.
- Access mode from map file is passed on in the accessors
- ReadAnyGroup can be created from pointers to TransferElement rather then copies of TransferElementAbstractor
- TransferFuture: Allow discarding values by throwing a DiscardValueException, in decorator-like implementations inside future_queue continuations.
- LogicalNameMapping: set data descriptor for redirected bit registers
- LogicalNameMapping: allow using <par></par> (and <ref></ref> together with surrounding text data
- SubdeviceBackend:
  -- extended the subdevice backend with a "3 registers" implementation (address, data, status)
  -- added 2reg type which just uses a sleep instead of the status register
- Extended the RegisterCatalog entries (RegisterInfo) with isReadable(), isWriteable() and getSupportedAccessModes().
  ATTENTION: This change is an incompatible change in the backend interface. Backends have to implement these functions and return useful information!
- Allow const access to data in ScalaRegisterAccessors
- Logical name mapping: added support for parameters through the CDD

Bug fixes:
- Disabled tests that requires PCIe backend for platforms that don't support it
- Add check for shm_open in CMakeLists.txt. Solves platform dependent linker problems with librt and libthread.
- Fixed test of RebotHeartbeatCount. Test is now activated again.
- Throwing proper exception in case of unkown backend types
- Fixed build problems on macOS.
- Added tests and install target to example
- Properly pass on the cppext include directory to dependencies
- Fixed ReadAny for ControlSystemAdapter::BidirectionalProcessArray
- Force backend accessors to implement TransferElement::getVersionNumber(). The default implementation was dangerously wrong and could lead to strange effects (e.g. in ApplicationCore).
- Added lock to make the subdevice backend thread safe
- Logical name mapping: throw exception if channel accessor is requested for a channel outside the valid range
- Fixed typo coocked -> cooked. This had unfortunately propagated to the public interface. THIS COMMIT IS BREAKING THE API!
- Removed deprecated getFixedPointConverter() from NDRegisterAccessor interface
- Removed deprecated lineNumber from RegisterInfoMap::RegisterInfo