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New MINOR release 00.25.00

NOTE: This release introduces a change in the backend interface! All implementations of the NDRegisterAccessor must be updated! Backends deriving from the NumericAddressedBackend do NOT need updating.

Changes since 00.24.00:


- readAny() now guarantees to read the oldest data first.
- made the conversion operator T() const for the DummyRegisterAccessor, so when having a const register accessor one can still convert into the data type.

Bug fixes:

- fixed bug in readAsync(), which could lead to calling a virtual function in the destructor of a base class (which is illegal). To circumvent this problem, the function NDRegisterAccessor::shutdown() must be called in all implementations of the NDRegisterAccessor in their destructor. See the description of shutdown() for more details (there are more details, so please do read it!).
- the LogicalNameMappingBackend was not setting the openend flag correctly, so Device::isOpenend() always returned false.
- fix build on MacOS
- fixed performance bug in raw accessor (was copying instead of swapping)


- Improved documentation on plugin loading
- Moved class VersionNumber from the ControlSystemAdapter to the DeviceAccess library