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New MINOR release 03.03.00

Changes since 03.02.02:

* test: reading with void accessor
* feat: support for string types
* feat: support boolean types
* feat: add metadata access function
* feat: ignore pycharm ide files
* feat: add numberOfWords to function
* feat: add tests for reading from device with offset and numElements
* feat: add missing type hints

* chore: code cleaning
* chore: proper directory structure for C++ files
* chore: restructure C++ part (one file per class)
* chore: remove unnecessary indirection
* chore: rename C++ namespace
* chore: remove unused file
* chore(tests): remove misguided test
* chore(build): clean up cmake configuration
* chore: do not use mtcadummy in tests

* fix: add missing spdx file headers
* fix: write with length taken from data array
* fix: correct some typos and import statements in examples
* fix(tests): test modules from builddir, not installed versions
* fix(tests): spurious test failure if run in parallel