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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 00.08.00
    4cddd496 · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 00.08.00
    Changes since 00.07.00:
    - Necessary updates to work with the latest DeviceAccess version
    - Fixed wrong copy constructor of ProcessArray::Buffer - by removing it entirely, since it is not used.
    - Improvements to the TypeChangingDirectCastDecorator
  • 00.07.00
    6288b476 · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 00.07.00
    Changes since 00.06.01:
    This is an intermediate quick-fix release needed for tests at HZDR/ELBE...
    - Write out persistency file every 30 seconds - this is currently a dirty hack and has to be fixed and tested!
    - Added TypeChangingDecorator
  • 00.06.01
    9075799f · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 00.06.01
    Changes since 00.06.00:
    - work around for a assertion sometimes failing. might actually be a bug in the llrfctlhzdr server
  • 00.06.00
    New MINOR release 00.06.00
    Changes since 00.05.01:
    Note, this release introduces a slight change in behaviour (necessary to implement the guaranteed order in readAny()): On an overflow of the internal lockfree queue, the oldest element can no longer be discarded. Instead the newest data is kept separately. When reading all data after a queue overflow, one will first get a number of old data elements before finally the latest element is received. Therefore the guarantee that readLatest() always will give us the latest element is still kept.
    - PVManager throws if a process variable is not found, instead of returning a null pointer
    - Fixes in the build environment
    - Made working with latest DeviceAccess version (TransferFuture and NDRegisterAccessor were changed)
    - Extended the tets
    - Improved performance
    - Now use RegisterPath as the name in the inteface, which guanrantees the presence of a leading / at the beginning.
    - Removed some deprecated functions
    - Removed the stand-alone version of the ProcessArray, since it is not needed and shouldn't be used even for tests (behaviour very different from the real version)
    - Renamed IntependentTestCore to ReferenceTestApplication
  • 00.05.01
    New PATCH release 00.05.01
    Changes since 00.05.00:
    - use the full library version for the so version, which includes also the build version
  • 00.05.00
    New MINOR release 00.05.00
    Changes since 00.04.00:
    - allow mixing readAny()/readAsync() with read()/readNonBlocking()/readLatest()
    - added support for std::string
    - minor improvements to help debugging applications
    Known issues:
    - Sometimes the notification queue for blocking read() still can run out of futures when mixing various types of read()/readAsync(). It is unclear whether this is actually a bug in the ControlSystemAdapter or in ApplicationCore resp. the application where this problem was observed. As a work-around, only a warning is printed in this case and busy waiting is used until new data has arrived.
  • 00.04.00
    New MINOR release 00.04.00
    Changes since 00.03.02:
    - Implemented new features added recently to DeviceAccess like readAsync() and doReadTransferLatest()
    - Added function to obtain a unique ID for a process array
    - Implement blocking read
    - Some code cleaning
  • 00.03.02
    c560d49c · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 00.03.02
    Changes since 00.03.01:
    - fixes in the build environment
    - temporary fix for race conditions in one of the tests
  • 00.03.01
    554cffe3 · increased patch level ·
    New release 00.03.01
    Changes since 00.03.00:
    - fixed build environment: DeviceAccess library path was neither set when building the tests nor pushed to the downstream projects
  • 00.03.00
    33c86218 · increased minor version ·
    New release 00.03.00.
    Important note: This release is *not* API compatible with previous versions!
    Changes since 00.02.00:
    - Unify the API of the ProcessVariables with the DeviceAccess register accessors. The class TransferElement from DeviceAccess is now the common base class.
    - Removed the ProcessScalar implementation. Instead ProcessArrays with a single element are used.
    - Added support for engineering units and variable descriptions.
    - Added optional persistency layer which can be enabled by the middleware-specific implementations if the middleware does not support persistency otherwise (e.g. OPC UA)
    - Added ApplicationBase interface on which apllications will be implemented and which is used by the middleware-specific implementations to initialise and start the application.
    - Implement copy-on-send for ProcessArrays (issue #5), added sendDestructively() method to allow the more efficient sending without keeping a copy.
  • 00.02.00
    New tag 00.02.00
    Tagged before API changes for unification with the DeviceAccess library are merged.
    Changes since 00.01.00
    - Working config for CMake-based projects (based on ProjectTemplate)
    - Accessors for ProcessVariables. Don't use them, they will be replaced by the
      accessors in DeviceAccess soon.
    - Namespace changed to ChimeraTK
    - Unique numbers for process variables to know which one has newer data
  • 00.01.00
    New tag 00.01
    The very first tag, representing the verison as moved from subversion to github. Except for a C++11 patch, the library itself has not changed since October 2015.