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New MINOR release 02.01.00

Changes since 02.00.01:
- fix(project-template): remove conflicting llwm-include-order
- A different include style is defined in .clang-format
- feat(project-template): clang-tidy targets
  * Add clang-tidy targets to project
    - add .clang-tidy file containing our settings and some configs
      according to our coding guidelines
    - add three explicit targets for calling just lint or lint-and-fix, lint-and-fix-and-commit-after-each-fix
    - add enable-able support for CMake"s "native" clang-tidy support (makes
      build super-slow)
- chore: update Python bindings helper
- project-template: prepend pkgconfig for user-set DOOCS_DIR
  * this makes sure system-installed DOOCS is overwritten
  * also, we need lib/x86_64_linux-gnu/pkgconfig since e.g. gul installs there
- Enable _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS in Debug mode (#33)
- chore: use cmake exported targets (#18)
- Increased required version of EPICS-IOC- and EPICS7-IOC-Adapter (#32)
  * EPICS-IOC-Adapter version 02.00 is no longer usable due to overhaul of cmake scripts
- fix(project-template): for cmake 3.16 (Ubuntu 20.04)
  * problem was introduced with commit "imported targets for set_csa"
- chore(project-template): warn about add_dependency use
- fix(project-template): imported targets for set_csa
- fix(project-template): cmake dev warning in FindDOOCS
- fix(project-template): remove extra rpath from DOOCS imported targets
  * let cmake set useful rpath on installation of binaries
- project-template: update for config generator 3.0 (#11327)
- project-template: use lib install dir defined by GNUInstallDirs (#26)
  * this should fix library search problems on Tumbleweed
    project-template installs cmake-config files to library destination
    note, individual projects also need to be changed, for installation of actual libs
- fix .jenkinsfile
- fix build scripts
  * CMakeLists.txt had old usage of add_dependency
  * .jenkinsfile was missing the switch whether to use EPICS 3 or 7
- project-template: add -fno-inline to tsan flags (#24)
  * This allows easier debugging as all lines can be reached. The tsan build uses
    "-o1" for performance reasons.
    For asan and Debug build we use "-o0", which includes this flag, and for the
    release builds we want as much optimisation we can get.
- coding-style-check: Skip if clang-format not found (#23)
- project-template: add .cache to gitignore (VSCode)
- project-template: add vs code workspace files to gitignore
- project-template: add Python formatting rules
- project-template: support ConfigGenerator shared directory (#9802)