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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 00.12.00
    New MINOR release 00.12.00
    Changes since 00.11.00:
    - eq_fct_code can be set in the mapping file. Default fct code stays at 10,
      so it is fully backward compatible.
      (solves issue #4)
    - Ported tests to BOOST_AUTO_TEST
  • 00.11.00
    New MINOR release 00.11.00
    Changes since 00.10.00:
    - use D_text instead of D_string, since D_string is limited to 80 characters
  • 00.10.00
    New MINOR release 00.10.00
    Changes since 00.09.00:
    - implement ZeroMQ sending (#12)
    - allow setting multiple buffers for D_spectrum, so data for past macro pulses can be requested (#19)
    - create locations on the fly if missing (#9)
    - only persist D_spectrum if writeable
    - allow type override for properties (#21)
    - add support for D_xy (#13)
    - rework the locking scheme to make the adapter compatible with bidirectional process variables
    - use a different RPC number for each test to allow the tests to be run in parallel
    - fix DOOCS server shutdown lock-up
    - update documentation
  • 00.09.00
    New MINOR release 00.09.00
    Changes since 00.08.01:
    - Added persistency for D_spectrum properties. This resolves #11 partially only, since there is no option to switch it off. I am not sure if that is needed though.
    - Catch too long D_arrays and throw an exception.
    - move from namespace mtca4u to ChimeraTK
    - some fixes for the tests
  • 00.08.01
    2fd3cd86 · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 00.08.01
    Changes since 00.08.00:
    - Avoid readAny on empty group, which would cause an exception.
  • 00.08.00
    New MINOR release 00.08.00
    Changes since 00.07.00:
    - necessary update for the latest release of DeviceAccess
    - use the ChimeraTK::ReadAnyGroup to determine when to update which DOOCS properties.
    - replace the std::reference_wrapper<TransferElement> with a TransferElementAbstractor.
    - removed some annoying debug output at startup of the server
    - fixed a type confusion between int64_t (aka long int on 64 bit platforms) and long long int. The types are not identical (in the C++ sense) but bit-compatible. ChimeraTK expects int64_t while DOOCS expects long long int.
  • 00.07.00
    New MINOR release 00.07.00
    Changes since 00.06.03:
    - Adapted to the API change in DOOCS 18.11.0
      Minor version change because ABI of the adapter has changed.
  • 00.06.03
    New PATCH release 00.06.03
    Changes since 00.06.02:
    - fixed another uncought exception when converting e.g. an Inf from double to float (was still occurring for D_spectrum)
  • 00.06.02
    e9a215fa · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 00.06.02
    Changes since 00.06.01: * commit e9a215fac04ded31daabf661b8bc0c2485b07bd2
    - fixed uncought exception when converting e.g. an Inf from double to float
    - increased sleep for update loop to 50ms to fix high cpu loads
    - Do not stop server (even through assert -> undefined behaviour without Debug flags!) when trying to create a string array. Instead the property is simply ignored and a warning is printed.
  • 00.06.01
    New PATCH release 00.06.01
    Changes since 00.06.00:
    - Temporary roll-back to the periodic update polling instead of the readAny()-based update logic. This is necessary, since the readAny() implementation seems to be too slow for bigger servers like the LLRF server. A proper solution should be found to improve the performance of readAny() for larger number of variables.
  • 00.06.00
    New MINOR release 00.06.00
    Changes since 00.05.00:
    - some necessary changes for the latest DeviceAccess update
    - removed template specialisation of updateDoocsBuffer for D_bytearray
    - changed update loop to use readAny
    - improved tests
  • 00.05.00
    New MINOR release 00.05.00
    Changes since 00.04.00:
    Bug fixes:
    - Changed maximal length for properties with history to accomodate the ._HIST extension
    - Creation of D_arrays and D_spectra is now possible.
    - D_spectra support configurable start and incement (either from config file or other process variable)
  • 00.04.00
    New MINOR release 00.04.00
    Changes since 00.03.04:
    - added xml variable mapping - still work in progress!
    - allow mapping of single variables and entire groups of varibales
    - allow settings variables to read_only in mapping
    - allow turning off the history in mapping
    - reference server with working xml mapping
    - removed old, outdated cosade example
    - code refactoring and test improvements, some fixes in the build environment
    - updated for latest version of the ControlSystemAdapter/DeviceAccess base libraries
  • 00.03.04
    39d7e5a4 · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 00.03.04
    Changes since 00.03.03:
    - disable history for properties with names longer than 64 characters, since DOOCS seems not to support this
  • 00.03.03
    9820981b · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 00.03.03
    Changes since 00.03.02:
    No changes! This is a dummy release to increase the version number (required for Debian packaging)
  • 00.03.02
    44bbceca · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 00.03.02
    Changes since 00.03.01:
    - renamed project to include the ChimeraTK prefix as used in all other ChimeraTK projects
  • 00.03.01
    edfa43df · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 00.03.01
    Changes since 00.03.00:
    - removed Makefile, since it prevents the debian package tools from working and it is redunant as we have cmake now.
  • 00.03.00
    New MINOR release 00.03.00
    Changes since 00.02.00:
    - added history to all variables where supported by DOOCS
    - some code cleaning
    - use proper version for the so file (including the build version)
  • 00.02.00
    New MINOR release 00.02.00
    Changes since 00.01.01:
    - added support for strings
  • 00.01.01
    2307fed6 · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 00.01.01
    Changes since 00.01.00:
    - fixes in the build environment