Martin Killenberg authored
renamed the intermediate function 'new_create' back to create, which had been removed after it was obsolete
Martin Killenberg authoredrenamed the intermediate function 'new_create' back to create, which had been removed after it was obsolete
testDoocsPVFactory.cpp 9.04 KiB
// Define a name for the test module.
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE DoocsPVFactoryTest
// Only after defining the name include the unit test header.
#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "DoocsPVFactory.h"
#include "DoocsProcessScalar.h"
#include "DoocsProcessArray.h"
#include "DoocsSpectrum.h"
#include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/ControlSystemPVManager.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/DevicePVManager.h>
#include "emptyServerFunctions.h"
#include "getAllVariableNames.h"
#include "PropertyDescription.h"
using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
using namespace ChimeraTK;
using boost::shared_ptr;
// use boost meta-programming to use test case templates
// The list of types is an mpl type
typedef boost::mpl::list<int32_t, uint32_t,
int16_t, uint16_t,
int8_t, uint8_t,
float, double> simple_test_types;
EqFct myEqFct("MY_EQ_FCT");
template<class DOOCS_PRIMITIVE_T, class DOOCS_T>
static void testCreateProcessScalar(std::shared_ptr<PropertyDescription> const & propertyDescription,
DoocsPVFactory & factory, std::string const & expectedPropertyName){
// have the variable created and check that it is the right type
boost::shared_ptr<D_fct> doocsVariableAsDFct = factory.create( propertyDescription );
// get the raw pointer and dynamic cast it to the expected type
DoocsProcessScalar<DOOCS_PRIMITIVE_T, DOOCS_T> * doocsScalarType =
dynamic_cast< DoocsProcessScalar<DOOCS_PRIMITIVE_T, DOOCS_T> * > (doocsVariableAsDFct.get());
// if the cast succeeds the factory works as expected we are done
std::string errorMessage = std::string("testCreateProcessScalar failed for type ") + typeid(DOOCS_PRIMITIVE_T).name();
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(doocsScalarType, errorMessage);
errorMessage = std::string("Error checking property name: expectedPropertyName '")
+ expectedPropertyName + "', property_name() '" + doocsVariableAsDFct->property_name() + "'";
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( expectedPropertyName == doocsVariableAsDFct->property_name() , errorMessage);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testAutoCreateScalars ) {
std::pair< shared_ptr<ControlSystemPVManager>,
shared_ptr<DevicePVManager> > pvManagers = createPVManager();
shared_ptr<ControlSystemPVManager> csManager = pvManagers.first;
shared_ptr<DevicePVManager> devManager = pvManagers.second;
DoocsUpdater updater;