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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 01.06.00
    New MINOR release 01.06.00
    Changes since 01.05.00:
    - exception handling: propagate DataValidity flag through application (#38)
  • 01.05.00
    New MINOR release 01.05.00
    Changes since 01.04.00:
    - implement writeDestructivly etc. in various places
    - use writeDescructively where possible as a performance optimisation
    - added StatusMonitor modules (#13)
    - fixed exception handling variables not showing up in application's XML file
    - changes and bug fixes for the build environment
    - bug fix for graphs: Also escape "-" for node names
  • 01.04.00
    2e91f2d6 · update dependency version ·
    New MINOR release 01.04.00
    Changes since 01.03.00:
      DeviceModule and ControlSystemModule now do not take the optional prefix argument in their constructors any more. Use the [] operator instead to get the submodule.
    - Implement exception handling: runtime_errors are now handled by ApplicationCore and error states are published to the control system
    - Parallelise transfers from different devices triggered from the same variable
    - ConfigReader: allow building hierarchies
    - MicroDAQ: allow choosing the data type for the trigger
    - move ApplicationModule::appConfig() to ModuleImpl::appConfig() so it can also be used from ModuleGroup
    - make exceptions a bit more elaborate to help debugging
  • 01.03.00
    New MINOR release 01.03.00
    Changes since 01.02.00:
    - Introduced exception handling
    - Introduces bi-directional variables
    - Add support for direct connections between devices and the control system via connectTo()
    - Added ConfigReader.h to ApplicationCore.h, as the ConfigReader is now more strongly integrated with ApplicationCore
    - Allow calling appConfig() also in VariableGroups
    - A HierarchyModifier can now be specified instead of the eliminateHierarchy boolean flag
    - Properly pass on the version number everywhere (needed for bi-directional variables)
    - Refactoring: renamed class DebugDecoratorRegisterAccessor ->DebugPrintAccessorDecorator
    - Refactoring: renamed class TestDecoratorRegisterAccessor -> TestableModeAccessorDecorator
    - Added new-style constructor for Multiplier module
    - Improved the warning about unconnected variables
    - Allow changing the public name of controlsystem-type nodes
    - Prevent module names and accessor names having slashes. This sometimes created bizarre behaviour.
    - Added two more examples
    - Improved tests
    - Improved documentation
  • 01.02.00
    bf51f762 · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 01.02.00
    Changes since 01.01.00:
    - implemented Application::isTestableModeEnabled()
    - fix for new boost versions (boost::fusion::for_each() changed, second argument by default no longer a reference, so we have to specifiy that explicitly)
    - History module:
      - Now one can add ScalarOutput and ArrayOutput variables to the history modules by using tags.
    - PeriodicTrigger:
      - Make the PeriodicTrigger testable, i.e. in testable mode it does not fire periodically but can be controller from the test routine
      - Renamed timeout variable to period.
  • 01.01.00
    New MINOR release 01.01.00
    Changes since 01.00.00:
    - Add missing includes in Logging module
    - Improved dependency handling
    - Added simple PeriodicTrigger (early version, will change)
    - Added second demo application
    - Added convenience function to create constants
    - Added interruption point to ensure proper termination
  • 01.00.00
    New MAJOR release 01.00.00
    Changes since 00.15.00:
    - change the exception scheme to match the new ChimeraTK scheme
    - move from mtca4u namespace to ChimeraTK
    - necessary changes for the latest update in DeviceAccess
  • 00.15.00
    307f35b4 · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 00.15.00
    Changes since 00.14.00:
    - Include descriptions of the owning Module in the descriptions of each process variable to make them more complete.
    - Improvements for MicroDAQ module:
      - Make data decimation configurable
      - Addded some documentation
      - Some code cleaning (eliminate warnings, move internal classes into detail namespace)
    - Add module for creating a server based history.
    - Improvements for the Logging module:
      - Add message buffer for early messages.
        If sendMessage is used before chimeraTK process variables are initialized an internal buffer is used to store those
        messages. Once the process variables are initialized the messages from the buffer are send.
    - Some code cleaning
  • 00.14.00
    New MINOR release 00.14.00
    Changes since 00.13.02:
    - necessary update for latest release of DeviceAccess (readAsync)
    - properly specify the AccessModeFlag for control system variables (wait_for_new_data for push-type variables)
    - add DataLossCounter ApplicationModule to detect and observe internal data loss (e.g. due to CPU overloading)
    - add Logging ApplicationModule for realising an application log
    - code cleaning and refactoring
    - resolve ambiguity for Application::getName
    - improved/fixed documentation
    - work around for broken thread_local storage duration in gcc
  • 00.13.02
    424bfef2 · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 00.13.02
    Changes since 00.13.01:
    MicroDAQ module:
    - Added tag "MicroDAQ.CONFIG" to all configuration variables, to make it easier to publish only them into the control system
  • 00.13.01
    6d346a9b · increased patch level ·
    New PATCH release 00.13.01
    Changes since 00.13.00:
    - bug fix: ArrayPipe was only working for Type = int
  • 00.13.00
    ebbe156f · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 00.13.00
    Changes since 00.12.00:
    - added constructor for ReadBitMask which allows specifying all meta data for inputs and outputs
  • 00.12.00
    c264277b · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 00.12.00
    Changes since 00.11.00:
    - fixed crash in case of unconnected string variables
    - add support for arrays in ConfigReader module
  • 00.11.00
    New MINOR release 00.11.00
    Changes since 00.10.00:
    - required updates for the latest changes in DeviceAccess
    - improved tests
  • 00.10.00
    0afc4f17 · increased minor version ·
    New minor release 00.10.00
    This is mostly a bug fix release and many tests were added. Notable changes:
    - only allow alphanumeric characters and underscores as application name
    - fixed wrong owner of the variables in the Pipe and allow applications to own the Pipe directly
    - fixed bug that using poll-type transfers in testable mode could sometimes lead to stalled tests or assert failures.
    - fixed testable mode blocking for ever in some situations when reading from constants
    - bug fix: Module::readAllNonBlocking() now reads the latest value for poll-type variables
    - fixed incorrect behaviour of operator[] and operator() in ApplicationModule
    - added a debug mode which prints each read and write operation of a given variable
  • 00.09.00
    870befad · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 00.09.00
    Changes since 00.08.00:
    - fixes for move construction and move assignment of modules
    - some code cleaning
  • 00.08.00
    New MINOR release 00.08.00
    Changes since 00.07.00:
    - Extended the SplitArray modules to also allow splitting into multiple arrays of the same size. This breaks the interface of the old modules, but they were not yet used anywhere so this should be ok.
    - Fixed a bug that sometimes variables were read (resp. written) in groups despite they were outputs (resp. inputs). This was happening with device variables since they are bi-directional. Now no longer the information from the accessor is used whether this variable is readable or writeable, but the information from the VariableNetworkNode which direction this variable should have.
  • 00.07.00
    New MINOR release 00.07.00
    Changes since 00.06.00:
    - allow searching tags by regular expressions, added excludeTag() function as a negation of findTag()
    - obey the eliminate hierarchy flag when using the () and [] operators of modules (and thus also when using connectTo())
    - added ConfigReader module to provide values from an XML config file
    - improved and extended generation of dot graphs
    - improved demo application
    - add support for int64_t and uint64_t
    - fixed several bugs connected to move operations of veriables and modules - as needed when putting them into std::vectors etc.
    - necessary updates for the latest dependency versions
    - some improvements of code structor
    - do not link against the boost unit test library, since this leads to crashes on SuSE tumbleweed
  • 00.06.00
    New MINOR release 00.06.00
    Changes since 00.05.00:
    - Introduced a ModuleGroup (grouping ApplicationModules and other ModuleGroups) and enforced a proper hierarchy of modules to exclude that an ApplicationModule can own (directly or indirectly) another ApplicationModule
    - Necessary updates for changes in DeviceAccess
    - Improved debugging of applications
  • 00.05.00
    ec366499 · increased minor version ·
    New MINOR release 00.05.00
    Changes since 00.04.00:
    - made Module::connectTo() compile-time polymorphic, to allow special modules with operator() returning a different type.
    - corrected (recently changed) name of the DOOCS adapter package