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  • chimeratk-mirror/ApplicationCore
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......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <boost/thread/latch.hpp>
#include <barrier>
#include <memory>
namespace ChimeraTK {
......@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
* Version number of the last exception. Only access under the error mutex. Intentionally not initialised with
* nullptr. It is propagated as long as the device is not successfully opened.
VersionNumber _exceptionVersionNumber = {};
VersionNumber _exceptionVersionNumber;
/** The error flag whether the device is functional. protected by the errorMutex. */
bool _deviceHasError{true};
......@@ -207,39 +208,66 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
friend class ExceptionHandlingDecorator;
* The shared state of a group of devices which are recovered together.
* The shared state of a group of DeviceManagers which are recovering together.
struct RecoveryGroup {
static constexpr const char* stageToString(RecoveryStage stage) {
switch(stage) {
case RecoveryStage::NO_ERROR:
return "RecoveryStage::NO_ERROR";
case RecoveryStage::DETECTION:
return "RecoveryStage::DETECTION";
case RecoveryStage::OPEN:
return "RecoveryStage::OPEN";
case RecoveryStage::INIT_HANDERS:
return "RecoveryStage::INIT_HANDLERS";
case RecoveryStage::RECOVERY_ACCESSORS:
return "RecoveryStage::RECOVERY_ACCESSORS";
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unknown recovery stage, cannot convert to string.");
std::set<DeviceBackend::BackendID> recoveryBackendIDs; ///< All backend ID in this recovery group
Application* app{nullptr}; ///< Pointer to the application to access the recovery lock.
* A barrier is used to ensure that each stage of the recovery process is completed
* A barrier is used to ensure that each stage of the recovery process is completed
* by all DeviceManagers in the recovery group before the next stage is started.
* \li Detection of the error condition
* \li Re-opening of the device
* \li Running the initialisation handlers
* \li Writing the recovery accessors
std::shared_ptr<std::barrier<>> recoveryBarrier;
std::atomic<size_t> errorAtStage{0}; ///< Flag whether recovery has to be repeated.
std::set<DeviceBackend::BackendID> recoveryBackendIDs; ///< All backend ID in this recovery group
Application* app{nullptr}; ///< Pointer to the application to access the recovery lock.
std::barrier<> recoveryBarrier{1};
/** Indicator whether recovery has to be repeated, and from which barrier. */
std::atomic<RecoveryStage> errorAtStage{RecoveryStage::NO_ERROR};
* Protect the device open/close actions in a group. It ensures that no other DeviceManager can perform an open
* or close action while this lock is being held. This is needed in several places:
* 1. Devices are closed when running init handlers, and no other DeviceManager must close the device to run its
* init handler while an initi handler is accessing the device.
* 2. In backends, open() and close() are not thread safe. This prevents from concurrent open() calls, concurrent
* close() calls, and calling open()/close() a the same time from different threads.
std::mutex deviceOpenCloseMutex;
// Wait at the barrier for a stage to complete.
// Returns 'true' if the stage was completed successfully.
bool waitForRecoveryStage(size_t stage);
bool waitForRecoveryStage(RecoveryStage stage);
void setErrorAtStage(size_t stage);
void setErrorAtStage(RecoveryStage stage);
// contains a barrier to wait that all threads have seen the change.
void resetErrorStage();
void resetErrorAtStage();
std::shared_ptr<RecoveryGroup> _recoveryGroup;
* The globalDeviceOpenMutex is a work around for backends which do not implement open() in a thread-safe
* manner. This seems to be the case for most backends currently, hence it was decided to implement this
* workaround for now (see g).
static std::mutex globalDeviceOpenMutex;
/// Helper function for better error messages
std::string stageToString(RecoveryGroup::RecoveryStage stage);
......@@ -15,14 +15,16 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
: ApplicationModule(application, "/Devices/" + Utilities::escapeName(deviceAliasOrCDD, false), ""),
_device(deviceAliasOrCDD), _deviceAliasOrCDD(deviceAliasOrCDD), _owner{application} {
auto involvedBackends = _device.getInvolvedBackendIDs();
_recoveryGroup =
std::make_shared<RecoveryGroup>(std::make_shared<std::barrier<>>(1), true, involvedBackends, _owner);
// Create a recovery group with barrier size 1.
_recoveryGroup = std::make_shared<RecoveryGroup>(involvedBackends, _owner);
// loop all already existing DeviceManagers and look for shared backends
size_t recoveryGroupSize{1};
int64_t recoveryGroupSize{1};
for(const auto& [alias, existingDeviceManager] : Application::getInstance().getDeviceManagerMap()) {
for(auto backendID : involvedBackends) {
if(existingDeviceManager->_recoveryGroup->recoveryBackendIDs.contains(backendID)) {
// Note: The next line modifies involvedBackends while iterating over it.
// This is only allowed because the iteration is terminated with a break below!
existingDeviceManager->_recoveryGroup = _recoveryGroup;
......@@ -34,7 +36,10 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
if(recoveryGroupSize > 1) {
// update the recovery group
_recoveryGroup->recoveryBackendIDs = involvedBackends;
_recoveryGroup->recoveryBarrier = std::make_shared<std::barrier<>>(recoveryGroupSize);
// The barrier does not allow modification of the number of participants.
// We put a placement new to replace it. Before this, we have to call the constructor of the old instance.
new(&_recoveryGroup->recoveryBarrier) std::barrier(recoveryGroupSize);
......@@ -140,7 +145,7 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
catch(...) {
......@@ -160,13 +165,13 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
while(true) {
// Sync point (stage 1 complete):
// Sync point DETECTION:
// The manager has seen an error and (re)starts recovery. Wait until all
// involved DeviceManagers have seen it.
// Reset error stage to 0. Contains a barrier to make sure all threads have seen it.
// Reset error stage to NO_ERROR. Contains a barrier to make sure all threads have seen it.
// Starting stage 2
// [Spec: 2.3.1] (Re)-open the device.
......@@ -177,7 +182,7 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
_owner->getTestableMode().lock("Attempt open/recover device");
try {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> globalDeviceOpenLock(globalDeviceOpenMutex);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> deviceOpenLock(_recoveryGroup->deviceOpenCloseMutex);;
catch(ChimeraTK::runtime_error& e) {
......@@ -219,24 +224,24 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
// Sync point (stage 2 complete): Device opened. Synchronise before stating init scripts.
// Sync point (stage OPEN complete): Device opened. Synchronise before starting init scripts.
assert(_recoveryGroup->errorAtStage == 0); // no other thread must have modified the flag until here.
assert(_recoveryGroup->errorAtStage ==
RecoveryGroup::RecoveryStage::NO_ERROR); // no other thread must have modified the flag until here.
// no need to check the return value. No error reported in stage 2
// no need to check the return value. No error reported in the OPEN stage.
// Starting stage 3
// Starting stage INIT_HANDLERS
// [Spec: 2.3.2] Run initialisation handlers
try {
for(auto& initHandler : _initialisationHandlers) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> globalDeviceOpenLock(globalDeviceOpenMutex);
// Hold the open/close lock while executing the init handler, so no other
// DeviceManager closes the device while the init handler is running.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> openCloseLock(_recoveryGroup->deviceOpenCloseMutex);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> globalDeviceOpenLock(globalDeviceOpenMutex);
......@@ -251,21 +256,22 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
// Mark recovery as failed. All DeviceManagers will return to the beginning of the recovery after the next
// synchronisation point
// Sync point (stage 3 complete): Wait until all init scripts are done before writing recovery accessors.
// Sync point (stage INIT_HANDLERS complete): Wait until all init scripts are done before writing recovery
// accessors.
if(!_recoveryGroup->waitForRecoveryStage(3)) {
// If another thread has already continued and set an error for recovery stage 4,
// waitForRecoveryStage(3) will still return 'true', so all threads arrive at the
// barrier for stage 4.
// If there was error in stage 3, all threads will see it here and continue.
if(!_recoveryGroup->waitForRecoveryStage(RecoveryGroup::RecoveryStage::INIT_HANDERS)) {
// If another thread has already continued and set an error for recovery stage RECOVERY_ACCESSORS,
// waitForRecoveryStage(INIT_HANDLERS) will still return 'true', so all threads arrive at the
// barrier for stage RECOVERY_ACCESSORS.
// If there was error in stage INIT_HANDLERS, all threads will see it here and continue.
// Starting stage 4
// Starting stage RECOVERY_ACCESSORS
// Write all recovery accessors
// We are now entering the critical recovery section. It is protected by the recovery mutex until the
// deviceHasError flag has been cleared.
......@@ -291,13 +297,13 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
// Mark recovery as failed. All DeviceManagers will return to the beginning of the recovery after the next
// synchronisation point
// Sync point (stage 4 complete): All recovery accessors written.
// Sync point (stage RECOVERY_ACCESSORS complete): All recovery accessors have been written.
if(!_recoveryGroup->waitForRecoveryStage(4)) {
if(!_recoveryGroup->waitForRecoveryStage(RecoveryGroup::RecoveryStage::RECOVERY_ACCESSORS)) {
// In case of error, jump back to the beginning of the recovery/open procedure
......@@ -475,16 +481,12 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
// static variables
std::mutex DeviceManager::globalDeviceOpenMutex;
bool DeviceManager::RecoveryGroup::waitForRecoveryStage(size_t stage) {
app->getTestableMode().unlock("Sync after after " + std::to_string(stage));
bool DeviceManager::RecoveryGroup::waitForRecoveryStage(RecoveryStage stage) {
app->getTestableMode().unlock(std::string("DeviceManager: Sync device recovery after ") + stageToString(stage));
app->getTestableMode().lock("Starting stage " + std::to_string(stage + 1));
std::string("DeviceManager: Starting next device recovery stage after ") + stageToString(stage));
// Return false if errorAtStage is the current stage.
return !(errorAtStage == stage);
......@@ -492,20 +494,20 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
void DeviceManager::RecoveryGroup::setErrorAtStage(size_t stage) {
assert((errorAtStage == 0) || (errorAtStage == stage));
void DeviceManager::RecoveryGroup::setErrorAtStage(RecoveryStage stage) {
assert((errorAtStage == RecoveryStage::NO_ERROR) || (errorAtStage == stage));
errorAtStage = stage;
void DeviceManager::RecoveryGroup::resetErrorStage() {
errorAtStage = 0;
void DeviceManager::RecoveryGroup::resetErrorAtStage() {
errorAtStage = RecoveryStage::NO_ERROR;
app->getTestableMode().unlock("Sync before resetting recovery group stage");
app->getTestableMode().unlock("DeviceManager: Sync after resetting recovery group stage");
app->getTestableMode().lock("Starting recovery");
app->getTestableMode().lock("DeviceManager: Starting recovery");
} // namespace ChimeraTK
Raw1 (ExceptionDummy:1?
Raw2 (ExceptionDummy:2?
Raw3 (ExceptionDummy:3?
Raw4 (ExceptionDummy:4?
Raw5 (ExceptionDummy:5?
Use1 (logicalNameMap?map=oneTarget.xlmap&target=Raw1)
Use2 (logicalNameMap?map=oneTarget.xlmap&target=Raw2)
Use3 (logicalNameMap?map=oneTarget.xlmap&target=Raw3)
Use4 (logicalNameMap?map=oneTarget.xlmap&target=Raw4)
Use5 (logicalNameMap?map=oneTarget.xlmap&target=Raw5)
Use12 (logicalNameMap?map=twoTargets.xlmap&target1=Raw1&target2=Raw2)
Use34 (logicalNameMap?map=twoTargetsRO.xlmap&target1=Raw3&target2=Raw4)
Use23 (logicalNameMap?map=twoTargets.xlmap&target1=Raw2&target2=Raw3)
Use12ReadOnly (logicalNameMap?map=twoTargetsRO.xlmap&target1=Raw1&target2=Raw2)
......@@ -270,12 +270,17 @@ namespace Tests::testDeviceInitialisationHandler {
std::cout << "TestDeviceClosedInInitHandler" << std::endl;
TestApplication app;[](ctk::Device& d) { BOOST_CHECK(!d.isOpened()); });
// Cache the opened state in the init handler in a variable. BOOST_CHECK is not threat safe and
// cannot directly be used in the handler.
bool isOpenedInInitHandler{
true}; // We expect false, so we set the starting value to true to know the test is sensitive.[&](ctk::Device& d) { isOpenedInInitHandler = d.isOpened(); });
ctk::TestFacility testFacility(app);
// The testFacility in testable mode guarantees that the device has been opened at this point. So we know the init
// handler with the test has been run at this point.
} // namespace Tests::testDeviceInitialisationHandler