Martin Christoph Hierholzer authoredMartin Christoph Hierholzer authored
demoApp2.cc 1.62 KiB
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, MSK, ChimeraTK Project <chimeratk-support@desy.de>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
#include <ChimeraTK/ApplicationCore/ApplicationCore.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/ApplicationCore/EnableXMLGenerator.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/ApplicationCore/PeriodicTrigger.h>
namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
struct Controller : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
ctk::ScalarPollInput<float> sp{this, "temperatureSetpoint", "degC", "Description"};
ctk::ScalarPushInput<float> rb{this, "temperatureReadback", "degC", "..."};
ctk::ScalarOutput<float> cur{this, "heatingCurrent", "mA", "..."};
void mainLoop() {
const float gain = 100.0;
while(true) {
readAll(); // waits until rb updated, then reads sp
cur = gain * (sp - rb);
writeAll(); // writes any outputs
struct ExampleApp : public ctk::Application {
ExampleApp() : Application("demoApp2") { ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath("example2.dmap"); }
~ExampleApp() { shutdown(); }
ctk::PeriodicTrigger timer{this, "Timer", "Periodic timer for the controller", 1000};
// Look at the map file: This device provides "Heater/temperatureReadback" and "Heater/heatingCurrent".
ctk::ConnectingDeviceModule oven{this, "oven", "/Timer/tick"};
// Pick the name "Heater" for the controller module. Now the variable "Heater/temperatureReadback" and
// "Heater/heatingCurrent" are automatically connected to the matching variables on the device.
Controller controller{this, "Heater", "A controller for the heater of the oven."};
static ExampleApp theExampleApp;