Martin Killenberg authoredMartin Killenberg authored
ExceptionHandlingDecorator.cc 9.63 KiB
#include "ExceptionHandlingDecorator.h"
#include "DeviceModule.h"
#include <functional>
namespace ChimeraTK {
template<typename UserType>
boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> accessor, DeviceModule& devMod,
VariableDirection direction, boost::shared_ptr<NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> recoveryAccessor)
: ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>(accessor), deviceModule(devMod),
_recoveryAccessor(recoveryAccessor), _direction(direction) {
// Register recoveryAccessor at the DeviceModule
if(recoveryAccessor != nullptr) {
// version number is still {nullptr} (i.e. invalid)
_recoveryHelper = boost::make_shared<RecoveryHelper>(recoveryAccessor, VersionNumber(nullptr));
template<typename UserType>
void ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::setOwnerValidity(bool hasExceptionNow) {
if(hasExceptionNow != previousReadFailed) {
previousReadFailed = hasExceptionNow;
if(!_owner) return;
if(hasExceptionNow) {
else {
template<typename UserType>
bool ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber) {
if(transferAllowed) {
return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doWriteTransfer(versionNumber);
else {
return true; /* data loss */
template<typename UserType>
bool ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::doWriteTransferDestructively(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber) {
if(transferAllowed) {
return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doWriteTransferDestructively(versionNumber);
else {
return true; /* data loss */
template<typename UserType>
void ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::doReadTransfer() {
if(transferAllowed) {
template<typename UserType>
bool ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::doReadTransferNonBlocking() {
if(transferAllowed) {
return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doReadTransferNonBlocking();
else {
return false; //hasNewData
template<typename UserType>
bool ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::doReadTransferLatest() {
if(transferAllowed) {
return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doReadTransferLatest();
else {
return false; //hasNewData
template<typename UserType>
TransferFuture ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::doReadTransferAsync() {
assert(transferAllowed); // "You have to implement ApplicationCore #157"
return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doReadTransferAsync();
template<typename UserType>
void ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::doPreWrite(TransferType type, VersionNumber versionNumber) {
/* For writable accessors, copy data to the recoveryAcessor before perfroming the write.
* Otherwise, the decorated accessor may have swapped the data out of the user buffer already.
* This obtains a shared lock from the DeviceModule, hence, the regular writing happeniin here
* can be performed in shared mode of the mutex and accessors are not blocking each other.
* In case of recovery, the DeviceModule thread will take an exclusive lock so that this thread can not
* modify the recoveryAcessor's user buffer while data is written to the device.
auto lock{deviceModule.getRecoverySharedLock()};
if(_recoveryAccessor != nullptr) {
// Access to _recoveryAccessor is only possible channel-wise
for(unsigned int ch = 0; ch < _recoveryAccessor->getNumberOfChannels(); ++ch) {
_recoveryAccessor->accessChannel(ch) = buffer_2D[ch];
// FIXME: This should be the version number of the owner, which is not set at the moment
_recoveryHelper->versionNumber = {};
else {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
"ChimeraTK::ExceptionhandlingDecorator: Calling write() on a non-writeable accessor is not supported ");
} // lock guard goes out of scope
// #138 Phase 1. Change for phase 2
transferAllowed = (Application::getInstance().getLifeCycleState() == LifeCycleState::run);
assert(Application::getInstance().getLifeCycleState() != LifeCycleState::shutdown);
// the waiting is only necessary as a hack for phase 1 because DeviceModule::startTransfer is not there yet
if(transferAllowed) deviceModule.waitForRecovery();
// Now delegate call to the generic decorator, which swaps the buffer, without adding our exception handling with the generic transfer
// preWrite and postWrite are only delegated if the transfer is allowed.
if(transferAllowed) {
ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPreWrite(type, versionNumber);
template<typename UserType>
DataValidity ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::dataValidity() const {
// If there has been an exception the data cannot be OK.
// This is only considered in read mode (=feeding to the connected variable network).
if(_direction.dir == VariableDirection::feeding && previousReadFailed) {
return DataValidity::faulty;
// no exception, return the data validity of the accessor we are decorating
auto delegatedValidity = ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::dataValidity();
return delegatedValidity;
template<typename UserType>
void ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::interrupt() {
// notify the condition variable waiting in reportException of the genericTransfer
template<typename UserType>
void ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::setOwner(EntityOwner* owner) {
_owner = owner;
if(_direction.dir == VariableDirection::feeding && previousReadFailed) {
_owner->incrementExceptionCounter(false); // do not write. We are still in the setup phase.
template<typename UserType>
void ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::doPostRead(TransferType type, bool hasNewData) {
bool hasException = false;
try {
// preRead has not been called when the transfer was not allowed. Don't call postRead in this case.
if(transferAllowed) {
this->_target->postRead(type, hasNewData);
catch(ChimeraTK::runtime_error& e) {
hasException = true;
// #138 Phase 1: Remove for phase 2
// Inform the owner about the failed read (will be informed again after successful recovery
// #138 Phase 2: change if codition here
if(hasException || !transferAllowed) {
// Try to recover and read until it succeeds.
// We are already behind the delegated postRead, so the transfer in the target is already complemted.
// So we have to use a complete blocking preRead, readTransfer, postRead, i.e. _tagret->read()
while(true) {
/* //#138 Phase 2
* if (!deviceModule->startTransfer()) continue;
* // end of #138 Phase 2
try {
hasException = false;
hasNewData = true; // if read() returns there is always new data
/* //#138 Phase 2
* deviceModule->stopTransfer());
* // end of #138 Phase 2
catch(ChimeraTK::runtime_error&) {
/* //#138 Phase 2
* deviceModule->stopTransfer());
* // end of #138 Phase 2
// only replace the user buffer if there really is new data
if(hasNewData) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < buffer_2D.size(); ++i)
buffer_2D[i].swap(this->_target->accessChannel(static_cast<unsigned int>(i)));
template<typename UserType>
void ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::doPostWrite(TransferType type, bool dataLost) {
try {
// preRead has only been delegated if the transfer was allowed. Hence we are only allowed to delegate postRead in this case.
if(transferAllowed) {
ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPostWrite(type, dataLost);
catch(ChimeraTK::runtime_error& e) {
template<typename UserType>
void ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>::doPreRead(TransferType type) {
/* #138 Phase 1. Change this for phase 2 */
/* Hack for phase 1 because DeviceModule::startTransfer is not there yet. */
transferAllowed = true;
// std::cout << "recovered" << std::endl;
// transferAllowed = (Application::getInstance().getLifeCycleState() == LifeCycleState::run);
// auto l = Application::getInstance().getLifeCycleState();
// std::cout << "LifeCycleState: "
// << (l == LifeCycleState::run ? "run" : (l == LifeCycleState::initialisation ? "init" : "shutdown"))
// << std::endl;
// assert(transferAllowed); // not true in phase 2 any more
// only delegate preRead and postRead if the transfer is allowerd
if(transferAllowed) {
} /* namespace ChimeraTK */