Martin Christoph Hierholzer authored
added missing implementations of writeDestructively() - the inherited ones from the DeviceAccess classes are not doing the right thing...
Martin Christoph Hierholzer authoredadded missing implementations of writeDestructively() - the inherited ones from the DeviceAccess classes are not doing the right thing...
ArrayAccessor.h 7.26 KiB
* ArrayAccessor.h
* Created on: Jun 07, 2016
* Author: Martin Hierholzer
#include <string>
#include <boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <ChimeraTK/OneDRegisterAccessor.h>
#include "Application.h"
#include "InversionOfControlAccessor.h"
#include "Profiler.h"
namespace ChimeraTK {
/** Accessor for array variables (i.e. vectors). Note for users: Use the
* convenience classes ArrayPollInput, ArrayPushInput, ArrayOutput instead of
* this class directly. */
template<typename UserType>
class ArrayAccessor : public ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>,
public InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>> {
using InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::operator VariableNetworkNode;
using InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::operator>>;
void replace(const ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType>& newAccessor) = delete;
using InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::replace;
ArrayAccessor<UserType>& operator=(ArrayAccessor<UserType>& other) = delete;
using ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
/** Move constructor */
ArrayAccessor(ArrayAccessor<UserType>&& other) {
/** Move assignment */
ArrayAccessor<UserType>& operator=(ArrayAccessor<UserType>&& other) {
// Having a move-assignment operator is required to use the move-assignment
// operator of a module containing an accessor.
return *this;
bool write(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber) = delete;
bool writeDestructively(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber) = delete;
bool write() {
auto versionNumber = this->getOwner()->getCurrentVersionNumber();
bool dataLoss = ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::write(versionNumber);
if(dataLoss) Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
return dataLoss;
bool writeDestructively() {
auto versionNumber = this->getOwner()->getCurrentVersionNumber();
bool dataLoss = ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::writeDestructively(versionNumber);
if(dataLoss) Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
return dataLoss;
TransferFuture readAsync() {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("ArrayAccessor::readAsync() is currently not "
"supported by ApplicationCore!");
friend class InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>;
ArrayAccessor(Module* owner, const std::string& name, VariableDirection direction, std::string unit,
size_t nElements, UpdateMode mode, const std::string& description,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {})
: InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>(
owner, name, direction, unit, nElements, mode, description, &typeid(UserType), tags) {}
/** Default constructor creates a dysfunctional accessor (to be assigned with
* a real accessor later) */
ArrayAccessor() {}
/** Convenience class for input array accessors with UpdateMode::push */
template<typename UserType>
struct ArrayPushInput : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
ArrayPushInput(Module* owner, const std::string& name, std::string unit, size_t nElements,
const std::string& description, const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {})
: ArrayAccessor<UserType>(
owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, unit, nElements, UpdateMode::push, description, tags) {}
ArrayPushInput() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
/** Convenience class for input array accessors with UpdateMode::poll */
template<typename UserType>
struct ArrayPollInput : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
ArrayPollInput(Module* owner, const std::string& name, std::string unit, size_t nElements,
const std::string& description, const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {})
: ArrayAccessor<UserType>(
owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, unit, nElements, UpdateMode::poll, description, tags) {}
ArrayPollInput() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
void doReadTransfer() { this->doReadTransferLatest(); }
void read() { this->readLatest(); }
using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
/** Convenience class for output array accessors (always UpdateMode::push) */
template<typename UserType>
struct ArrayOutput : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
ArrayOutput(Module* owner, const std::string& name, std::string unit, size_t nElements,
const std::string& description, const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {})
: ArrayAccessor<UserType>(
owner, name, {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, unit, nElements, UpdateMode::push, description, tags) {}
ArrayOutput() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
/** Convenience class for input array accessors with return channel ("write
* back") and UpdateMode::push */
template<typename UserType>
struct ArrayPushInputWB : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
ArrayPushInputWB(Module* owner, const std::string& name, std::string unit, size_t nElements,
const std::string& description, const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {})
: ArrayAccessor<UserType>(
owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, true}, unit, nElements, UpdateMode::push, description, tags) {}
ArrayPushInputWB() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
/** Convenience class for output array accessors with return channel ("read
* back") (always UpdateMode::push) */
template<typename UserType>
struct ArrayOutputRB : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
ArrayOutputRB(Module* owner, const std::string& name, std::string unit, size_t nElements,
const std::string& description, const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {})
: ArrayAccessor<UserType>(
owner, name, {VariableDirection::feeding, true}, unit, nElements, UpdateMode::push, description, tags) {}
ArrayOutputRB() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
} /* namespace ChimeraTK */