Martin Christoph Hierholzer authored
Unfortunatly this currently breaks the ServerHistory module, as it relies on slashes in accessor names. The MicroDAQ module had the same issue but has already been fixed. This fix can be adopted to the ServerHistory module as well.
Martin Christoph Hierholzer authoredUnfortunatly this currently breaks the ServerHistory module, as it relies on slashes in accessor names. The MicroDAQ module had the same issue but has already been fixed. This fix can be adopted to the ServerHistory module as well.
MicroDAQ.cc 14.77 KiB
#include <fstream>
#include <H5Cpp.h>
#include <H5File.h>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "MicroDAQ.h"
namespace ChimeraTK {
namespace detail {
/** Callable class for use with boost::fusion::for_each: Attach the given accessor to the MicroDAQ with proper
* handling of the UserType. */
struct AccessorAttacher {
AccessorAttacher(VariableNetworkNode& feeder, MicroDAQ *owner, const std::string &name)
: _feeder(feeder), _owner(owner), _name(name) {}
template<typename PAIR>
void operator()(PAIR&) const {
// only continue if the call is for the right type
if(typeid(typename PAIR::first_type) != _feeder.getValueType()) return;
// register connection
_feeder >> _owner->template getAccessor<typename PAIR::first_type>(_name);
VariableNetworkNode &_feeder;
MicroDAQ *_owner;
const std::string &_name;
void MicroDAQ::addSource(const Module &source, const RegisterPath &namePrefix) {
// for simplification, first create a VirtualModule containing the correct hierarchy structure (obeying eliminate
// hierarchy etc.)
auto dynamicModel = source.findTag(".*"); /// @todo use virtualise() instead
// create variable group map for namePrefix if needed
if(groupMap.find(namePrefix) == groupMap.end()) {
// search for existing parent (if any)
auto parentPrefix = namePrefix;
while(groupMap.find(parentPrefix) == groupMap.end()) {
if(parentPrefix == "/") break; // no existing parent found
parentPrefix = std::string(parentPrefix).substr(0,std::string(parentPrefix).find_last_of("/"));
// create all not-yet-existing parents
while(parentPrefix != namePrefix) {
EntityOwner *owner = this;
if(parentPrefix != "/") owner = &groupMap[parentPrefix];
auto stop = std::string(namePrefix).find_first_of("/", parentPrefix.length()+1);
if(stop == std::string::npos) stop = namePrefix.length();
RegisterPath name = std::string(namePrefix).substr(parentPrefix.length(),stop-parentPrefix.length());
parentPrefix /= name;
groupMap[parentPrefix] = VariableGroup(owner, std::string(name).substr(1), "");
// add all accessors on this hierarchy level
for(auto &acc : dynamicModel.getAccessorList()) {
boost::fusion::for_each(accessorListMap.table, detail::AccessorAttacher(acc, this, namePrefix/acc.getName()));
// recurse into submodules
for(auto mod : dynamicModel.getSubmoduleList()) {
addSource(*mod, namePrefix/mod->getName());
template<typename UserType>
VariableNetworkNode MicroDAQ::getAccessor(const std::string &variableName) {
// check if variable name already registered
for(auto &name : overallVariableList) {
if(name == variableName) {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Cannot add '"+variableName+
"' to MicroDAQ since a variable with that name is already registered.");
// add accessor and name to lists
auto &accessorList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(accessorListMap.table);
auto &nameList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(nameListMap.table);
auto dirName = variableName.substr(0,variableName.find_last_of("/"));
auto baseName = variableName.substr(variableName.find_last_of("/")+1);
accessorList.emplace_back(&groupMap[dirName], baseName, "", 0, "");
// return the accessor
return accessorList.back();
namespace detail {
struct H5storage {
H5storage(MicroDAQ *owner) : _owner(owner) {}
H5::H5File outFile;
std::string currentGroupName;
/** Unique list of groups, used to create the groups in the file */
std::list <std::string> groupList;
/** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the H5::DataSpace objects. */
template<typename UserType>
using dataSpaceList = std::list<H5::DataSpace>;
TemplateUserTypeMap<dataSpaceList> dataSpaceListMap;
/** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing decimation factors. */
template<typename UserType>
using decimationFactorList = std::list<size_t>;
TemplateUserTypeMap<decimationFactorList> decimationFactorListMap;
uint32_t currentBuffer{0};
uint32_t nFillsInBuffer{0};
bool isOpened{false};
bool firstTrigger{true};
void processTrigger();
void writeData();
MicroDAQ *_owner;
struct DataSpaceCreator {
DataSpaceCreator(H5storage &storage) : _storage(storage) {}
template<typename PAIR>
void operator()(PAIR &pair) const {
typedef typename PAIR::first_type UserType;
// get the lists for the UserType
auto &accessorList = pair.second;
auto &decimationFactorList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.decimationFactorListMap.table);
auto &dataSpaceList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.dataSpaceListMap.table);
auto &nameList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage._owner->nameListMap.table);
// iterate through all accessors for this UserType
auto name = nameList.begin();
for(auto accessor = accessorList.begin() ; accessor != accessorList.end() ; ++accessor , ++name) {
// determine decimation factor
int factor = 1;
if(accessor->getNElements() > _storage._owner->decimationThreshold_) {
factor = _storage._owner->decimationFactor_;
// define data space
hsize_t dimsf[1]; // dataset dimensions
dimsf[0] = accessor->getNElements()/factor;
dataSpaceList.push_back( H5::DataSpace(1, dimsf) );
// put all group names in list (each hierarchy level separately)
size_t idx = 0;
while( (idx = name->find('/', idx+1)) != std::string::npos ) {
std::string groupName = name->substr(0,idx);
H5storage &_storage;
void MicroDAQ::mainLoop() {
std::cout << "Initialising MicroDAQ system...";
// storage object
detail::H5storage storage(this);
// create the data spaces
boost::fusion::for_each(accessorListMap.table, detail::DataSpaceCreator(storage));
// sort group list and make unique to make sure lower levels get created first
// loop: process incoming triggers
while(true) {
std::cout << " done." << std::endl;
namespace detail {
void H5storage::processTrigger() {
// update configuration variables
// need to open or close file?
if(!isOpened && _owner->enable != 0) {
std::fstream bufferNumber;
// some things to be done only on first trigger
if(firstTrigger) {
// create sub-directory
// determine current buffer number
bufferNumber.open("uDAQ/currentBuffer", std::ofstream::in);
if(!bufferNumber.eof()) {
bufferNumber >> currentBuffer;
char filename[64];
std::sprintf(filename, "uDAQ/data%04d.h5", currentBuffer);
if(boost::filesystem::exists(filename) && boost::filesystem::file_size(filename) > 1000) currentBuffer++;
if(currentBuffer >= _owner->nMaxFiles) currentBuffer = 0;
else {
currentBuffer = 0;
// store current buffer number to disk
char filename[64];
std::sprintf(filename, "uDAQ/data%04d.h5", currentBuffer);
std::cout << "uDAQ: Starting with file: " << filename << std::endl;
bufferNumber.open("uDAQ/currentBuffer", std::ofstream::out);
bufferNumber << currentBuffer << std::endl;
// update file number process variables
_owner->currentFile = currentBuffer;
// open file
try {
outFile = H5::H5File(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
catch(H5::FileIException &) {
isOpened = true;
else if(isOpened && _owner->enable == 0) {
isOpened = false;
// if file is opened, this trigger should be included in the DAQ
if(isOpened) {
// write data
// increment counter, after nTriggersPerFile triggers written to the same file, switch the file
if(nFillsInBuffer > _owner->nTriggersPerFile) {
// increment file number. use at most nMaxFiles files, overwrite old files
if(currentBuffer >= _owner->nMaxFiles) currentBuffer = 0;
nFillsInBuffer = 0;
// just close the file here, will re-open on next trigger
isOpened = false;
struct DataWriter {
DataWriter(detail::H5storage &storage) : _storage(storage) {}
template<typename PAIR>
void operator()(PAIR &pair) const {
typedef typename PAIR::first_type UserType;
// get the lists for the UserType
auto &accessorList = pair.second;
auto &decimationFactorList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.decimationFactorListMap.table);
auto &dataSpaceList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.dataSpaceListMap.table);
auto &nameList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage._owner->nameListMap.table);
// iterate through all accessors for this UserType
auto decimationFactor = decimationFactorList.begin();
auto dataSpace = dataSpaceList.begin();
auto name = nameList.begin();
for(auto accessor = accessorList.begin() ; accessor != accessorList.end() ; ++accessor , ++decimationFactor, ++dataSpace, ++name) {
// form full path name of data set
std::string dataSetName = _storage.currentGroupName+"/"+*name;
// write to file (this is mainly a function call to allow template specialisations at this point)
try {
write2hdf<UserType>(*accessor, dataSetName, *decimationFactor, *dataSpace);
catch(H5::FileIException&) {
std::cout << "MicroDAQ: ERROR writing data set " << dataSetName << std::endl;
template<typename UserType>
void write2hdf(ArrayPollInput<UserType> &accessor, std::string &name, size_t decimationFactor, H5::DataSpace &dataSpace) const;
H5storage &_storage;
template<typename UserType>
void DataWriter::write2hdf(ArrayPollInput<UserType> &accessor, std::string &dataSetName, size_t decimationFactor, H5::DataSpace &dataSpace) const {
// prepare decimated buffer
size_t n = accessor.getNElements()/decimationFactor;
std::vector<float> buffer(n);
for(size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
buffer[i] = accessor[i*decimationFactor];
// write data from internal buffer to data set in HDF5 file
H5::DataSet dataset = _storage.outFile.createDataSet(dataSetName, H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, dataSpace);
dataset.write(buffer.data(), H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
void DataWriter::write2hdf<std::string>(ArrayPollInput<std::string> &accessor, std::string &dataSetName, size_t, H5::DataSpace &dataSpace) const {
// write data from internal buffer to data set in HDF5 file
H5::DataSet dataset = _storage.outFile.createDataSet(dataSetName, H5::PredType::C_S1, dataSpace);
dataset.write(accessor[0].c_str(), H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
void H5storage::writeData() {
// format current time
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
time_t t = tv.tv_sec;
if(t == 0) t = time(nullptr);
struct tm *tmp = localtime(&t);
char timeString[64];
std::sprintf(timeString, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", 1900+tmp->tm_year, tmp->tm_mon+1, tmp->tm_mday,
tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec, static_cast<int>(tv.tv_usec / 1000));
// create groups
currentGroupName = std::string("/")+std::string(timeString);
try {
for(auto &group : groupList) outFile.createGroup(currentGroupName+"/"+group);
catch(H5::FileIException &) {
isOpened = false; // will re-open file on next trigger
// read all input data
// write all data to file
boost::fusion::for_each(_owner->accessorListMap.table, DataWriter(*this));
} // namespace detail
} // namespace ChimeraTK