Martin Christoph Hierholzer authoredMartin Christoph Hierholzer authored
Flags.h 1.94 KiB
* Flags.h
* Created on: Jun 14, 2016
* Author: Martin Hierholzer
namespace ChimeraTK {
/** Struct to define the direction of variables. The main direction is defined
* with an enum. In addition the presence of a return channel is specified. */
struct VariableDirection {
/** Enum to define directions of variables. The direction is always defined
* from the point-of-view of the
* owner, i.e. the application module owning the instance of the accessor in
* this context. */
enum { consuming, feeding, invalid } dir;
/** Presence of return channel */
bool withReturn;
/** Comparison */
bool operator==(const VariableDirection& other) const { return dir == other.dir && withReturn == other.withReturn; }
bool operator!=(const VariableDirection& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
/** Enum to define the update mode of variables. */
enum class UpdateMode { poll, push, invalid };
/** Enum to define types of VariableNetworkNode */
enum class NodeType { Device, ControlSystem, Application, TriggerReceiver, TriggerProvider, Constant, invalid };
/** Hierarchy modifier: specify if and how the module hierarchy should be modified in EntityOwner::findTag() etc. */
enum class HierarchyModifier {
none, ///< No modification is performed
hideThis, ///< The hierarchy level at which this flag is specified is hidden. Everything below this level is moved
///< exactly one level up. The structure below this level is kept.
moveToRoot ///< The module at which this flag is specified is moved to the root level, together with the entire
///< structure below the module. Note: Unless you run findTag() or so on the entire application, the
///< moved hierarchy structures might not be visible in the control system etc.
} /* namespace ChimeraTK */
#endif /* CHIMERATK_FLAGS_H */