Martin Christoph Hierholzer authoredMartin Christoph Hierholzer authored
Module.h 6.36 KiB
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, MSK, ChimeraTK Project <chimeratk-support@desy.de>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include "EntityOwner.h"
#include <ChimeraTK/ReadAnyGroup.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/TransferElement.h>
namespace ChimeraTK {
class ApplicationModule;
struct ConfigReader;
/** Base class for ApplicationModule and DeviceModule, to
* have a common interface for these module types. */
class Module : public EntityOwner {
/** Constructor: Create Module by the given name with the given description and register it with its owner. The
* specified list of tags will be added to all elements directly or indirectly owned by this instance. */
Module(EntityOwner* owner, const std::string& name, const std::string& description,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& tags = {});
/** Default constructor: Allows late initialisation of modules (e.g. when
* creating arrays of modules).
* This construtor also has to be here to mitigate a bug in gcc. It is needed
* to allow constructor inheritance of modules owning other modules. This
* constructor will not actually be called then. See this bug report:
* https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=67054 */
Module() : _owner{nullptr} {}
/** Destructor */
~Module() override;
/** Move constructor */
Module(Module&& other) noexcept { operator=(std::move(other)); }
/** Move assignment operator */
Module& operator=(Module&& other) noexcept;
/** Prepare the execution of the module. This function is called before any module is started (including internal
* modules like FanOuts) and before the initial values of the variables are pushed into the queues. Reading and
* writing variables at this point may result in undefined behaviour. */
virtual void prepare() {}
/** Execute the module. */
virtual void run();
/** Terminate the module. Must/will be called before destruction, if run() was
* called previously. */
virtual void terminate() {}
/** Create a ChimeraTK::ReadAnyGroup for all readable variables in this
* Module. */
ChimeraTK::ReadAnyGroup readAnyGroup();
/** Read all readable variables in the group. If there are push-type variables in the group, this call will block
* until all of the variables have received an update. All push-type variables are read first, the poll-type
* variables are therefore updated with the latest values upon return.
* includeReturnChannels determines whether return channels of *OutputRB accessors are included in the read. */
void readAll(bool includeReturnChannels = false);
/** Just call readNonBlocking() on all readable variables in the group.
* includeReturnChannels determines whether return channels of *OutputRB accessors are included in the read. */
void readAllNonBlocking(bool includeReturnChannels = false);
/** Just call readLatest() on all readable variables in the group.
* includeReturnChannels determines whether return channels of *OutputRB accessors are included in the read. */
void readAllLatest(bool includeReturnChannels = false);
/** Just call write() on all writable variables in the group.
* includeReturnChannels determines whether return channels of *InputWB accessors are included in the write. */
void writeAll(bool includeReturnChannels = false);
/** Just call writeDestructively() on all writable variables in the group.
* includeReturnChannels determines whether return channels of *InputWB accessors are included in the write. */
void writeAllDestructively(bool includeReturnChannels = false);
std::string getQualifiedName() const override;
virtual std::string getVirtualQualifiedName() const = 0;
std::string getFullDescription() const override;
* Set a new owner. The caller has to take care himself that the Module gets unregistered with the old owner
* and registered with the new one. Do not use in user code!
void setOwner(EntityOwner* newOwner) { _owner = newOwner; }
EntityOwner* getOwner() const { return _owner; }
VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const override { return _owner->getCurrentVersionNumber(); }
void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber version) override { _owner->setCurrentVersionNumber(version); }
DataValidity getDataValidity() const override { return _owner->getDataValidity(); }
void incrementDataFaultCounter() override { _owner->incrementDataFaultCounter(); }
void decrementDataFaultCounter() override { _owner->decrementDataFaultCounter(); }
std::list<EntityOwner*> getInputModulesRecursively(std::list<EntityOwner*> startList) override;
size_t getCircularNetworkHash() override { return _owner->getCircularNetworkHash(); }
* Find ApplicationModule owner. If "this" is an ApplicationModule, "this" is returned. If "this" is a
* VariableGroup, the tree of owners is followed, until the ApplicationModule is found. If "this" is neither an
* ApplicationModule nor a VariableGroup, a ChimeraTK::logic_error is thrown.
* Note: This function treats ApplicationModules and DeviceModules the same (hence the return type must be the
* common base class).
Module* findApplicationModule();
/** Obtain the ConfigReader instance of the application. If no or multiple ConfigReader instances are found, a
* ChimeraTK::logic_error is thrown.
* Note: This function is expensive. It should be called only during the constructor of the ApplicationModule and
* the obtained configuration values should be stored for later use in member variables.
* Beware that the ConfigReader instance can obly be found if it has been constructed before calling this function.
* Hence, the Application should have the ConfigReader as its first member. */
static ConfigReader& appConfig();
/** Owner of this instance */
EntityOwner* _owner{nullptr};
} /* namespace ChimeraTK */