Jens Georg authoredJens Georg authored
Application.cc 51.64 KiB
* Application.cc
* Created on: Jun 10, 2016
* Author: Martin Hierholzer
#include <exception>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <boost/fusion/container/map.hpp>
#include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
#include "Application.h"
#include "ApplicationModule.h"
#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
#include "ConstantAccessor.h"
#include "ConsumingFanOut.h"
#include "DebugPrintAccessorDecorator.h"
#include "DeviceModule.h"
#include "FeedingFanOut.h"
#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
#include "TestableModeAccessorDecorator.h"
#include "ThreadedFanOut.h"
#include "TriggerFanOut.h"
#include "VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor.h"
#include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
#include "Visitor.h"
#include "XMLGeneratorVisitor.h"
#include "ExceptionHandlingDecorator.h"
using namespace ChimeraTK;
std::mutex Application::testableMode_mutex;
Application::Application(const std::string& name) : ApplicationBase(name), EntityOwner(name, "") {
// check if the application name has been set
if(applicationName == "") {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Error: An instance of Application must have its applicationName set.");
// check if application name contains illegal characters
std::string legalChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_";
bool nameContainsIllegalChars = name.find_first_not_of(legalChars) != std::string::npos;
if(nameContainsIllegalChars) {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Error: The application name may only contain "
"alphanumeric characters and underscores.");
void Application::initialise() {
// call the user-defined defineConnections() function which describes the
// structure of the application
// connect any unconnected accessors with constant values
// realise the connections between variable accessors as described in the
// initialise() function
/** Functor class to create a constant for otherwise unconnected variables,
* suitable for boost::fusion::for_each(). */
namespace {
struct CreateConstantForUnconnectedVar {
/// @todo test unconnected variables for all types!
CreateConstantForUnconnectedVar(const std::type_info& typeInfo, bool makeFeeder, size_t length)
: _typeInfo(typeInfo), _makeFeeder(makeFeeder), _length(length) {}
template<typename PAIR>
void operator()(PAIR&) const {
if(typeid(typename PAIR::first_type) != _typeInfo) return;
theNode = VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<typename PAIR::first_type>(
_makeFeeder, typename PAIR::first_type(), _length);
done = true;
const std::type_info& _typeInfo;
bool _makeFeeder;
size_t _length;
mutable bool done{false};
mutable VariableNetworkNode theNode;
} // namespace
void Application::processUnconnectedNodes() {
for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
for(auto& accessor : module->getAccessorList()) {
if(!accessor.hasOwner()) {
if(enableUnconnectedVariablesWarning) {
std::cerr << "*** Warning: Variable '" << accessor.getQualifiedName()
<< "' is not connected. " // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
"Reading will always result in 0, writing will be ignored."
<< std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
bool makeFeeder = !(networkList.back().hasFeedingNode());
size_t length = accessor.getNumberOfElements();
auto callable = CreateConstantForUnconnectedVar(accessor.getValueType(), makeFeeder, length);
boost::fusion::for_each(ChimeraTK::userTypeMap(), std::ref(callable));
void Application::checkConnections() {
// check all networks for validity
for(auto& network : networkList) {
// check if all accessors are connected
// note: this in principle cannot happen, since processUnconnectedNodes() is
// called before
for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
for(auto& accessor : module->getAccessorList()) {
if(!accessor.hasOwner()) {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("The accessor '" + accessor.getName() + "' of the module '" +
module->getName() + // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
"' was not connected!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
void Application::run() {
assert(applicationName != "");
// set all initial version numbers in the modules to the same value
for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
if(module->getModuleType() != ModuleType::ApplicationModule) continue;
// prepare the modules
for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
for(auto& deviceModule : deviceModuleList) {
// check for application PVs which have a value, which needs to be propagated as initial value
for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
for(auto& var : module->getAccessorList()) {
if(!var.getAppAccessorNoType().isWriteable()) continue;
if(var.getAppAccessorNoType().getVersionNumber() >= _startVersion) {
// Switch life-cycle state to run
lifeCycleState = LifeCycleState::run;
// start the necessary threads for the FanOuts etc.
for(auto& internalModule : internalModuleList) {
for(auto& deviceModule : deviceModuleList) {
// start the threads for the modules
for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
void Application::shutdown() {
// switch life-cycle state
lifeCycleState = LifeCycleState::shutdown;
// first allow to run the application threads again, if we are in testable
// mode
if(testableMode && testableModeTestLock()) {
// deactivate the FanOuts first, since they have running threads inside
// accessing the modules etc. (note: the modules are members of the
// Application implementation and thus get destroyed after this destructor)
for(auto& internalModule : internalModuleList) {
// next deactivate the modules, as they have running threads inside as well
for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
for(auto& deviceModule : deviceModuleList) {
void Application::generateXML() {
assert(applicationName != "");
// define the connections
// also search for unconnected nodes - this is here only executed to print the
// warnings
// create connections for exception handling
for(auto& devModule : deviceModuleList) {
// finalise connections: decide still-undecided details, in particular for
// control-system and device varibales, which get created "on the fly".
XMLGeneratorVisitor visitor;
visitor.save(applicationName + ".xml");
VariableNetwork& Application::connect(VariableNetworkNode a, VariableNetworkNode b) {
// if one of the nodes has the value type AnyType, set it to the type of the
// other if both are AnyType, nothing changes.
if(a.getValueType() == typeid(AnyType)) {
else if(b.getValueType() == typeid(AnyType)) {
// if one of the nodes has not yet a defined number of elements, set it to the
// number of elements of the other. if both are undefined, nothing changes.
if(a.getNumberOfElements() == 0) {
else if(b.getNumberOfElements() == 0) {
if(a.getNumberOfElements() != b.getNumberOfElements()) {
std::stringstream what;
what << "*** ERROR: Cannot connect array variables with difference number "
"of elements!"
<< std::endl;
what << "Node A:" << std::endl;
what << "Node B:" << std::endl;
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(what.str());
// if both nodes already have an owner, we are either already done (same
// owners) or we need to try to merge the networks
if(a.hasOwner() && b.hasOwner()) {
if(&(a.getOwner()) != &(b.getOwner())) {
auto& networkToMerge = b.getOwner();
bool success = a.getOwner().merge(networkToMerge);
if(!success) {
std::stringstream what;
what << "*** ERROR: Trying to connect two nodes which are already part "
"of different networks, and merging these"
" networks is not possible (cannot have two non-control-system "
"or two control-system feeders)!"
<< std::endl;
what << "Node A:" << std::endl;
what << "Node B:" << std::endl;
what << "Owner of node A:" << std::endl;
a.getOwner().dump("", what);
what << "Owner of node B:" << std::endl;
b.getOwner().dump("", what);
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(what.str());
for(auto n = networkList.begin(); n != networkList.end(); ++n) {
if(&*n == &networkToMerge) {
// add b to the existing network of a
else if(a.hasOwner()) {
// add a to the existing network of b
else if(b.hasOwner()) {
// create new network
else {
return a.getOwner();
template<typename UserType>
boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> Application::createDeviceVariable(
const std::string& deviceAlias, const std::string& registerName, VariableDirection direction, UpdateMode mode,
size_t nElements) {
// Device opens in DeviceModule
if(deviceMap.count(deviceAlias) == 0) {
deviceMap[deviceAlias] = ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().createBackend(deviceAlias);
// use wait_for_new_data mode if push update mode was requested
ChimeraTK::AccessModeFlags flags{};
if(mode == UpdateMode::push && direction.dir == VariableDirection::consuming) flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
// obtain the register accessor from the device
auto accessor = deviceMap[deviceAlias]->getRegisterAccessor<UserType>(registerName, nElements, 0, flags);
// find the right DeviceModule for this alias name - required for exception handling
DeviceModule* devmod = nullptr;
for(auto& dm : deviceModuleList) {
if(dm->deviceAliasOrURI == deviceAlias) {
devmod = dm;
assert(devmod != nullptr);
// decorate the accessor with a ExceptionHandlingDecorator and return it
if(direction.dir == VariableDirection::feeding){
// writable registers additionally get a recoveryAccessor
auto recoveryAccessor = deviceMap[deviceAlias]->getRegisterAccessor<UserType>(registerName, nElements, 0, flags);
return boost::make_shared<ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>>(accessor, *devmod, recoveryAccessor);
return boost::make_shared<ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>>(accessor, *devmod);
template<typename UserType>
boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> Application::createProcessVariable(
VariableNetworkNode const& node) {
// determine the SynchronizationDirection
SynchronizationDirection dir;
if(node.getDirection().withReturn) {
dir = SynchronizationDirection::bidirectional;
else if(node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding) {
dir = SynchronizationDirection::controlSystemToDevice;
else {
dir = SynchronizationDirection::deviceToControlSystem;
AccessModeFlags flags = {};
if(node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming) { // Application-to-controlsystem must be
// push-type
flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
else {
for(auto& consumer : node.getOwner().getConsumingNodes()) {
if(consumer.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
// create the ProcessArray for the proper UserType
auto pvar = _processVariableManager->createProcessArray<UserType>(dir, node.getPublicName(),
node.getNumberOfElements(), node.getOwner().getUnit(), node.getOwner().getDescription(), {}, 3, flags);
assert(pvar->getName() != "");
// create variable ID
auto varId = getNextVariableId();
pvIdMap[pvar->getUniqueId()] = varId;
// Decorate the process variable if testable mode is enabled and this is the
// receiving end of the variable. Also don't decorate, if the mode is polling.
// Instead flag the variable to be polling, so the TestFacility is aware of
// this.
if(testableMode && node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding) {
// The transfer mode of this process variable is considered to be polling,
// if only one consumer exists and this consumer is polling. Reason:
// mulitple consumers will result in the use of a FanOut, so the
// communication up to the FanOut will be push-type, even if all consumers
// are poll-type.
/// @todo Check if this is true!
auto mode = UpdateMode::push;
if(node.getOwner().countConsumingNodes() == 1) {
if(node.getOwner().getConsumingNodes().front().getMode() == UpdateMode::poll) mode = UpdateMode::poll;
if(mode != UpdateMode::poll) {
auto pvarDec = boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvar, true, false, varId, varId);
testableMode_names[varId] = "ControlSystem:" + node.getPublicName();
return pvarDec;
else {
testableMode_isPollMode[varId] = true;
// return the process variable
return pvar;
template<typename UserType>
Application::createApplicationVariable(VariableNetworkNode const& node, VariableNetworkNode const& consumer) {
// obtain the meta data
size_t nElements = node.getNumberOfElements();
std::string name = node.getName();
assert(name != "");
AccessModeFlags flags = {};
if(consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid) {
if(consumer.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
else {
if(node.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
// create the ProcessArray for the proper UserType
if(consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid)
assert(node.getDirection().withReturn == consumer.getDirection().withReturn);
if(!node.getDirection().withReturn) {
pvarPair = createSynchronizedProcessArray<UserType>(
nElements, name, node.getUnit(), node.getDescription(), {}, 3, {}, flags);
else {
pvarPair = createBidirectionalSynchronizedProcessArray<UserType>(
nElements, name, node.getUnit(), node.getDescription(), {}, 3, {}, {}, flags);
assert(pvarPair.first->getName() != "");
assert(pvarPair.second->getName() != "");
// create variable IDs
size_t varId = getNextVariableId();
size_t varIdReturn;
if(node.getDirection().withReturn) varIdReturn = getNextVariableId();
// decorate the process variable if testable mode is enabled and mode is
// push-type
if(testableMode && node.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) {
if(!node.getDirection().withReturn) {
pvarPair.first =
boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.first, false, true, varId, varId);
pvarPair.second =
boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.second, true, false, varId, varId);
else {
pvarPair.first =
boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.first, true, true, varIdReturn, varId);
pvarPair.second =
boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.second, true, true, varId, varIdReturn);
// put the decorators into the list
testableMode_names[varId] = "Internal:" + node.getQualifiedName();
if(consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid) {
testableMode_names[varId] += "->" + consumer.getQualifiedName();
if(node.getDirection().withReturn) testableMode_names[varIdReturn] = testableMode_names[varId] + " (return)";
// if debug mode was requested for either node, decorate both accessors
if(debugMode_variableList.count(node.getUniqueId()) ||
(consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid && debugMode_variableList.count(consumer.getUniqueId()))) {
if(consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid) {
assert(node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding);
assert(consumer.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming);
pvarPair.first =
boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.first, node.getQualifiedName());
pvarPair.second =
boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.second, consumer.getQualifiedName());
else {
pvarPair.first =
boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.first, node.getQualifiedName());
pvarPair.second =
boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.second, node.getQualifiedName());
// return the pair
return pvarPair;
void Application::makeConnections() {
for(auto& devModule : deviceModuleList) {
// finalise connections: decide still-undecided details, in particular for
// control-system and device varibales, which get created "on the fly".
// apply optimisations
// note: checks may not be run before since sometimes networks may only be
// valid after optimisations
// run checks
// make the connections for all networks
for(auto& network : networkList) {
void Application::finaliseNetworks() {
// check for control system variables which should be made bidirectional
for(auto& network : networkList) {
size_t nBidir = network.getFeedingNode().getDirection().withReturn ? 1 : 0;
for(auto& consumer : network.getConsumingNodes()) {
if(consumer.getDirection().withReturn) ++nBidir;
if(nBidir != 1)
continue; // only if there is exactly one node with return channel we need
// to guess its peer
if(network.getFeedingNode().getType() != NodeType::ControlSystem) {
// only a feeding control system variable can be made bidirectional
network.getFeedingNode().setDirection({VariableDirection::feeding, true});
void Application::optimiseConnections() {
// list of iterators of networks to be removed from the networkList after the
// merge operation
std::list<VariableNetwork*> deleteNetworks;
// search for networks with the same feeder
for(auto it1 = networkList.begin(); it1 != networkList.end(); ++it1) {
for(auto it2 = it1; it2 != networkList.end(); ++it2) {
if(it1 == it2) continue;
auto feeder1 = it1->getFeedingNode();
auto feeder2 = it2->getFeedingNode();
// this optimisation is only necessary for device-type nodes, since
// application and control-system nodes will automatically create merged
// networks when having the same feeder
/// @todo check if this assumtion is true! control-system nodes can be
/// created with different types, too!
if(feeder1.getType() != NodeType::Device || feeder2.getType() != NodeType::Device) continue;
// check if referrring to same register
if(feeder1.getDeviceAlias() != feeder2.getDeviceAlias()) continue;
if(feeder1.getRegisterName() != feeder2.getRegisterName()) continue;
// check if directions are the same
if(feeder1.getDirection() != feeder2.getDirection()) continue;
// check if value types and number of elements are compatible
if(feeder1.getValueType() != feeder2.getValueType()) continue;
if(feeder1.getNumberOfElements() != feeder2.getNumberOfElements()) continue;
// check if transfer mode is the same
if(feeder1.getMode() != feeder2.getMode()) continue;
// check if triggers are compatible, if present
if(feeder1.hasExternalTrigger() != feeder2.hasExternalTrigger()) continue;
if(feeder1.hasExternalTrigger()) {
if(feeder1.getExternalTrigger() != feeder2.getExternalTrigger()) continue;
// everything should be compatible at this point: merge the networks. We
// will merge the network of the outer loop into the network of the inner
// loop, since the network of the outer loop will not be found a second
// time in the inner loop.
for(auto consumer : it1->getConsumingNodes()) {
// if trigger present, remove corresponding trigger receiver node from the
// trigger network
if(feeder1.hasExternalTrigger()) {
// schedule the outer loop network for deletion and stop processing it
// remove networks from the network list
for(auto net : deleteNetworks) {
void Application::dumpConnections(std::ostream& stream) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
stream << "==== List of all variable connections of the current Application ====" << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
for(auto& network : networkList) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
network.dump("", stream); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
stream << "=====================================================================" << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
void Application::dumpConnectionGraph(const std::string& fileName) {
std::fstream file{fileName, std::ios_base::out};
VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor visitor{file};
Application::TypedMakeConnectionCaller::TypedMakeConnectionCaller(Application& owner, VariableNetwork& network)
: _owner(owner), _network(network) {}
template<typename PAIR>
void Application::TypedMakeConnectionCaller::operator()(PAIR&) const {
if(typeid(typename PAIR::first_type) != _network.getValueType()) return;
_owner.typedMakeConnection<typename PAIR::first_type>(_network);
done = true;
void Application::makeConnectionsForNetwork(VariableNetwork& network) {
// if the network has been created already, do nothing
if(network.isCreated()) return;
// if the trigger type is external, create the trigger first
if(network.getFeedingNode().hasExternalTrigger()) {
VariableNetwork& dependency = network.getFeedingNode().getExternalTrigger().getOwner();
if(!dependency.isCreated()) makeConnectionsForNetwork(dependency);
// defer actual network creation to templated function
auto callable = TypedMakeConnectionCaller(*this, network);
boost::fusion::for_each(ChimeraTK::userTypeMap(), std::ref(callable));
// mark the network as created
template<typename UserType>
void Application::typedMakeConnection(VariableNetwork& network) {
try { // catch exceptions to add information about the failed network
bool connectionMade = false; // to check the logic...
size_t nNodes = network.countConsumingNodes() + 1;
auto feeder = network.getFeedingNode();
auto consumers = network.getConsumingNodes();
bool useExternalTrigger = network.getTriggerType() == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::external;
bool useFeederTrigger = network.getTriggerType() == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::feeder;
bool constantFeeder = feeder.getType() == NodeType::Constant;
// 1st case: the feeder requires a fixed implementation
if(feeder.hasImplementation() && !constantFeeder) {
// Create feeding implementation. Note: though the implementation is derived
// from the feeder, it will be used as the implementation of the (or one of
// the) consumer. Logically, implementations are always pairs of
// implementations (sender and receiver), but in this case the feeder
// already has a fixed implementation pair. So our feedingImpl will contain
// the consumer-end of the implementation pair. This is the reason why the
// functions createProcessScalar() and createDeviceAccessor() get the
// VariableDirection::consuming.
boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> feedingImpl;
if(feeder.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
feedingImpl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(feeder.getDeviceAlias(), feeder.getRegisterName(),
{VariableDirection::consuming, false}, feeder.getMode(), feeder.getNumberOfElements());
else if(feeder.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
feedingImpl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(feeder);
else {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
// if we just have two nodes, directly connect them
if(nNodes == 2 && !useExternalTrigger) {
auto consumer = consumers.front();
if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
//check if the feedingImpl is from a device. In this case it has been decorated with an ExceptionHandlingDecorator
auto feedingDeviceImpl = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChimeraTK::ExceptionHandlingDecorator<UserType>>(feedingImpl);
if (feedingDeviceImpl){
auto owningModule = consumer.getOwningModule(); // application module or variable group
// The decorator comes up with data validity faulty, and we have to keep the counting consistent
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
auto consumingImpl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
{VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(), consumer.getNumberOfElements());
// connect the Device with e.g. a ControlSystem node via a
// ThreadedFanOut
auto fanOut = boost::make_shared<ThreadedFanOut<UserType>>(feedingImpl, network);
fanOut->addSlave(consumingImpl, consumer);
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
auto consumingImpl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(consumer);
// connect the ControlSystem with e.g. a Device node via an
// ThreadedFanOut
auto fanOut = boost::make_shared<ThreadedFanOut<UserType>>(feedingImpl, network);
fanOut->addSlave(consumingImpl, consumer);
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
connectionMade = true;
else {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
else { /* !(nNodes == 2 && !useExternalTrigger) */
// create the right FanOut type
boost::shared_ptr<FanOut<UserType>> fanOut;
boost::shared_ptr<ConsumingFanOut<UserType>> consumingFanOut;
if(useExternalTrigger) {
// if external trigger is enabled, use externally triggered threaded
// FanOut. Create one per external trigger impl.
void* triggerImplId = network.getExternalTriggerImpl().get();
auto triggerFanOut = triggerMap[triggerImplId];
if(!triggerFanOut) {
// find the right DeviceModule for this alias name - required for exception handling
DeviceModule* devmod = nullptr;
std::string deviceAlias = feeder.getDeviceAlias();
for(auto& dm : deviceModuleList) {
if(dm->deviceAliasOrURI == deviceAlias) {
devmod = dm;
assert(devmod != nullptr);
// create the trigger fan out and store it in the map and the internalModuleList
triggerFanOut = boost::make_shared<TriggerFanOut>(network.getExternalTriggerImpl(), *devmod, network);
triggerMap[triggerImplId] = triggerFanOut;
fanOut = triggerFanOut->addNetwork(feedingImpl);
else if(useFeederTrigger) {
// if the trigger is provided by the pushing feeder, use the treaded
// version of the FanOut to distribute new values immediately to all
// consumers. Depending on whether we have a return channel or not, pick
// the right implementation of the FanOut
boost::shared_ptr<ThreadedFanOut<UserType>> threadedFanOut;
if(!feeder.getDirection().withReturn) {
threadedFanOut = boost::make_shared<ThreadedFanOut<UserType>>(feedingImpl, network);
else {
threadedFanOut = boost::make_shared<ThreadedFanOutWithReturn<UserType>>(feedingImpl, network);
fanOut = threadedFanOut;
else {
assert(network.hasApplicationConsumer()); // checkConnections should
// catch this
consumingFanOut = boost::make_shared<ConsumingFanOut<UserType>>(feedingImpl);
fanOut = consumingFanOut;
// In case we have one or more trigger receivers among our consumers, we
// produce one consuming application variable for each device. Later this will create a TriggerFanOut for
// each trigger consumer, i.e. one per device so one blocking device does not affect the others.
/** Map of deviceAliases to their corresponding TriggerFanOuts. */
std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>> triggerFanOuts;
// add all consumers to the FanOut
for(auto& consumer : consumers) {
if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
if(consumingFanOut && consumer.getMode() == UpdateMode::poll) {
else {
auto impls = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(consumer);
fanOut->addSlave(impls.first, consumer);
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
auto impl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(consumer);
fanOut->addSlave(impl, consumer);
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
{VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(), consumer.getNumberOfElements());
fanOut->addSlave(impl, consumer);
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
std::string deviceAlias = consumer.getNodeToTrigger().getOwner().getFeedingNode().getDeviceAlias();
auto triggerFanOut = triggerFanOuts[deviceAlias];
if(!triggerFanOut) { // triggerFanOut is a shared pointer, which evaluates false if default constructed.
// create a new process variable pair and set the sender/feeder to the fan out
auto triggerConnection = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(feeder);
triggerFanOut = triggerConnection.second;
triggerFanOuts[deviceAlias] = triggerFanOut;
fanOut->addSlave(triggerConnection.first, consumer);
else {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
connectionMade = true;
// 2nd case: the feeder does not require a fixed implementation
else if(!constantFeeder) { /* !feeder.hasImplementation() */
// we should be left with an application feeder node
if(feeder.getType() != NodeType::Application) {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
// if we just have two nodes, directly connect them
if(nNodes == 2) {
auto consumer = consumers.front();
if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
auto impls = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(feeder, consumer);
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
auto impl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(consumer);
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
{VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(), consumer.getNumberOfElements());
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
auto impls = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(feeder, consumer);
connectionMade = true;
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Constant) {
auto impl = consumer.getConstAccessor<UserType>();
connectionMade = true;
else {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
else {
// create FanOut and use it as the feeder implementation
auto fanOut = boost::make_shared<FeedingFanOut<UserType>>(feeder.getName(), feeder.getUnit(),
feeder.getDescription(), feeder.getNumberOfElements(), feeder.getDirection().withReturn);
// In case we have one or more trigger receivers among our consumers, we
// produce one consuming application variable for each device. Later this will create a TriggerFanOut for
// each trigger consimer, i.e. one per device so one blocking device does not affect the others.
/** Map of deviceAliases to their corresponding TriggerFanOuts. */
std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>> triggerFanOuts;
for(auto& consumer : consumers) {
if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
auto impls = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(consumer);
fanOut->addSlave(impls.first, consumer);
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
auto impl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(consumer);
fanOut->addSlave(impl, consumer);
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
{VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(), consumer.getNumberOfElements());
fanOut->addSlave(impl, consumer);
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
std::string deviceAlias = consumer.getNodeToTrigger().getOwner().getFeedingNode().getDeviceAlias();
auto triggerFanOut = triggerFanOuts[deviceAlias];
if(!triggerFanOut) { // triggerFanOut is a shared pointer, which evaluates false if default constructed.
// create a new process variable pair and set the sender/feeder to the fan out
auto triggerConnection = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(feeder);
triggerFanOut = triggerConnection.second;
triggerFanOuts[deviceAlias] = triggerFanOut;
fanOut->addSlave(triggerConnection.first, consumer);
else {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
connectionMade = true;
else { /* constantFeeder */
assert(feeder.getType() == NodeType::Constant);
auto feedingImpl = feeder.getConstAccessor<UserType>();
assert(feedingImpl != nullptr);
for(auto& consumer : consumers) {
if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
if(testableMode) {
auto varId = getNextVariableId();
auto pvarDec =
boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(feedingImpl, true, false, varId, varId);
testableMode_names[varId] = "Constant";
else {
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
auto impl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(consumer);
impl->accessChannel(0) = feedingImpl->accessChannel(0);
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
{VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(), consumer.getNumberOfElements());
impl->accessChannel(0) = feedingImpl->accessChannel(0);
// find the right DeviceModule for this alias name
DeviceModule* devmod = nullptr;
for(auto& dm : deviceModuleList) {
if(dm->deviceAliasOrURI == consumer.getDeviceAlias()) {
devmod = dm;
assert(devmod != nullptr);
// register feeder to be written after the device has been opened
else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Using constants as triggers is not supported!");
else {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
connectionMade = true;
if(!connectionMade) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error( // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
"The variable network cannot be handled. Implementation missing!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error& e) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "ChimeraTK::logic_error thrown in Application::typedMakeConnection() for network:" << std::endl;
network.dump("", ss);
ss << e.what();
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(ss.str());
VariableNetwork& Application::createNetwork() {
return networkList.back();
Application& Application::getInstance() {
return dynamic_cast<Application&>(ApplicationBase::getInstance());
void Application::stepApplication() {
// testableMode_counter must be non-zero, otherwise there is no input for the
// application to process
if(testableMode_counter == 0) {
throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Application::stepApplication() called despite no input was provided "
"to the application to process!");
// let the application run until it has processed all data (i.e. the semaphore
// counter is 0)
size_t oldCounter = 0;
while(testableMode_counter > 0) {
if(enableDebugTestableMode && (oldCounter != testableMode_counter)) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
std::cout << "Application::stepApplication(): testableMode_counter = " << testableMode_counter
<< std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
oldCounter = testableMode_counter; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
void Application::testableModeLock(const std::string& name) {
// don't do anything if testable mode is not enabled
if(!getInstance().testableMode) return;
// debug output if enabled (also prevent spamming the same message)
if(getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode && getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// (only cout)
std::cout << "Application::testableModeLock(): Thread " << threadName() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
<< " tries to obtain lock for " << name << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
// if last lock was obtained repeatedly by the same thread, sleep a short time
// before obtaining the lock to give the other threads a chance to get the
// lock first
if(getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner > 0) usleep(10000);
// obtain the lock
// check if the last owner of the mutex was this thread, which may be a hint
// that no other thread is waiting for the lock
if(getInstance().testableMode_lastMutexOwner == std::this_thread::get_id()) {
// debug output if enabled
if(getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode && getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// (only cout)
std::cout << "Application::testableModeLock(): Thread " << threadName() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
<< " repeatedly obtained lock successfully for " << name // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
<< ". Further messages will be suppressed." << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
// increase counter for stall detection
// detect stall: if the same thread got the mutex with no other thread
// obtaining it in between for one second, we assume no other thread is able
// to process data at this time. The test should fail in this case
if(getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner > 100) {
// print an informative message first, which lists also all variables
// currently containing unread data.
std::cout << "*** Tests are stalled due to data which has been sent but "
"not received."
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " The following variables still contain unread values or "
"had data loss due to a queue overflow:"
<< std::endl;
for(auto& pair : Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter) {
if(pair.second > 0) {
std::cout << " - " << Application::getInstance().testableMode_names[pair.first] << " ["
<< getInstance().testableMode_processVars[pair.first]->getId() << "]";
// check if process variable still has data in the queue
try {
if(getInstance().testableMode_processVars[pair.first]->readNonBlocking()) {
std::cout << " (unread data in queue)";
else {
std::cout << " (data loss)";
catch(std::logic_error&) {
// if we receive a logic_error in readNonBlocking() it just means
// another thread is waiting on a TransferFuture of this variable,
// and we actually were not allowed to read...
std::cout << " (data loss)";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "(end of list)" << std::endl;
// throw a specialised exception to make sure whoever catches it really
// knows what he does...
throw TestsStalled();
// getInstance().testableMode_counter = 0;
// for(auto &pair : Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter)
// pair.second = 0;
else {
// last owner of the mutex was different: reset the counter and store the
// thread id
getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner = 0;
getInstance().testableMode_lastMutexOwner = std::this_thread::get_id();
// debug output if enabled
if(getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
std::cout << "Application::testableModeLock(): Thread " << threadName() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
<< " obtained lock successfully for " << name << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
void Application::testableModeUnlock(const std::string& name) {
if(!getInstance().testableMode) return;
if(getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode &&
(!getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
|| getInstance().testableMode_lastMutexOwner != std::this_thread::get_id())) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
std::cout << "Application::testableModeUnlock(): Thread " << threadName() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
<< " releases lock for " << name << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
std::string& Application::threadName() {
// Note: due to a presumed bug in gcc (still present in gcc 7), the
// thread_local definition must be in the cc file to prevent seeing different
// objects in the same thread under some conditions. Another workaround for
// this problem can be found in commit
// dc051bfe35ce6c1ed954010559186f63646cf5d4
thread_local std::string name{"**UNNAMED**"};
return name;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& Application::getTestableModeLockObject() {
// Note: due to a presumed bug in gcc (still present in gcc 7), the
// thread_local definition must be in the cc file to prevent seeing different
// objects in the same thread under some conditions. Another workaround for
// this problem can be found in commit
// dc051bfe35ce6c1ed954010559186f63646cf5d4
thread_local std::unique_lock<std::mutex> myLock(Application::testableMode_mutex, std::defer_lock);
return myLock;
void Application::registerDeviceModule(DeviceModule* deviceModule) {
void Application::unregisterDeviceModule(DeviceModule* deviceModule) {