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  • Martin Killenberg's avatar
    Solved some recursive inclusion of headers · 53d9ee23
    Martin Killenberg authored
    - ConfigReader is in ApplicationCore.h, but was including ApplicationCore.h itself
    - Added include guards to ApplicationCore.h, although it's not stricktly needed (all included headers have one). Might speed up complilation because it makes it easier for the parser.
    Solved some recursive inclusion of headers
    Martin Killenberg authored
    - ConfigReader is in ApplicationCore.h, but was including ApplicationCore.h itself
    - Added include guards to ApplicationCore.h, although it's not stricktly needed (all included headers have one). Might speed up complilation because it makes it easier for the parser.
DeviceModule.h 11.62 KiB
 * DeviceModule.h
 *  Created on: Jun 27, 2016
 *      Author: Martin Hierholzer


#include "ControlSystemModule.h"
#include "Module.h"
#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
#include "VariableGroup.h"
#include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
#include "VirtualModule.h"
#include <ChimeraTK/ForwardDeclarations.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/RegisterPath.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>

namespace ChimeraTK {
  class Application;
  class DeviceModule;
  namespace history {
    struct ServerHistory;


  namespace detail {
    struct DeviceModuleProxy : Module {
      DeviceModuleProxy(const DeviceModule& owner, const std::string& registerNamePrefix);
      DeviceModuleProxy(DeviceModuleProxy&& other);
      DeviceModuleProxy() {}

      VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& registerName, UpdateMode mode,
          const std::type_info& valueType = typeid(AnyType), size_t nElements = 0) const;
      VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& registerName, const std::type_info& valueType,
          size_t nElements = 0, UpdateMode mode = UpdateMode::poll) const;
      VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& variableName) const override;
      Module& operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const override;

      const Module& virtualise() const override;
      void connectTo(const Module& target, VariableNetworkNode trigger = {}) const override;
      ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::Device; }

      DeviceModuleProxy& operator=(DeviceModuleProxy&& other);

      friend class ChimeraTK::DeviceModule;
      const DeviceModule* _myowner;
      std::string _registerNamePrefix;
  } // namespace detail


  /** Implementes access to a ChimeraTK::Device.
  class DeviceModule : public Module {
    /** Constructor: The device represented by this DeviceModule is identified by
     * either the device alias found in the DMAP file or directly an URI.
     * A callback function to initialise the device can be registered as an optional argument (see addInitialisationHandler()
     * for more information).*/
    DeviceModule(Application* application, const std::string& deviceAliasOrURI,
        std::function<void(DeviceModule*)> initialisationHandler = nullptr);
    /** Default constructor: create dysfunctional device module */
    DeviceModule() {}
    /** Destructor */
    virtual ~DeviceModule();

    /** Move operation with the move constructor */
    DeviceModule(DeviceModule&& other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }

    /** Move assignment */
    DeviceModule& operator=(DeviceModule&& other) {
      device = std::move(other.device);
      deviceAliasOrURI = std::move(other.deviceAliasOrURI);
      registerNamePrefix = std::move(other.registerNamePrefix);
      deviceError = std::move(other.deviceError);
      owner = other.owner;
      proxies = std::move(other.proxies);
      deviceHasError = other.deviceHasError;
      for(auto& proxy : proxies) proxy.second._myowner = this;
      return *this;
    /** The subscript operator returns a VariableNetworkNode which can be used in
     * the Application::initialise()
     *  function to connect the register with another variable. */
    VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& registerName, UpdateMode mode,
        const std::type_info& valueType = typeid(AnyType), size_t nElements = 0) const;
    VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& registerName, const std::type_info& valueType,
        size_t nElements = 0, UpdateMode mode = UpdateMode::poll) const {
      return operator()(registerName, mode, valueType, nElements);
    VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& variableName) const override {
      return operator()(variableName, UpdateMode::poll);

    Module& operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const override;

    const Module& virtualise() const override;

    void connectTo(const Module& target, VariableNetworkNode trigger = {}) const override;

    ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::Device; }

    /** Use this function to report an exception. It should be called whenever a
     * ChimeraTK::runtime_error has been caught when trying to interact with this
     * device. This function shall not be called by the user, all exception
     * handling is done internally by ApplicationCore.
     * This functions is blocking until the Device reports isFunctional() again.*/
    void reportException(std::string errMsg);

    void prepare() override;

    void run() override;

    void terminate() override;

    /** Notify all condition variables that are waiting inside reportExeption(). This is
     *  called from other threads hosting accessors. You must call a boost::thread::terminate() on the
     *  thread running the accessor, then call DeviceModule::notify() to wake up reportException, which will detect the interruption and return.
    void notify();

    VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const override { return currentVersionNumber; }

    void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber versionNumber) override {
      if(versionNumber > currentVersionNumber) currentVersionNumber = versionNumber;

    VersionNumber currentVersionNumber;
    /** This function connects DeviceError VariableGroup to ContolSystem*/
    void defineConnections() override;

    mutable Device device;

    DataValidity getDataValidity() const override { return DataValidity::ok; }
    void incrementDataFaultCounter() override {
      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("incrementDataFaultCounter() called on a DeviceModule. This is probably "
                                   "caused by incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
    void decrementDataFaultCounter() override {
      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("decrementDataFaultCounter() called on a DeviceModule. This is probably "
                                   "caused by incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");

    /** Add initialisation handlers to the device.
     *  Initialisation handlers are called after the device has been opended, or after the device is recovering
     *  from an error (i.e. an accessor has thrown an exception and Device::isFunctional() returns true afterwards).
     *  You can add mupltiple handlers. They are executed in the sequence in which they are registered. If a handler
     *  has been registered in the constructor, it is called first.
     *  The handler function is called from the DeviceModule thread (not from the thread with the accessor that threw the exception).
     *  It is handed a pointer to the instance of the DeviceModule
     *  where the handler was registered. The handler function may throw a ChimeraTK::runtime_error, so you don't have to
     *  catch errors thrown when accessing the Device inside the handler. After a handler has thrown an exception, the
     *  following handlers are not called. The DeviceModule will wait until the Device reports isFunctional() again and retry.
     *  The exception is reported to other modules and the control system.
     *  Notice: Especially in network based devices which do not hold a permanent connection, it is not always possible
     *  to predict whether the next read()/write() will succeed. In this case the Device will always report isFunctional()
     *  and one just has to retry. In this case the DeviceModule will start the initialisation sequence every 500 ms.
    void addInitialisationHandler(std::function<void(DeviceModule*)> initialisationHandler);

    /** A trigger that indicated that the device just became available again an error (in contrast to the
      *  error status which is also send when the device goes away).
      *  The output is public so your module can connect to it and trigger re-sending of variables that
      *  have to be send to the device again. e.g. after this has re-booted.
      *  Attention: It is not send the first time the device is being opened. In this case the normal startup
      *  mechanism takes care that the data is send.
      *  Like the deviceError, it is automatically published to the control systen to ensure that there is at least one
      *  consumer connected.
    ScalarOutput<int> deviceBecameFunctional{
        this, "deviceBecameFunctional", "", ""}; // should be changed to data type void

    // populate virtualisedModuleFromCatalog based on the information in the
    // device's catalogue
    VirtualModule& virtualiseFromCatalog() const;

    mutable VirtualModule virtualisedModuleFromCatalog{"INVALID", "", ModuleType::Invalid};
    mutable bool virtualisedModuleFromCatalog_isValid{false};

    std::string deviceAliasOrURI;
    ChimeraTK::RegisterPath registerNamePrefix;

    // List of proxies accessed through the operator[]. This is mutable since
    // it is little more than a cache and thus does not change the logical state
    // of this module
    mutable std::map<std::string, detail::DeviceModuleProxy> proxies;

    // create or return a proxy for a submodule (full hierarchy)
    detail::DeviceModuleProxy& getProxy(const std::string& fullName) const;

    /** A  VariableGroup for exception status and message. It can be protected, as
     * it is automatically connected to the control system in
     * DeviceModule::defineConnections() */
    struct DeviceError : public VariableGroup {
      using VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
      ScalarOutput<int> status{this, "status", "", ""};
      ScalarOutput<std::string> message{this, "message", "", ""};
    DeviceError deviceError{this, "DeviceError", "Error status of the device"};

    /** The thread waiting for reportException(). It runs handleException() */
    boost::thread moduleThread;

    /** Queue used for communication between reportException() and the
     * moduleThread. */
    cppext::future_queue<std::string> errorQueue{5};

    /** Mutex for errorCondVar.
        Attention: In testable mode this mutex must only be locked when holding the testable mode mutex!*/
    std::mutex errorMutex;

    /** This condition variable is used to block reportException() until the error
     * state has been resolved by the moduleThread. */
    std::condition_variable errorIsResolvedCondVar;

    /** This condition variable is used to block the error handling thread until an exception is reported.*/
    std::condition_variable errorIsReportedCondVar;

    /** The error flag (predicate) for the conditionVariable */
    bool deviceHasError{false};

    /** This functions tries to open the device and set the deviceError. Once done it notifies the waiting thread(s).
     *  The function is running an endless loop inside its own thread (moduleThread). */
    void handleException();

    /** List of TransferElements to be written after the device has been opened. This is used to write constant feeders
     *  to the device. */
    std::list<boost::shared_ptr<TransferElement>> writeAfterOpen;

    Application* owner{nullptr};

    mutable bool deviceIsInitialized = false;

    /* The list of initialisation handler callback functions */
    std::list<std::function<void(DeviceModule*)>> initialisationHandlers;

    friend class Application;
    friend struct history::ServerHistory;
    friend class detail::DeviceModuleProxy;

} /* namespace ChimeraTK */